Energy, Industry and Climate
Environment and Energy
BE and EU Law - On this blog, our specialists from our Brussels office share the latest developments in EU, Belgian and regional environmental, planning and energy law. They analyse recent judgments, give guidance to legislative changes and comment on various topics.
Regels tegen ontbossing: de werking en inwerkingtreding van de Ontbossingsverordening
Ontwikkelingen op het gebied van de nieuwe regelgeving over ontbossing. In dit blog bespreken wij de belangrijkste punten.
Rules against deforestation: the effect and coming into effect of the Deforestation Regulation
Developments regarding the regulation on deforestation. In this blog we address the most prominent matters.
De Ecodesign Verordening: nieuwe duurzaamheidsverplichtingen voor producenten
Op 18 juli 2024 is de Ecodesign Verordening in werking getreden. De wet vormt de basis van de Europese aanpak voor duurzaam en circulair productontwerp.
The Ecodesign Regulation: new sustainability obligations for manufacturers
The Ecodesign Regulation entered into force on 18 July 2024. It forms the basis of the EU’s approach to sustainable and circular product design.