8 results Stibbe Amsterdam appoints three new partners We are pleased to announce that Stibbe Amsterdam has promoted Roos Elemans, Lotte Hover-Boon and Daisy Nijkamp to partner effective 1 January 2025. These appointments will further strengthen our EU and Competition Law, Tax and Litigation practices. Job van Hooff Partner Amsterdam ‘Dutch scheme’ adopted by the Dutch Parliament's House of Representatives On 26 May 2020, the Dutch Parliament’s House of Representatives (Tweede Kamer) adopted the Act on confirmation of private restructuring plans (Wet homologatie onderhands akkoord (“WHOA”)). The next step will see the WHOA put to vote in the Senate. Job van Hooff and Daisy Nijkamp present webinar on The Dutch scheme (WHOA) – the upcoming new Dutch restructuring tool Job van Hooff and Daisy Nijkamp, in collaboration with Lexology, will present a webinar on WHOA on 2 April 2020. During the webinar they will look at a new bill prepared by the Dutch legislature - the Act on the Confirmation of Private Restructuring Plans 'Bedrijven dreigen door corona op grote schaal het loodje te leggen. Wetgever grijp in!' Door het gemak waarmee krediet kon worden verkregen en de extreem lage kosten ervan, hebben veel bedrijven grote leningen aangetrokken. De schuldenpositie van bedrijven is nog nooit zo groot geweest. The Dutch Scheme – tax aspects On 1 January 2021, the Act on confirmation of private restructuring plans (Wet homologatie onderhands akkoord, also known as the “WHOA”, hereinafter: the “Dutch Scheme”) came into effect. Restructuring & Insolvency in the Netherlands - 2022 Job van Hooff and Daisy Nijkamp contributed to the 16th edition of ICLG – Restructuring & Insolvency. Zafar Shaikhli Junior Associate Amsterdam
Stibbe Amsterdam appoints three new partners We are pleased to announce that Stibbe Amsterdam has promoted Roos Elemans, Lotte Hover-Boon and Daisy Nijkamp to partner effective 1 January 2025. These appointments will further strengthen our EU and Competition Law, Tax and Litigation practices.
‘Dutch scheme’ adopted by the Dutch Parliament's House of Representatives On 26 May 2020, the Dutch Parliament’s House of Representatives (Tweede Kamer) adopted the Act on confirmation of private restructuring plans (Wet homologatie onderhands akkoord (“WHOA”)). The next step will see the WHOA put to vote in the Senate.
Job van Hooff and Daisy Nijkamp present webinar on The Dutch scheme (WHOA) – the upcoming new Dutch restructuring tool Job van Hooff and Daisy Nijkamp, in collaboration with Lexology, will present a webinar on WHOA on 2 April 2020. During the webinar they will look at a new bill prepared by the Dutch legislature - the Act on the Confirmation of Private Restructuring Plans
'Bedrijven dreigen door corona op grote schaal het loodje te leggen. Wetgever grijp in!' Door het gemak waarmee krediet kon worden verkregen en de extreem lage kosten ervan, hebben veel bedrijven grote leningen aangetrokken. De schuldenpositie van bedrijven is nog nooit zo groot geweest.
The Dutch Scheme – tax aspects On 1 January 2021, the Act on confirmation of private restructuring plans (Wet homologatie onderhands akkoord, also known as the “WHOA”, hereinafter: the “Dutch Scheme”) came into effect.
Restructuring & Insolvency in the Netherlands - 2022 Job van Hooff and Daisy Nijkamp contributed to the 16th edition of ICLG – Restructuring & Insolvency.