151 results Digital Law Up(to)date: EDPB guidelines on facial recognition in the area of law enforcement The European Data Protection Board adopted on 12 May 2022 Guidelines 05/2022 on the use of facial recognition technology in the area of law enforcement. Digital Law Up(to)date: Approval of the Data Governance Act by the Council of the EU The Council of the European Union adopted the Data Governance Act. The new regulation promotes the availability of data and builds a trustworthy environment to facilitate their use for research and the creation of innovative new services and products. Digital Law Up(to)date: Art. 17 of directive 2019/790 is valid The CJEU validates the new liability regime for large online platforms organised by article 17 of the directive 2019/790 on copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market. Digital Law Up(to)date: Clarification by the CJEU on the retention of traffic and location electronic communications data for the purpose of combating serious crime The Grand Chamber of the CJEU confirms that EU law precludes national legislative measures which provide for the general and indiscriminate retention of traffic and location data relating to e-communications, for the purpose of combating serious crime. De journalistieke vrijheid van (publieke) omroepen en het EVRM: overheden mogen eisen stellen aan journalistieke integriteit Recent is in Nederland de discussie opgelaaid over de (journalistieke) vrijheid van publieke omroepen. De Nederlandse Publieke Omroep (“NPO”) overweegt om Ongehoord Nederland een financiële sanctie op te leggen. Digital Law Up(to)date: Cookies on Belgian press sites - A second DPA decision against Rossel The Belgian DPA fined Groupe Rossel for several breaches of the GDPR on three of its websites. Kamerdebat over digitalisering van de overheid: aandacht voor bescherming burger vereist Op 24 september 2019 zijn er vier moties in stemming gebracht én aangenomen door de Tweede Kamer. De moties hebben als gemeenschappelijke deler dat ze in het teken staan van de steeds groter wordende digitalisering bij de overheid. Dutch national police service liable for unlawful granting of firearms permit In a recent decision (ECLI:NL:HR:2019:1409), the Supreme Court has decided that the Dutch national police force is liable for damage suffered by victims of a shooting which took place in a shopping centre in 2011; an event that shocked the Netherlands. Stibbe advises Investcorp Stibbe advises Investcorp, a leading global manager of alternative investments, on the sale of SecureLink, one of the largest dedicated cybersecurity infrastructure and managed services providers in Europe, to global telecoms group Orange. Can you rely on your contract to process personal data? The EDPB adopted on 9 April 2019 a set of draft guidelines on personal data processing under Article 6(1)(b) GDPR in the context of providing online services to data subjects. ICO to impose record-breaking fines for inadequate security measures and data breaches Though the European data protection authorities have taken their time in enforcing the GDPR two announcements by the ICO in the UK regarding proposed fines for British Airways and Marriott demonstrate that large fines are about to start landing regularly. Stibbe advises ABN AMRO Stibbe advises ABN AMRO on the sale of a majority stake in Stater to Infosys. Regulating online platforms: piece of the puzzle The new Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on promoting fairness and transparency for business users of online intermediation services, is another piece of the puzzle regulating online platforms. Companies unprepared for increasing cyber risks Companies increasingly face cybercrime incidents. Stibbe offers tailor-made solutions. European Data Protection Board provides welcoming guidance on the territorial scope of the GDPR If personal data of a Korean employee working for a U.S. company is processed in the HR department in London, does the GDPR apply? Is the GPDR applicable to a Dutch customer visiting the website of a Canadian company? Ook WhatsApp- en sms-berichten op privételefoons vallen onder Wet openbaarheid van bestuur De Afdeling bestuursrechtspraak van de Raad van State heeft in een uitspraak van 20 maart 2019 (ECLI:NL:RVS:2019:899) bevestigd dat ook WhatsApp- en sms-berichten onder de reikwijdte van de Wet openbaarheid van bestuur (Wob) vallen. Stibbe advises on the IPO of Philips Lighting Stibbe advises Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan (as joint global coordinators) and the other underwriters on the IPO of Philips Lighting. Stibbe assists major telecom operator Stibbe assisted a major telecom operator with a large-scale cyber attack on its company systems. Pagination Previous page Page 5 Current page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Next page
Digital Law Up(to)date: EDPB guidelines on facial recognition in the area of law enforcement The European Data Protection Board adopted on 12 May 2022 Guidelines 05/2022 on the use of facial recognition technology in the area of law enforcement.
Digital Law Up(to)date: Approval of the Data Governance Act by the Council of the EU The Council of the European Union adopted the Data Governance Act. The new regulation promotes the availability of data and builds a trustworthy environment to facilitate their use for research and the creation of innovative new services and products.
Digital Law Up(to)date: Art. 17 of directive 2019/790 is valid The CJEU validates the new liability regime for large online platforms organised by article 17 of the directive 2019/790 on copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market.
Digital Law Up(to)date: Clarification by the CJEU on the retention of traffic and location electronic communications data for the purpose of combating serious crime The Grand Chamber of the CJEU confirms that EU law precludes national legislative measures which provide for the general and indiscriminate retention of traffic and location data relating to e-communications, for the purpose of combating serious crime.
De journalistieke vrijheid van (publieke) omroepen en het EVRM: overheden mogen eisen stellen aan journalistieke integriteit Recent is in Nederland de discussie opgelaaid over de (journalistieke) vrijheid van publieke omroepen. De Nederlandse Publieke Omroep (“NPO”) overweegt om Ongehoord Nederland een financiële sanctie op te leggen.
Digital Law Up(to)date: Cookies on Belgian press sites - A second DPA decision against Rossel The Belgian DPA fined Groupe Rossel for several breaches of the GDPR on three of its websites.
Kamerdebat over digitalisering van de overheid: aandacht voor bescherming burger vereist Op 24 september 2019 zijn er vier moties in stemming gebracht én aangenomen door de Tweede Kamer. De moties hebben als gemeenschappelijke deler dat ze in het teken staan van de steeds groter wordende digitalisering bij de overheid.
Dutch national police service liable for unlawful granting of firearms permit In a recent decision (ECLI:NL:HR:2019:1409), the Supreme Court has decided that the Dutch national police force is liable for damage suffered by victims of a shooting which took place in a shopping centre in 2011; an event that shocked the Netherlands.
Stibbe advises Investcorp Stibbe advises Investcorp, a leading global manager of alternative investments, on the sale of SecureLink, one of the largest dedicated cybersecurity infrastructure and managed services providers in Europe, to global telecoms group Orange.
Can you rely on your contract to process personal data? The EDPB adopted on 9 April 2019 a set of draft guidelines on personal data processing under Article 6(1)(b) GDPR in the context of providing online services to data subjects.
ICO to impose record-breaking fines for inadequate security measures and data breaches Though the European data protection authorities have taken their time in enforcing the GDPR two announcements by the ICO in the UK regarding proposed fines for British Airways and Marriott demonstrate that large fines are about to start landing regularly.
Stibbe advises ABN AMRO Stibbe advises ABN AMRO on the sale of a majority stake in Stater to Infosys.
Regulating online platforms: piece of the puzzle The new Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on promoting fairness and transparency for business users of online intermediation services, is another piece of the puzzle regulating online platforms.
Companies unprepared for increasing cyber risks Companies increasingly face cybercrime incidents. Stibbe offers tailor-made solutions.
European Data Protection Board provides welcoming guidance on the territorial scope of the GDPR If personal data of a Korean employee working for a U.S. company is processed in the HR department in London, does the GDPR apply? Is the GPDR applicable to a Dutch customer visiting the website of a Canadian company?
Ook WhatsApp- en sms-berichten op privételefoons vallen onder Wet openbaarheid van bestuur De Afdeling bestuursrechtspraak van de Raad van State heeft in een uitspraak van 20 maart 2019 (ECLI:NL:RVS:2019:899) bevestigd dat ook WhatsApp- en sms-berichten onder de reikwijdte van de Wet openbaarheid van bestuur (Wob) vallen.
Stibbe advises on the IPO of Philips Lighting Stibbe advises Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan (as joint global coordinators) and the other underwriters on the IPO of Philips Lighting.
Stibbe assists major telecom operator Stibbe assisted a major telecom operator with a large-scale cyber attack on its company systems.