Tom Verdonk
Tom specialises in EU and competition law. He advises on a broad range of competition law matters, including abuse of dominance, IP-related issues, distribution, and merger control cases.
Tom specialises in EU and competition law. He advises on a broad range of competition law matters, including abuse of dominance, IP-related issues, distribution, and merger control cases.
Before joining Stibbe, Tom worked as a doctoral researcher and teaching assistant at KU Leuven’s Consumer Competition Market research institute. His Ph.D. research focuses on the interaction between intellectual property rights and competition law in the seed and agricultural biotechnology industries.
Tom holds a master’s degree in Law and Economics (cum laude) from Utrecht University. He also obtained a Master of Laws degree from Harvard University, where he studied as a Fulbright Scholar, a Harvard Law School Gammon Fellow, and a Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds grantee.