
On a daily basis, we see how important it is that individuals have the chance to develop to their full potential in order to be successful. That they are given the opportunity to broaden their horizons and discover their talents, regardless of their origin or background.

Using our expertise and position in society, we enable young people to seize opportunities, pursue their dreams and ambitions, and overcome any obstacles that stand in the way of their personal growth.

We do this by entering into partnerships with organisations such as IMC Weekendschool, ToekomstATELIERdelAVENIR and Road to Glory that help children and young adults develop knowledge and skills they can use to build a good future. In addition, we work with institutions that enable young talent to develop to the highest level, such as Concertgebouworkest Academy. Also, we support promising start-ups and young entrepreneurs by advising them on potential legal obstacles in the field of business law. Within these partnerships we take an active role, and we collaborate to set up unique and relevant projects.

Every year, Stibbe also takes part in goodwill events and various charity fundraisers.

ITA Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam
Inside Stibbe
NL Law

ITA x Stibbe

As of today, Stibbe is a proud sponsor of International Theater Amsterdam (ITA).

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