98 results NRC en BNR: Massaschadeclaims in Nederland hebben meer toezicht nodig Jeroen Kortmann gaat in NRC en op BNR Nieuwsradio in op de toename van het aantal massaclaims in Nederland en de risico’s die er kleven aan een gebrek aan toezicht. Stibbe Brussels appoints five new Counsel Stibbe Brussels has promoted Bastiaan Schelstraete (Environment & Planning), Stefanie François (Environment & Planning), David Verwaerde (Dispute Resolution), Lizelotte De Maeyer (Tax) and Pieter-Jan Leemen (Banking & Finance) to Counsel. Public Dutch Scheme automatically recognized in the EU from 9 January 2022 Since 9 January 2022, the public type of the Dutch Scheme is automatically recognized in the EU under the European Insolvency Regulation. This will be further discussed in this blog. Het procesrechtelijke stel- en bewijsmoeras in een nieuw jasje De Wet vereenvoudiging en modernisering bewijsrecht, die op 1 januari 2025 in werking treedt, heeft als doel de waarheidsvinding te versterken. Wettelijke rente bij planschade (noot) In deze zaak oordeelde de Afdeling bestuursrechtspraak van de Raad van State over een geschil betreffende de wettelijke rente bij planschade. Petra Vos bespreekt dit oordeel in het Tijdschrift voor Bouwrecht. Actualiteiten WAMCA najaar 2024 Op donderdag 28 november 2024 organiseert de Leiden Law Academy de cursus 'Actualiteiten WAMCA: De WAMCA bezien vanuit het perspectief van eisers en gedaagden'. Consumer law and online ‘order buttons’: Supreme Court takes strict approach with far-reaching consequences The Supreme Court ruled in two cases on the (in)clarity of the text on an order button for online purchases: several buttons did not make it sufficiently clear to consumers that they were entering into a payment obligation. Consumentenrecht en online ‘bestelknoppen’: Hoge Raad kiest strikte lijn met vergaande gevolgen De Hoge Raad deed uitspraak in twee procedures over de (on)duidelijkheid van de tekst op een bestelknop bij online aankopen: verschillende knoppen maken consumenten onvoldoende duidelijk dat zij een betalingsverplichting aangaan. Press release: ATB declared bankrupt, Toni van Hees and Job van Hooff appointed bankruptcy trustees On 22 April 2022, Amsterdam Trade Bank N.V. ("ATB") filed for bankruptcy and was declared bankrupt by the Amsterdam District Court. The court appointed A. van Hees and J.E.P.A. van Hooff as bankruptcy trustees. Stibbe successfully represents Vantage in enforcement of international arbitration ruling Stibbe has represented Vantage Deepwater Drilling Inc. and Vantage Deepwater Company (Vantage) in the enforcement of an arbitral award against Petrobras in the Netherlands. Stibbe worked on this matter in close cooperation with Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Su Stibbe advises Westermeerwind The District Court Midden-Nederland ruled in favour of Westermeerwind B.V. on 19 June, in a case brought by organisations acting for the 'Westermeerwind Group'. The group had claimed that the 32 members of that group had the right to participate in the Wi Dutch court: insufficient substantiation? No follow-on cartel damages action The Amsterdam District Court in the Dutch trucks cartel follow-on proceedings recently ruled that claimants – specifically CDC, STCC, Chapelton, K&D c.s. and STEF c.s. – had insufficiently substantiated their claims. Double roles in attributing knowledge The knowledge of a person who in fact runs a company can be attributed to the company if the sole director and shareholder is a 'straw man', the Supreme Court confirmed in a judgment of 29 March 2019. Commercial interest on overdue interest payments on a loan – uncertainty remains If a person buys a car from a car dealer and fails to pay the purchase price on the agreed date, that person has to pay not only the purchase price but also statutory interest (Clause 6:119 DCC), unless otherwise agreed. Legislative proposal for mass damages claims approved by the Dutch House of Representatives On 29 January 2019, the Dutch House of Representatives approved the legislative proposal that introduces collective actions for damages under article 3:305a of the Dutch Civil Code (DCC). This proposal aims to amend article 3:305a DCC to enable collective Netherlands Commercial Court van start Op 1 januari 2019 zijn op basis van de Wet Netherlands Commercial Court het Netherlands Commercial Court (NCC) en het Netherlands Commercial Court of Appeal (NCCA) van start gegaan. Amended governance rules addressing third party funding for collective claim organizations On 4 March 2019, an amended version of the Dutch "Claimcode" was published. The Claimcode is an instrument of self-regulation, created by parties who are active on the claims market. Legislative proposal on mass damages claims approved by the Dutch Senate On 19 March 2019, the Dutch Senate approved the legislative proposal that introduces collective actions for damages under article 3:305a of the Dutch Civil Code (DCC). As the legislative proposal did not give rise to any debate in the Senate, it was passe Pagination Previous page Page 3 Current page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Next page
NRC en BNR: Massaschadeclaims in Nederland hebben meer toezicht nodig Jeroen Kortmann gaat in NRC en op BNR Nieuwsradio in op de toename van het aantal massaclaims in Nederland en de risico’s die er kleven aan een gebrek aan toezicht.
Stibbe Brussels appoints five new Counsel Stibbe Brussels has promoted Bastiaan Schelstraete (Environment & Planning), Stefanie François (Environment & Planning), David Verwaerde (Dispute Resolution), Lizelotte De Maeyer (Tax) and Pieter-Jan Leemen (Banking & Finance) to Counsel.
Public Dutch Scheme automatically recognized in the EU from 9 January 2022 Since 9 January 2022, the public type of the Dutch Scheme is automatically recognized in the EU under the European Insolvency Regulation. This will be further discussed in this blog.
Het procesrechtelijke stel- en bewijsmoeras in een nieuw jasje De Wet vereenvoudiging en modernisering bewijsrecht, die op 1 januari 2025 in werking treedt, heeft als doel de waarheidsvinding te versterken.
Wettelijke rente bij planschade (noot) In deze zaak oordeelde de Afdeling bestuursrechtspraak van de Raad van State over een geschil betreffende de wettelijke rente bij planschade. Petra Vos bespreekt dit oordeel in het Tijdschrift voor Bouwrecht.
Actualiteiten WAMCA najaar 2024 Op donderdag 28 november 2024 organiseert de Leiden Law Academy de cursus 'Actualiteiten WAMCA: De WAMCA bezien vanuit het perspectief van eisers en gedaagden'.
Consumer law and online ‘order buttons’: Supreme Court takes strict approach with far-reaching consequences The Supreme Court ruled in two cases on the (in)clarity of the text on an order button for online purchases: several buttons did not make it sufficiently clear to consumers that they were entering into a payment obligation.
Consumentenrecht en online ‘bestelknoppen’: Hoge Raad kiest strikte lijn met vergaande gevolgen De Hoge Raad deed uitspraak in twee procedures over de (on)duidelijkheid van de tekst op een bestelknop bij online aankopen: verschillende knoppen maken consumenten onvoldoende duidelijk dat zij een betalingsverplichting aangaan.
Press release: ATB declared bankrupt, Toni van Hees and Job van Hooff appointed bankruptcy trustees On 22 April 2022, Amsterdam Trade Bank N.V. ("ATB") filed for bankruptcy and was declared bankrupt by the Amsterdam District Court. The court appointed A. van Hees and J.E.P.A. van Hooff as bankruptcy trustees.
Stibbe successfully represents Vantage in enforcement of international arbitration ruling Stibbe has represented Vantage Deepwater Drilling Inc. and Vantage Deepwater Company (Vantage) in the enforcement of an arbitral award against Petrobras in the Netherlands. Stibbe worked on this matter in close cooperation with Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Su
Stibbe advises Westermeerwind The District Court Midden-Nederland ruled in favour of Westermeerwind B.V. on 19 June, in a case brought by organisations acting for the 'Westermeerwind Group'. The group had claimed that the 32 members of that group had the right to participate in the Wi
Dutch court: insufficient substantiation? No follow-on cartel damages action The Amsterdam District Court in the Dutch trucks cartel follow-on proceedings recently ruled that claimants – specifically CDC, STCC, Chapelton, K&D c.s. and STEF c.s. – had insufficiently substantiated their claims.
Double roles in attributing knowledge The knowledge of a person who in fact runs a company can be attributed to the company if the sole director and shareholder is a 'straw man', the Supreme Court confirmed in a judgment of 29 March 2019.
Commercial interest on overdue interest payments on a loan – uncertainty remains If a person buys a car from a car dealer and fails to pay the purchase price on the agreed date, that person has to pay not only the purchase price but also statutory interest (Clause 6:119 DCC), unless otherwise agreed.
Legislative proposal for mass damages claims approved by the Dutch House of Representatives On 29 January 2019, the Dutch House of Representatives approved the legislative proposal that introduces collective actions for damages under article 3:305a of the Dutch Civil Code (DCC). This proposal aims to amend article 3:305a DCC to enable collective
Netherlands Commercial Court van start Op 1 januari 2019 zijn op basis van de Wet Netherlands Commercial Court het Netherlands Commercial Court (NCC) en het Netherlands Commercial Court of Appeal (NCCA) van start gegaan.
Amended governance rules addressing third party funding for collective claim organizations On 4 March 2019, an amended version of the Dutch "Claimcode" was published. The Claimcode is an instrument of self-regulation, created by parties who are active on the claims market.
Legislative proposal on mass damages claims approved by the Dutch Senate On 19 March 2019, the Dutch Senate approved the legislative proposal that introduces collective actions for damages under article 3:305a of the Dutch Civil Code (DCC). As the legislative proposal did not give rise to any debate in the Senate, it was passe