Nieuwe hernieuwbare energierichtlijn: wijzigingen inzake garanties van oorsprong, vergunningen en RFNBO’s Op 20 november 2023 trad richtlijn (EU) 2023/2413 tot herziening van de Hernieuwbare Energierichtlijn (EU) 2018/2001 (“RED III”) in werking. De lidstaten krijgen 18 maanden om RED III om te zetten.
Natan Vermeersch wins the CREG Prize 2022 We are proud to announce that Natan Vermeersch has been awarded the prestigious CREG - Commission for Electricity and Gas Regulation - Belgium Prize in the Flemish Community for his master's thesis, titled "De gunning van offshore domeinconcessies".
Climate change and sustainability - Environmental considerations for a sustainable business model Climate change has become the most important sustainability issue of our time. Three major developments in the field of climate and sustainability inevitably affect the way businesses operate and how they move towards more sustainable business models.
Stibbe advises Belgian infrastructure funds Stibbe assisted Belgian infrastructure funds DG Infra, Inframan, DHAM and PMF (PMV) as subordinated lenders in the EUR 850 million project finance of the Northwind offshore wind power project.
Overbruggingsregeling windturbinenormen na uitspraak windpark Delfzijl Zuid Uitbreiding In een Kamerbrief van 17 december 2021 bespreekt de toenmalige staatssecretaris van I&W het 'Actieprogramma Verankering milieubescherming na Nevele'.