731 results Update with respect to COVID-19 – Regulated Markets Disclosure & Reporting The developments with respect to COVID-19 raise a number of challenges for issuers of securities listed on a regulated market relating to – among other things – disclosure of information and periodic financial reporting. New deal for online deals - EU consumer protection adapted to the digital era As part of the New Deal for Consumers, aimed to strengthen EU consumer protection in light of the digital era, a new Directive 2019/2161 of 27 November 2019 has been adopted. Onze Nieuwjaarswens: breng het gunningscontentieux overheidsopdrachten en concessies volledig naar de Raad van State Onze Nieuwjaarswens: breng het gunningscontentieux overheidsopdrachten en concessies volledig naar de Raad van State! EU Council suggests fundamental changes to proposal for Directive on representative actions The proposed text for a Directive on representative actions for the protection of the collective interests of consumers has radically changed – again. Big tech firms entering banking: be careful what you wish for Big tech firms, whether entering or already active on payments markets, are under scrutiny. PSD2 has opened up the payments markets to non-bank companies, but this comes with both risks and opportunities. Walking a thin line: cooperation and collusion Buying groups are under attack from competition authorities across Europe. FAQ: What to do in case of administrative supervision? Dutch supervisory bodies regularly use inspections to carry out administrative supervision. Tackling Big Tech up-front? Time to stop thinking and start acting Benelux competition authorities have published a joint memorandum on how best to keep up with challenges in fast-moving digital markets. Safeguarding legal privilege: better safe than sorry? The European Court of Justice recently ruled that the European Commission does not have to take additional precautionary measures to respect the right of legal professional privilege when conducting a new dawn raid at the same company. Stibbe advises Circuit Park Zandvoort Stibbe has advised Circuit Park Zandvoort on the necessary permits for the renovation of the circuit to make it possible to host Formula 1 racing in Zandvoort. EBA Publishes Follow-Up Report on 2018 FinTech Roadmap Building on its 2018 FinTech Roadmap, the EBA has issued a report focused on potential impediments to the cross-border provision of banking and payment services. In the 29 October 2019 report, the EBA identifies three regulatory areas in which the further FAQ: environmental permit - decision period, entry into force and irrevocability Many activities that have an impact on the physical environment require an environmental permit pursuant to the Environmental Permitting (General Provisions) Act (Wet algemene bepalingen omgevingsrecht, hereinafter: Wabo). International Comparative Legal Guide to Public Procurement 2020 - Belgium chapter The ICLG to Public Procurement 2020 covers common issues in public procurement laws and regulations – including application of the law to entities and contracts, award procedures, exclusions and exemptions – in 29 jurisdictions. Stibbe boosts service offering in Luxembourg with new partners and counsel for asset management/funds and corporate & finance Stibbe reinforces its corporate & finance and asset management/funds practices in Luxembourg with the hire of Bernard Beerens, Audrey Jarreton, Edouard d’Anterroches, Victorien Hémery, and Dayana Bert. Stibbe launches UBO Webtool In Luxembourg, companies and other legal entities have been required to register their UBO(s) since 31 August 2019. In Belgium, the UBO register is also already operational. The Dutch legislator did not meet the implementation deadline. International Comparative Legal Guide to Public Procurement 2020 - Luxembourg chapter The ICLG to Public Procurement 2020 covers common issues in public procurement laws and regulations – including application of the law to entities and contracts, award procedures, exclusions and exemptions – in 29 jurisdictions. Stibbe announces new Counsel and Of Counsel appointments Brussels, 9 January 2020 – The Brussels office of Stibbe has promoted Delphine Gillet, Jan Proesmans and Sophie Bourgois to Counsel and Elisabeth Baeyens to Of Counsel. Access to the file in Dutch competition procedures: too little too late? Companies beware: the ACM’s and European Commission’s approach to access to the file are not aligned. According to an interim relief judge, the ACM cannot be forced to grant a company access to a broader set of documents in competition procedures. Pagination Previous page Page 15 Current page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Next page
Update with respect to COVID-19 – Regulated Markets Disclosure & Reporting The developments with respect to COVID-19 raise a number of challenges for issuers of securities listed on a regulated market relating to – among other things – disclosure of information and periodic financial reporting.
New deal for online deals - EU consumer protection adapted to the digital era As part of the New Deal for Consumers, aimed to strengthen EU consumer protection in light of the digital era, a new Directive 2019/2161 of 27 November 2019 has been adopted.
Onze Nieuwjaarswens: breng het gunningscontentieux overheidsopdrachten en concessies volledig naar de Raad van State Onze Nieuwjaarswens: breng het gunningscontentieux overheidsopdrachten en concessies volledig naar de Raad van State!
EU Council suggests fundamental changes to proposal for Directive on representative actions The proposed text for a Directive on representative actions for the protection of the collective interests of consumers has radically changed – again.
Big tech firms entering banking: be careful what you wish for Big tech firms, whether entering or already active on payments markets, are under scrutiny. PSD2 has opened up the payments markets to non-bank companies, but this comes with both risks and opportunities.
Walking a thin line: cooperation and collusion Buying groups are under attack from competition authorities across Europe.
FAQ: What to do in case of administrative supervision? Dutch supervisory bodies regularly use inspections to carry out administrative supervision.
Tackling Big Tech up-front? Time to stop thinking and start acting Benelux competition authorities have published a joint memorandum on how best to keep up with challenges in fast-moving digital markets.
Safeguarding legal privilege: better safe than sorry? The European Court of Justice recently ruled that the European Commission does not have to take additional precautionary measures to respect the right of legal professional privilege when conducting a new dawn raid at the same company.
Stibbe advises Circuit Park Zandvoort Stibbe has advised Circuit Park Zandvoort on the necessary permits for the renovation of the circuit to make it possible to host Formula 1 racing in Zandvoort.
EBA Publishes Follow-Up Report on 2018 FinTech Roadmap Building on its 2018 FinTech Roadmap, the EBA has issued a report focused on potential impediments to the cross-border provision of banking and payment services. In the 29 October 2019 report, the EBA identifies three regulatory areas in which the further
FAQ: environmental permit - decision period, entry into force and irrevocability Many activities that have an impact on the physical environment require an environmental permit pursuant to the Environmental Permitting (General Provisions) Act (Wet algemene bepalingen omgevingsrecht, hereinafter: Wabo).
International Comparative Legal Guide to Public Procurement 2020 - Belgium chapter The ICLG to Public Procurement 2020 covers common issues in public procurement laws and regulations – including application of the law to entities and contracts, award procedures, exclusions and exemptions – in 29 jurisdictions.
Stibbe boosts service offering in Luxembourg with new partners and counsel for asset management/funds and corporate & finance Stibbe reinforces its corporate & finance and asset management/funds practices in Luxembourg with the hire of Bernard Beerens, Audrey Jarreton, Edouard d’Anterroches, Victorien Hémery, and Dayana Bert.
Stibbe launches UBO Webtool In Luxembourg, companies and other legal entities have been required to register their UBO(s) since 31 August 2019. In Belgium, the UBO register is also already operational. The Dutch legislator did not meet the implementation deadline.
International Comparative Legal Guide to Public Procurement 2020 - Luxembourg chapter The ICLG to Public Procurement 2020 covers common issues in public procurement laws and regulations – including application of the law to entities and contracts, award procedures, exclusions and exemptions – in 29 jurisdictions.
Stibbe announces new Counsel and Of Counsel appointments Brussels, 9 January 2020 – The Brussels office of Stibbe has promoted Delphine Gillet, Jan Proesmans and Sophie Bourgois to Counsel and Elisabeth Baeyens to Of Counsel.
Access to the file in Dutch competition procedures: too little too late? Companies beware: the ACM’s and European Commission’s approach to access to the file are not aligned. According to an interim relief judge, the ACM cannot be forced to grant a company access to a broader set of documents in competition procedures.