222 results ACM geeft bedrijven meer ruimte om samen te werken voor klimaat- en milieudoelen De Autoriteit Consument & Markt (ACM) wil dat Nederlandse bedrijven meer ruimte krijgen om samen te werken op het gebied van duurzaamheid. Return to sender: Court annuls ministerial unblocking of postal merger The Rotterdam District Court has annulled the Dutch Minister’s very first clearance of a blocked merger (between postal operators PostNL and Sandd), on grounds of public interest. Swifter merger clearance and shorter merger filings in Belgium Companies can expect swifter merger clearance and simpler filing rules in Belgium. The Belgian Competition Authority has published a communication with additional rules concerning the simplified procedure for certain types of concentrations. CBb confirms: no cartel fine, still interest to appeal cartel decision Companies can challenge a decision establishing that they committed a competition law violation, even if no fine was imposed on them. Commission’s objectives in the digital sector focus on “fairness" On 19 February 2020, the European Commission revealed the first pillars of its strategic and policy objectives in the digital space over the next five years. ECJ confirms: gun jumping is double trouble Companies beware: the European Court of Justice has confirmed the Commission’s practice of imposing two separate fines for gun jumping. Consumers and Sustainability: 2020 competition enforcement buzzwords The ACM will include the effects of mergers on labour conditions in its review. It will also investigate excessive pricing of prescription drugs. CDC/Kemira: Amsterdam Court of Appeal applies European principle of effectiveness to limitation periods In a private enforcement case brought by CDC against Kemira, the Amsterdam Court of Appeal applies the European principle of effectiveness and rules that claims are not time-barred under Spanish, Finnish and Swedish law. Den Bosch Court of Appeal revives damages claims in Dutch prestressing steel litigation On 28 January 2020, the Court of Appeal of Den Bosch issued a ruling in the Dutch prestressing steel litigation. No full judicial review of each document seized during dawn raid Companies should keep a careful record of which documents the Belgian Competition Authorities seize during a dawn raid. The ACM may cast the net wide in cartel investigations Companies beware: the ACM may not need to specify the scope of its investigation into suspected cartel infringements in as much detail as expected. Pay-for-delay: brightened lines between object and effect restrictions In its first pay-for-delay case, the ECJ has clarified the criteria determining whether settlement agreements between a patent holder of a pharmaceutical product and a generic manufacturer may have as their object or effect to restrict EU competition law. New deal for online deals - EU consumer protection adapted to the digital era As part of the New Deal for Consumers, aimed to strengthen EU consumer protection in light of the digital era, a new Directive 2019/2161 of 27 November 2019 has been adopted. TenderNed en Klic-viewer: innoveren met overheidsinformatie kan een riskante onderneming zijn Aanbieders van online-diensten en applicaties kunnen niet altijd rekenen op bescherming van hun marktpositie op basis van de staatssteun- en mededingingsregels. Dit blijkt uit een onlangs gewezen uitspraak van de hoogste Unierechter. Big tech firms entering banking: be careful what you wish for Big tech firms, whether entering or already active on payments markets, are under scrutiny. PSD2 has opened up the payments markets to non-bank companies, but this comes with both risks and opportunities. Walking a thin line: cooperation and collusion Buying groups are under attack from competition authorities across Europe. Tackling Big Tech up-front? Time to stop thinking and start acting Benelux competition authorities have published a joint memorandum on how best to keep up with challenges in fast-moving digital markets. Safeguarding legal privilege: better safe than sorry? The European Court of Justice recently ruled that the European Commission does not have to take additional precautionary measures to respect the right of legal professional privilege when conducting a new dawn raid at the same company. Pagination Previous page Page 4 Current page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Next page
ACM geeft bedrijven meer ruimte om samen te werken voor klimaat- en milieudoelen De Autoriteit Consument & Markt (ACM) wil dat Nederlandse bedrijven meer ruimte krijgen om samen te werken op het gebied van duurzaamheid.
Return to sender: Court annuls ministerial unblocking of postal merger The Rotterdam District Court has annulled the Dutch Minister’s very first clearance of a blocked merger (between postal operators PostNL and Sandd), on grounds of public interest.
Swifter merger clearance and shorter merger filings in Belgium Companies can expect swifter merger clearance and simpler filing rules in Belgium. The Belgian Competition Authority has published a communication with additional rules concerning the simplified procedure for certain types of concentrations.
CBb confirms: no cartel fine, still interest to appeal cartel decision Companies can challenge a decision establishing that they committed a competition law violation, even if no fine was imposed on them.
Commission’s objectives in the digital sector focus on “fairness" On 19 February 2020, the European Commission revealed the first pillars of its strategic and policy objectives in the digital space over the next five years.
ECJ confirms: gun jumping is double trouble Companies beware: the European Court of Justice has confirmed the Commission’s practice of imposing two separate fines for gun jumping.
Consumers and Sustainability: 2020 competition enforcement buzzwords The ACM will include the effects of mergers on labour conditions in its review. It will also investigate excessive pricing of prescription drugs.
CDC/Kemira: Amsterdam Court of Appeal applies European principle of effectiveness to limitation periods In a private enforcement case brought by CDC against Kemira, the Amsterdam Court of Appeal applies the European principle of effectiveness and rules that claims are not time-barred under Spanish, Finnish and Swedish law.
Den Bosch Court of Appeal revives damages claims in Dutch prestressing steel litigation On 28 January 2020, the Court of Appeal of Den Bosch issued a ruling in the Dutch prestressing steel litigation.
No full judicial review of each document seized during dawn raid Companies should keep a careful record of which documents the Belgian Competition Authorities seize during a dawn raid.
The ACM may cast the net wide in cartel investigations Companies beware: the ACM may not need to specify the scope of its investigation into suspected cartel infringements in as much detail as expected.
Pay-for-delay: brightened lines between object and effect restrictions In its first pay-for-delay case, the ECJ has clarified the criteria determining whether settlement agreements between a patent holder of a pharmaceutical product and a generic manufacturer may have as their object or effect to restrict EU competition law.
New deal for online deals - EU consumer protection adapted to the digital era As part of the New Deal for Consumers, aimed to strengthen EU consumer protection in light of the digital era, a new Directive 2019/2161 of 27 November 2019 has been adopted.
TenderNed en Klic-viewer: innoveren met overheidsinformatie kan een riskante onderneming zijn Aanbieders van online-diensten en applicaties kunnen niet altijd rekenen op bescherming van hun marktpositie op basis van de staatssteun- en mededingingsregels. Dit blijkt uit een onlangs gewezen uitspraak van de hoogste Unierechter.
Big tech firms entering banking: be careful what you wish for Big tech firms, whether entering or already active on payments markets, are under scrutiny. PSD2 has opened up the payments markets to non-bank companies, but this comes with both risks and opportunities.
Walking a thin line: cooperation and collusion Buying groups are under attack from competition authorities across Europe.
Tackling Big Tech up-front? Time to stop thinking and start acting Benelux competition authorities have published a joint memorandum on how best to keep up with challenges in fast-moving digital markets.
Safeguarding legal privilege: better safe than sorry? The European Court of Justice recently ruled that the European Commission does not have to take additional precautionary measures to respect the right of legal professional privilege when conducting a new dawn raid at the same company.