82 results Introduction of Sustainability Linked Loan Principles Sustainable finance and green lending is on the rise as more and more borrowers and lenders recognise the potential benefits of green and sustainability linked loan products for their business. Wetsvoorstel implementatie Prospectusverordening Op 17 december 2018 is het wetsvoorstel Wet implementatie prospectusverordening ingediend bij de Tweede Kamer. Dit implementatiewetsvoorstel strekt tot implementatie van de Prospectusverordening (Verordening (EU) 2017/1129). Stibbe advises Frigoglass Stibbe advises Frigoglass on the completion of its restructuring proces Stibbe advises Aegon on the launch of the first General Pension Fund in the Netherlands Stibbe has made a significant contribution to the establishment of the first General Pension Fund in the Netherlands. Aegon is the first company to receive approval from the Dutch Central Bank to launch a General Pension Fund in the Netherlands. Stibbe advises on the IPO of Philips Lighting Stibbe advises Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan (as joint global coordinators) and the other underwriters on the IPO of Philips Lighting. Stibbe advises Intertrust on its share offering Stibbe advises Intertrust, a leading global provider of high-value trust and corporate services, on its EUR 122 million share offering. Update initiatiefwetsvoorstel introductie instemmingsrecht en aanscherping vaste beloning bankiers Op 25 april 2018 had de Raad van State een kritisch advi het wetsvoorstel voor wijziging Wft. Op 5 juli 2018 volgden publicatie van dit advies, reactie van initiatiefnemers en aangepast wetsvoorstel voor de Tweede Kamer. Shareholding filings by listed companies and their shareholders Navigating the various AFM shareholding notification obligations in the Netherlands for listed companies and their shareholders can be complex. Emilie Renardel de Lavalette published an article breaking down the required filings. ESG disclosure in equity prospectuses: current state of affairs In a world where ESG takes centre stage, equity prospectuses will need to include disclosure on all material ESG-related matters. Stibbe advises Catella Real Estate AG Stibbe advised Catella Real Estate AG on its second acquisition in Luxembourg: a 14,000m² office building in the emerging office district of Howald, which is almost fully let to Saint-Paul Luxembourg media group. Pagination Previous page Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Current page 5
Introduction of Sustainability Linked Loan Principles Sustainable finance and green lending is on the rise as more and more borrowers and lenders recognise the potential benefits of green and sustainability linked loan products for their business.
Wetsvoorstel implementatie Prospectusverordening Op 17 december 2018 is het wetsvoorstel Wet implementatie prospectusverordening ingediend bij de Tweede Kamer. Dit implementatiewetsvoorstel strekt tot implementatie van de Prospectusverordening (Verordening (EU) 2017/1129).
Stibbe advises Aegon on the launch of the first General Pension Fund in the Netherlands Stibbe has made a significant contribution to the establishment of the first General Pension Fund in the Netherlands. Aegon is the first company to receive approval from the Dutch Central Bank to launch a General Pension Fund in the Netherlands.
Stibbe advises on the IPO of Philips Lighting Stibbe advises Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan (as joint global coordinators) and the other underwriters on the IPO of Philips Lighting.
Stibbe advises Intertrust on its share offering Stibbe advises Intertrust, a leading global provider of high-value trust and corporate services, on its EUR 122 million share offering.
Update initiatiefwetsvoorstel introductie instemmingsrecht en aanscherping vaste beloning bankiers Op 25 april 2018 had de Raad van State een kritisch advi het wetsvoorstel voor wijziging Wft. Op 5 juli 2018 volgden publicatie van dit advies, reactie van initiatiefnemers en aangepast wetsvoorstel voor de Tweede Kamer.
Shareholding filings by listed companies and their shareholders Navigating the various AFM shareholding notification obligations in the Netherlands for listed companies and their shareholders can be complex. Emilie Renardel de Lavalette published an article breaking down the required filings.
ESG disclosure in equity prospectuses: current state of affairs In a world where ESG takes centre stage, equity prospectuses will need to include disclosure on all material ESG-related matters.
Stibbe advises Catella Real Estate AG Stibbe advised Catella Real Estate AG on its second acquisition in Luxembourg: a 14,000m² office building in the emerging office district of Howald, which is almost fully let to Saint-Paul Luxembourg media group.