20 results Actualiteiten Internationaal Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Ondernemen (IMVO) Op 14 december 2023 hebben de Europese wetgevingsorganen overeenstemming bereikt over de inhoud van de Europese Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (“CSDDD”). Digital antitrust conduct: too elusive to catch? The ink on the Digital Market Act has barely dried, but fast-evolving digital developments already have competition authorities calling for new tools. Is Big Tech not kept in check by the DMA, the antitrust rules and the EU Merger Regulation after all? Developments in DMA land: EU tags Big Tech as first Gatekeepers The European Commission has designated six Tech Giants (Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, ByteDance, Meta and Microsoft) as gatekeepers for 22 core platform services under the Digital Markets Act (DMA). Hof van Justitie: enkele verplichtingen KRW gelden niet voor kleine meren (deel VII) In deze bijdrage, de zevende in de reeks, gaan wij in op een arrest van het Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie van 25 april 2024 over de vraag of de verplichtingen uit de Kaderrichtlijn Water ook gelden voor kleinere wateren. Inbreukprocedure Europese Commissie tegen Nederland: herziening en evaluatie van watervergunningen vereist op grond van de KRW (deel IX) Deze blog gaat over de inbreukprocedure van de Europese Commissie tegen Nederland ten aanzien van de evaluatie van watervergunningen op grond van de Kaderrichtlijn Water. Ook bespreken wij de aanpak van de wetgever en de betekenis voor de praktijk. European Commission’s infringement procedure against the Netherlands: review and evaluation of water permits required under the WFD This blog addresses the European Commission's infringement procedure against the Netherlands regarding the evaluation of water licences under the Water Framework Directive, the Dutch legislature's approach and the consequences for issued permits. Widening the net: The Dutch government proposes to broaden the scope of the Vifo Act The Vifo Act continues to evolve: Dutch government to extend the scope of the general Dutch FDI screening regime to cover six additional technologies. EU Compass: Boosting competitiveness as North Star Are ‘European champion’ companies walled off from unfair (foreign) competition the future? The European Commission recently presented its Competitiveness Compass to navigate the European Union to strengthened competitiveness. No proof of competitive disadvantage? No abusive favouritism Companies claiming abuse of dominance in civil proceedings have their work cut out for them, as demonstrated by a ruling of the Amsterdam Court of Appeal. Real estate association VBO had accused dominant online platform Funda of favouritism. However, in l Gun jumping: beware, the Commission will take action The Commission has imposed interim measures on Illumina and GRAIL. These measures include the obligation to run GRAIL by independent management. Back to the future – Commission publishes roadmap for green and digital challenges The Commission’s Communication “A competition policy fit for new challenges” (the “Communication”) identifies key areas in which competition law and policy can support European efforts in dealing with the challenges of the green and digital transitions. ECJ: private enforcement in aviation sector also a national court's game Recently, the ECJ ruled that national courts dealing with private enforcement cases are competent to apply EU competition law to historical behaviour in the aviation sector. Google Shopping: self-preferencing is a form of abuse of dominance On 10 November 2021, the General Court (GC) almost entirely dismissed Google’s action against the European Commission’s Google Shopping decision. ACM study calls for regulation of Big Techs on payment market The ACM’s market study, published on 1 December 2020, provides an overview of recent and upcoming developments concerning the role of Big Tech companies in both online and offline payment markets in the Netherlands. Belanghebbende in het omgevingsrecht: een steeds hogere drempel? De Afdeling hanteert sinds enige jaren een vaste jurisprudentielijn ten aanzien van het belanghebbende-begrip in het omgevingsrecht. Slovak Telekom: ECJ on essentials of the ‘essential facilities’ doctrine Only dominant companies with a “genuinely tight grip” on the market can be forced to grant rivals access to their infrastructure. Stibbe advises Forum Estates A team of Stibbe’s Real Estate Transaction Group in Amsterdam advised Belgian real estate fund Forum Estates with the acquisition of three grocery stores (4,300m2) in The Netherlands. Game on for gatekeepers: Digital Markets Act finalised Now that political agreement has been reached on the final text, the Digital Markets Act (DMA) will enter into force soon. The DMA’s ex ante rules and obligations will apply next to the ad hoc EU and national competition rules. Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Next page
Actualiteiten Internationaal Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Ondernemen (IMVO) Op 14 december 2023 hebben de Europese wetgevingsorganen overeenstemming bereikt over de inhoud van de Europese Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (“CSDDD”).
Digital antitrust conduct: too elusive to catch? The ink on the Digital Market Act has barely dried, but fast-evolving digital developments already have competition authorities calling for new tools. Is Big Tech not kept in check by the DMA, the antitrust rules and the EU Merger Regulation after all?
Developments in DMA land: EU tags Big Tech as first Gatekeepers The European Commission has designated six Tech Giants (Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, ByteDance, Meta and Microsoft) as gatekeepers for 22 core platform services under the Digital Markets Act (DMA).
Hof van Justitie: enkele verplichtingen KRW gelden niet voor kleine meren (deel VII) In deze bijdrage, de zevende in de reeks, gaan wij in op een arrest van het Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie van 25 april 2024 over de vraag of de verplichtingen uit de Kaderrichtlijn Water ook gelden voor kleinere wateren.
Inbreukprocedure Europese Commissie tegen Nederland: herziening en evaluatie van watervergunningen vereist op grond van de KRW (deel IX) Deze blog gaat over de inbreukprocedure van de Europese Commissie tegen Nederland ten aanzien van de evaluatie van watervergunningen op grond van de Kaderrichtlijn Water. Ook bespreken wij de aanpak van de wetgever en de betekenis voor de praktijk.
European Commission’s infringement procedure against the Netherlands: review and evaluation of water permits required under the WFD This blog addresses the European Commission's infringement procedure against the Netherlands regarding the evaluation of water licences under the Water Framework Directive, the Dutch legislature's approach and the consequences for issued permits.
Widening the net: The Dutch government proposes to broaden the scope of the Vifo Act The Vifo Act continues to evolve: Dutch government to extend the scope of the general Dutch FDI screening regime to cover six additional technologies.
EU Compass: Boosting competitiveness as North Star Are ‘European champion’ companies walled off from unfair (foreign) competition the future? The European Commission recently presented its Competitiveness Compass to navigate the European Union to strengthened competitiveness.
No proof of competitive disadvantage? No abusive favouritism Companies claiming abuse of dominance in civil proceedings have their work cut out for them, as demonstrated by a ruling of the Amsterdam Court of Appeal. Real estate association VBO had accused dominant online platform Funda of favouritism. However, in l
Gun jumping: beware, the Commission will take action The Commission has imposed interim measures on Illumina and GRAIL. These measures include the obligation to run GRAIL by independent management.
Back to the future – Commission publishes roadmap for green and digital challenges The Commission’s Communication “A competition policy fit for new challenges” (the “Communication”) identifies key areas in which competition law and policy can support European efforts in dealing with the challenges of the green and digital transitions.
ECJ: private enforcement in aviation sector also a national court's game Recently, the ECJ ruled that national courts dealing with private enforcement cases are competent to apply EU competition law to historical behaviour in the aviation sector.
Google Shopping: self-preferencing is a form of abuse of dominance On 10 November 2021, the General Court (GC) almost entirely dismissed Google’s action against the European Commission’s Google Shopping decision.
ACM study calls for regulation of Big Techs on payment market The ACM’s market study, published on 1 December 2020, provides an overview of recent and upcoming developments concerning the role of Big Tech companies in both online and offline payment markets in the Netherlands.
Belanghebbende in het omgevingsrecht: een steeds hogere drempel? De Afdeling hanteert sinds enige jaren een vaste jurisprudentielijn ten aanzien van het belanghebbende-begrip in het omgevingsrecht.
Slovak Telekom: ECJ on essentials of the ‘essential facilities’ doctrine Only dominant companies with a “genuinely tight grip” on the market can be forced to grant rivals access to their infrastructure.
Stibbe advises Forum Estates A team of Stibbe’s Real Estate Transaction Group in Amsterdam advised Belgian real estate fund Forum Estates with the acquisition of three grocery stores (4,300m2) in The Netherlands.
Game on for gatekeepers: Digital Markets Act finalised Now that political agreement has been reached on the final text, the Digital Markets Act (DMA) will enter into force soon. The DMA’s ex ante rules and obligations will apply next to the ad hoc EU and national competition rules.