23 results Het nieuwe privacybeleid van tiktok: nieuwe privacy-issues op de loer TikTok is een inmiddels welbekende van origine Chinese social media-app waarop korte filmpjes kunnen worden opgenomen en gedeeld. Sinds de app in 2017 werd uitgebracht, heeft de populariteit van TikTok een enorme vlucht genomen. International Comparative Legal Guide - Patents Law & Regulations - Belgium Chapter The ICLG to Patents Law & Regulations covers common issues in patent laws and regulations â including enforcement, amendment, licensing, term extension, and prosecution. Stibbe StartsUp attends the Next Web Event Stibbe StartsUp will be attending the Next Web Event (TNW) in Amsterdam on 15 and 16 June 2023. Stibbe StartsUP welcomes Sumthing Stibbe is delighted to announce that Sumthing is the latest participant to join the Stibbe StartsUP programme. Ingmar de Groot Partner Amsterdam Online marketplace's liability for trademark infringement While online shopping is booming in such period of COVID-19 outbreak, the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) recently decided that Amazon cannot be accused of trade mark infringement. Philippe Campolini co-authored a book dedicated to the protection of trade secrets in Belgium The book, entitled 'Secrets d'Affaires' explores the EU Trade Secrets Directive and its implementation in Belgian law, covering key concepts, lawful/unlawful acts, contract implications, and trade secret protection in administrative law. Dutch fintech Action Plan - stimulating growth in the Dutch fintech sector On 3 July 2020, the Dutch Minister of Finance and the Secretary of State for Economic Affairs published an action plan to support the Dutch Fintech sector. De gevolgen van de coronacrisis voor zzpâers Niet alleen werkgevers en werknemers worden getroffen door de maatregelen tegen de uitbraak van het coronavirus (COVID-19), ook voor zzpâers zijn de gevolgen groot. Philippe Campolini authored the Belgian chapter of EPO's country-by-country overview on patent enforcement in Europe The European Patent Academy, along with authors across Europe, presents a comprehensive guide on patent enforcement across 38 EPC states. Discover measures to safeguard patent rights and relevant national procedures in this harmonization effort. TenderNed en Klic-viewer: innoveren met overheidsinformatie kan een riskante onderneming zijn Aanbieders van online-diensten en applicaties kunnen niet altijd rekenen op bescherming van hun marktpositie op basis van de staatssteun- en mededingingsregels. Dit blijkt uit een onlangs gewezen uitspraak van de hoogste Unierechter. NFTs: New legal challenges on the horizon In this blog Maciek Bednarski, Annemijn Witkam and Roderik Vrolijk explain what NFTs are and describe some of the legal challenges they will bring about. Ignace Vernimme and Philippe Campolini authored the article âCovid-19: the Belgian perspectiveâ Ignace Vernimme and Philippe Campolini contributed to the 2020 edition of the IBA Healthcare and Life Sciences Law Committee e-bulletin. Online platforms and uploading of protected works: no direct liability for operators of online platforms According to the Advocate General, operators of online platforms are not directly liable for the illegal uploading of protected works by the users of those platforms. Stibbe advises TCV Stibbe advised TCV on leading a EUR 90 million Series B funding round for Mollie, one of the fastest growing payment service providers in Europe. Courts take lenient approach to standing of âidealisticâ claim foundations under Dutch class action regime Recent case law on the standing of âidealisticâ claim foundations shows courtsâ lenient approach. Online platforms and uploading of protected works: a priori no liability for operators of online platforms In a judgment dated 22 June 2021, the CJEU clarifies the liability framework of online platform operators when content protected by copyright is uploaded by platform users. Digital Law Up(to)date: Art. 17 of directive 2019/790 is valid The CJEU validates the new liability regime for large online platforms organised by article 17 of the directive 2019/790 on copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market. Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Next page
Het nieuwe privacybeleid van tiktok: nieuwe privacy-issues op de loer TikTok is een inmiddels welbekende van origine Chinese social media-app waarop korte filmpjes kunnen worden opgenomen en gedeeld. Sinds de app in 2017 werd uitgebracht, heeft de populariteit van TikTok een enorme vlucht genomen.
International Comparative Legal Guide - Patents Law & Regulations - Belgium Chapter The ICLG to Patents Law & Regulations covers common issues in patent laws and regulations â including enforcement, amendment, licensing, term extension, and prosecution.
Stibbe StartsUp attends the Next Web Event Stibbe StartsUp will be attending the Next Web Event (TNW) in Amsterdam on 15 and 16 June 2023.
Stibbe StartsUP welcomes Sumthing Stibbe is delighted to announce that Sumthing is the latest participant to join the Stibbe StartsUP programme.
Online marketplace's liability for trademark infringement While online shopping is booming in such period of COVID-19 outbreak, the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) recently decided that Amazon cannot be accused of trade mark infringement.
Philippe Campolini co-authored a book dedicated to the protection of trade secrets in Belgium The book, entitled 'Secrets d'Affaires' explores the EU Trade Secrets Directive and its implementation in Belgian law, covering key concepts, lawful/unlawful acts, contract implications, and trade secret protection in administrative law.
Dutch fintech Action Plan - stimulating growth in the Dutch fintech sector On 3 July 2020, the Dutch Minister of Finance and the Secretary of State for Economic Affairs published an action plan to support the Dutch Fintech sector.Â
De gevolgen van de coronacrisis voor zzpâers Niet alleen werkgevers en werknemers worden getroffen door de maatregelen tegen de uitbraak van het coronavirus (COVID-19), ook voor zzpâers zijn de gevolgen groot.
Philippe Campolini authored the Belgian chapter of EPO's country-by-country overview on patent enforcement in Europe The European Patent Academy, along with authors across Europe, presents a comprehensive guide on patent enforcement across 38 EPC states. Discover measures to safeguard patent rights and relevant national procedures in this harmonization effort.
TenderNed en Klic-viewer: innoveren met overheidsinformatie kan een riskante onderneming zijn Aanbieders van online-diensten en applicaties kunnen niet altijd rekenen op bescherming van hun marktpositie op basis van de staatssteun- en mededingingsregels. Dit blijkt uit een onlangs gewezen uitspraak van de hoogste Unierechter.
NFTs: New legal challenges on the horizon In this blog Maciek Bednarski, Annemijn Witkam and Roderik Vrolijk explain what NFTs are and describe some of the legal challenges they will bring about.
Ignace Vernimme and Philippe Campolini authored the article âCovid-19: the Belgian perspectiveâ Ignace Vernimme and Philippe Campolini contributed to the 2020 edition of the IBA Healthcare and Life Sciences Law Committee e-bulletin.
Online platforms and uploading of protected works: no direct liability for operators of online platforms According to the Advocate General, operators of online platforms are not directly liable for the illegal uploading of protected works by the users of those platforms.
Stibbe advises TCV Stibbe advised TCV on leading a EUR 90 million Series B funding round for Mollie, one of the fastest growing payment service providers in Europe.
Courts take lenient approach to standing of âidealisticâ claim foundations under Dutch class action regime Recent case law on the standing of âidealisticâ claim foundations shows courtsâ lenient approach.
Online platforms and uploading of protected works: a priori no liability for operators of online platforms In a judgment dated 22 June 2021, the CJEUÂ clarifies the liability framework of online platform operators when content protected by copyright is uploaded by platform users.
Digital Law Up(to)date: Art. 17 of directive 2019/790 is valid The CJEU validates the new liability regime for large online platforms organised by article 17 of the directive 2019/790 on copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market.