Corporate and M&A

European flags waving in front of the European Parliament in Brussels
EU Law

Deregulering van duurzaamheid? Europese Commissie publiceert Omnibusvoorstel

Op 26 februari 2025 heeft de Europese Commissie voorstellen gepubliceerd om Europese duurzaamheidsregelgeving te vereenvoudigen. Deze voorstellen zijn opgenomen in twee 'omnibuspakketten' en zijn bedoeld om de concurrentiepositie van de EU te versterken.

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Highway with Zuidas offices
NL Law

M&A case law: PE seller liable on the grounds of fraud by its portfolio company’s CFO

The Netherlands Commercial Court (NCC) recently ruled in a post-closing M&A dispute that a seller was liable for warranty breaches on the grounds of fraud committed by its former portfolio company's CFO.

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Close-up of law codes on a bookshelf in the library of Stibbe in Brussels
NL Law
BE Law
EU Law

C'est le ton qui fait la musique – The end of employer copyrights?

The CJEU decision in the National Orchestra of Belgium decision shakes up employer copyright in the Netherlands. With new consent and compensation requirements, are your employment contracts still airtight? Discover the implications of the decision here.

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Amsterdam Zuidas Symphony building
BE Law

Coalition agreement - What are the changes for Private PRICAF?

Belgium’s coalition agreement aims to simplify Private PRICAF regulations, boosting venture capital. This article explores rising investor interest in establishing collective investment funds in Belgium and the potential impact of the regulatory changes.

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