Stibbe assists Schoolkracht Stibbe assisted Schoolkracht, a private consortium consisting of AG Real Estate, EPICO², Rebel and Ethias, with the realisation of a DBFM (Design, Build, Finance, Maintain) programme for the first cluster of 27 Schools of Flanders.
Greenwashing risico’s in groene of duurzame leningen en obligaties Leningen en obligaties met een profiel op het gebied van één of meer Environmental, Social en Governance (ESG) factoren hebben een grote vlucht genomen in de afgelopen jaren.
New EU regulation of loan origination by funds What funds providing debt finance in the EU need to know about new EU rules for loan origination funds.
ESG and sustainable finance update: how to manage greenwashing risks in green and sustainability-linked loans and bonds With green, sustainable and sustainability-linked debt funding on the rise, how do financial market participants steer clear of greenwashing risks when they provide or attract such debt funding?
Getting the Deal Through - Debt Capital Markets Marieke Driessen and Niek Groenendijk contributed the Dutch chapter on the law and practice of Debt Capital Markets in the multi-jurisdictional publication by to Getting the Deal Through/Lexology.
Navigate the Belgian legal real estate landscape with confidence: your 2023 real estate guide is out The 2023 Belgian legal real estate guide covers most legal topics you will encounter as an investor in or developer of Belgian real estate, taking into account the latest legal reforms. Order your complementary copy now.