Purely commercial interest also a legitimate interest? Council of State leaves the question unanswered. On 27 July 2022, the Council of State confirmed that the Dutch Data Protection Authority wrongly imposed a €575,000 fine on VoetbalTV.
Zuiver commercieel belang ook gerechtvaardigd belang: Raad van State laat zich er niet over uit Op 27 juli 2022 heeft de Raad van State bevestigd dat de Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens onterecht een boete van € 575.000 aan VoetbalTV heeft opgelegd.
Webinar: Next generation of international data transfers On 28 January 2021, our TMT lawyers Erik Valgaeren, Carolien Michielsen and Jan Joos host a webinar on the latest developments regarding international transfers of personal data. The webinar is organised by IBJ/IJE.
Webinar: The next generation of international data transfers On 18 March 2021, Erik Valgaeren, Carolien Michielsen and Jan Joos host a webinar on 'The next generation of international data transfers' organised by DPO-pro.
Webinar: Responding to Personal Data Breaches in the Post-GDPR era On 24-26 March 2021, Brussels TMT partner Erik Valgaeren will address the topic 'Managing personal data breach in a complex international scenarios' during ERA's online conference 'Responding to Personal Data Breaches in the Post-GDPR era'.
Stibbe advises financial sector IT services supplier Advising a financial sector supplier of cashless transaction technologies and IT services on various contractual and regulatory issues, including those related to data center activities.
Stibbe advises Google Stibbe represented Google in a high-profile copyright litigation against Copiepresse before the Belgian courts.
Stibbe advises Belgacom, T-Systems International GmbH, Strabag AG and Efkon AG Stibbe assisted a consortium composed of Belgacom, T-Systems International GmbH, Strabag AG, and Efkon AG with the preparation of its bid and with the negotiations and subsequent closing of the contract for the realization of the ETCS PPR project.
Stibbe advises ALD Automotive Stibbe advised ALD Automotive, market leader in Belgium for full service leasing, car rental and fleet management, on the implementation of GDPR.
Stibbe advises Proximus Stibbe advised Proximus, a listed company and longstanding client, on a broad variety of matters, including innovative partnerships, regulatory compliance, M&A and finance projects, and dispute resolution.
Companies unprepared for increasing cyber risks Companies increasingly face cybercrime incidents. Stibbe offers tailor-made solutions.
Belgian law of 25 November 2018 on various provisions relating to the National Register The Belgian law of 25 November 2018 containing various provisions relating to the National Register and the population registers has amended the law of 8 August 1983 regulating the National Register and the use of the national identity number.