606 results Energieprojecten op gronden van de overheid: overheidsopdracht, concessie of geen van beide? De Raad van State oordeelde in een arrest van 8 december 2022 of er sprake is van een overheidsopdracht, een concessie of geen van beide in situaties waarin een overheid gronden ter beschikking stelt voor de ontwikkeling van energieprojecten. De herziene Netwerk- en Informatiebeveiligingsrichtlijn De Netwerk- en Informatiebeveiligingsrichtlijn (NIS 1) beoogt overkoepelende doelen en waarden te creëren, die bedrijven en organisaties naar eigen inzicht, maar bezien vanuit de betreffende cyberrisico’s, dienen na te streven en te bewerkstelligen. The revised Network and Information Security Directive: enhancing EU cybersecurity standards More businesses and organisations will have to strengthen their cybersecurity strategies, as the European legislator revised the NIS Directive. NIS 2 will impose stricter cybersecurity obligations on more organisations. International Comparative Legal Guide - Insurance & Reinsurance 2023 - Belgium Chapter The ICLG to Insurance & Reinsurance covers common issues in insurance and reinsurance laws and regulations – including regulatory authorities and procedures, (re)insurance claims, litigation – overview, litigation – procedure and arbitration. French supermarket dawn raids down the drain On 9 March 2023, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruled that the European Commission should properly record interviews if they are used to gather information regarding the subject matter of the investigation. ECJ in Towercast: plan C for tackling concentrations? Companies beware: completed non-notifiable concentrations do not necessarily go scot-free. An ex post abuse-of-dominance investigation by national competition authorities (NCA) could still loom. Guidelines vs Guidance: exclusionary abuse Guidelines due by 2025 The European Commission is seeking feedback on the adoption of Guidelines on exclusionary abuses of dominance under Article 102 TFEU. In the meantime, the Commission has amended its 2008 Guidance. Informal views issued in agricultural industry and banana sector The Belgian Competition Authority (BCA) informally accepted a commitment agreed by the partners of the Belgian Agro Food Chain Platform, limiting the possibility to contractually exclude the theory of change of circumstances. Proposal for a Directive to prevent misuse of shell entities (ATAD 3) and the amendments proposed by the European Parliament In mid-January 2023, the European Parliament approved the European Commission’s draft directive to prevent misuse of shell entities for tax purposes (known as ATAD 3), as amended by its Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs. Meta Ireland fined €390 million for unlawful legal basis Ireland's data protection authority (the DPC) announced its final decision regarding Meta Ireland's Facebook and Instagram services on 4 January 2023. Data Privacy Day 2023: highlighting the most impactful ECJ judgments from the past year In recent years, the ECJ has issued landmark judgments with far-yielding consequences for data controllers and data processors. To celebrate Data Privacy Day 2023, we highlighted the most impactful judgments of the ECJ from the past year. Abuse: an access request you can’t refuse? The European Court of Justice has confirmed that the essential facilities test is limited to ‘pure’ access cases. Infringement of a regulatory access obligation must be assessed under the general framework for abuse of dominance. Belgian Competition Authority opens first hybrid cartel proceedings In the first hybrid cartel proceedings by the Belgian Competition Authority, the Prosecutor recently submitted a draft decision to condemn and impose a fine on pharmaceutical wholesaler CERP SA for allegedly participating in anticompetitive practices. The ACM’s priorities in 2023: the energy transition, digitalisation, and sustainability On 26 January 2023, the ACM announced that its priorities for 2023 would be the energy transition, the digital economy, and sustainability. This agenda is unsurprising in view of the ACM’s recent policy statements and enforcement actions. Belgian DPA rules on employee geographic tracking by public authorities On 21 February 2023, the litigation chamber of the Belgian data protection authority has ruled on the legitimacy of the geographic tracking of employees by a public authority. Three months after the UBO-case – Where do we stand and what’s next? This article looks at the aftermath of the UBO case invalidating the general access to UBO data, and looks at what lies ahead for companies and member states, and specifically at Belgium's recent regulatory action. The EU Green Bond Standard In the blog below, Jeroen van Eck of our Financial Markets team looks back on, and ahead to, the developments surrounding green bonds in the EU. The future of nuclear power in the Netherlands (part 2): Borssele preferred site for two new nuclear power plants On 9 December 2022, Minister Jetten for Climate and Energy presented to the Second Chamber of the House of Representatives his further elaboration of the coalition agreement's intentions on nuclear energy. Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Next page
Energieprojecten op gronden van de overheid: overheidsopdracht, concessie of geen van beide? De Raad van State oordeelde in een arrest van 8 december 2022 of er sprake is van een overheidsopdracht, een concessie of geen van beide in situaties waarin een overheid gronden ter beschikking stelt voor de ontwikkeling van energieprojecten.
De herziene Netwerk- en Informatiebeveiligingsrichtlijn De Netwerk- en Informatiebeveiligingsrichtlijn (NIS 1) beoogt overkoepelende doelen en waarden te creëren, die bedrijven en organisaties naar eigen inzicht, maar bezien vanuit de betreffende cyberrisico’s, dienen na te streven en te bewerkstelligen.
The revised Network and Information Security Directive: enhancing EU cybersecurity standards More businesses and organisations will have to strengthen their cybersecurity strategies, as the European legislator revised the NIS Directive. NIS 2 will impose stricter cybersecurity obligations on more organisations.
International Comparative Legal Guide - Insurance & Reinsurance 2023 - Belgium Chapter The ICLG to Insurance & Reinsurance covers common issues in insurance and reinsurance laws and regulations – including regulatory authorities and procedures, (re)insurance claims, litigation – overview, litigation – procedure and arbitration.
French supermarket dawn raids down the drain On 9 March 2023, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruled that the European Commission should properly record interviews if they are used to gather information regarding the subject matter of the investigation.
ECJ in Towercast: plan C for tackling concentrations? Companies beware: completed non-notifiable concentrations do not necessarily go scot-free. An ex post abuse-of-dominance investigation by national competition authorities (NCA) could still loom.
Guidelines vs Guidance: exclusionary abuse Guidelines due by 2025 The European Commission is seeking feedback on the adoption of Guidelines on exclusionary abuses of dominance under Article 102 TFEU. In the meantime, the Commission has amended its 2008 Guidance.
Informal views issued in agricultural industry and banana sector The Belgian Competition Authority (BCA) informally accepted a commitment agreed by the partners of the Belgian Agro Food Chain Platform, limiting the possibility to contractually exclude the theory of change of circumstances.
Proposal for a Directive to prevent misuse of shell entities (ATAD 3) and the amendments proposed by the European Parliament In mid-January 2023, the European Parliament approved the European Commission’s draft directive to prevent misuse of shell entities for tax purposes (known as ATAD 3), as amended by its Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs.
Meta Ireland fined €390 million for unlawful legal basis Ireland's data protection authority (the DPC) announced its final decision regarding Meta Ireland's Facebook and Instagram services on 4 January 2023.
Data Privacy Day 2023: highlighting the most impactful ECJ judgments from the past year In recent years, the ECJ has issued landmark judgments with far-yielding consequences for data controllers and data processors. To celebrate Data Privacy Day 2023, we highlighted the most impactful judgments of the ECJ from the past year.
Abuse: an access request you can’t refuse? The European Court of Justice has confirmed that the essential facilities test is limited to ‘pure’ access cases. Infringement of a regulatory access obligation must be assessed under the general framework for abuse of dominance.
Belgian Competition Authority opens first hybrid cartel proceedings In the first hybrid cartel proceedings by the Belgian Competition Authority, the Prosecutor recently submitted a draft decision to condemn and impose a fine on pharmaceutical wholesaler CERP SA for allegedly participating in anticompetitive practices.
The ACM’s priorities in 2023: the energy transition, digitalisation, and sustainability On 26 January 2023, the ACM announced that its priorities for 2023 would be the energy transition, the digital economy, and sustainability. This agenda is unsurprising in view of the ACM’s recent policy statements and enforcement actions.
Belgian DPA rules on employee geographic tracking by public authorities On 21 February 2023, the litigation chamber of the Belgian data protection authority has ruled on the legitimacy of the geographic tracking of employees by a public authority.
Three months after the UBO-case – Where do we stand and what’s next? This article looks at the aftermath of the UBO case invalidating the general access to UBO data, and looks at what lies ahead for companies and member states, and specifically at Belgium's recent regulatory action.
The EU Green Bond Standard In the blog below, Jeroen van Eck of our Financial Markets team looks back on, and ahead to, the developments surrounding green bonds in the EU.
The future of nuclear power in the Netherlands (part 2): Borssele preferred site for two new nuclear power plants On 9 December 2022, Minister Jetten for Climate and Energy presented to the Second Chamber of the House of Representatives his further elaboration of the coalition agreement's intentions on nuclear energy.