Jeanne Leeman

As an employment law specialist, Jeanne handles a broad range of both individual and collective employment issues, including benefits, equal treatment and workplace behaviour matters.

Jeanne Leeman Stibbe

Jeanne Leeman

Junior Associate Amsterdam

As an employment law specialist, Jeanne handles a broad range of both individual and collective employment issues, including benefits, equal treatment and workplace behaviour matters.

Jeanne Leeman

Junior Associate Amsterdam

Jeanne has experience advising and litigating on these issues for a broad range of clients, including national and multinational corporates and financial institutions. She conducts seminars on topics like equal treatment, equal compensation and workplace behaviour, and is a member of Stibbe’s equal pay team. Jeanne aims to bring a creative and practical perspective to employment law.

Her contributions to the public debate include publications on Diversity & Inclusion and the Wet Normering TopinkomensSenior Executives in the Public and Semi-Public Sector (Standards for Remuneration) Act). Jeanne actively participates in legislative processes, offering insights into legislative initiatives like the Wet voor meer zekerheid voor flexwerkers (Greater Security for Flexworkers Act 2023) and the Wet verduidelijking beoordeling arbeidsrelaties en rechtsvermoeden (Assessment of Employment Relationships and Legal Presumption (Clarification) Act 2023).

Jeanne obtained a master’s degree in Employment Law from the Erasmus University Rotterdam (2022). She also holds two bachelor's degrees in Law (2021) and Philosophy (2018) from the University of Amsterdam.

Languages: Dutch, English
Admitted to the Amsterdam Bar: 2023
Diversity: Mensen op zebrapad
NL Law

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