673 results The Pandemic's Impact on Legal Work: A Comparative Analysis of Legal Frameworks, Practical Impacts and Innovation Erik Valgaeren, Jan Joos and Thibau Duquin contributed to the article 'The Pandemic's Impact on Legal Work: A Comparative Analysis of Legal Frameworks, Practical Impacts and Innovation' published by the IBA Business Law International Journal. Waterdoelen in Nederland – een schets van de juridische stand van zaken. Het eerste blogbericht uit een reeks (deel I) Water staat hoog op de agenda. En met reden: de kwaliteit en kwantiteit van het oppervlakte- en grondwater in Nederland staan onder druk, aldus de Raad voor de leefomgeving en infrastructuur (“Rli”). Natan Vermeersch wins the CREG Prize 2022 We are proud to announce that Natan Vermeersch has been awarded the prestigious CREG - Commission for Electricity and Gas Regulation - Belgium Prize in the Flemish Community for his master's thesis, titled "De gunning van offshore domeinconcessies". EU Artificial Intelligence Act and Generative AI – an update In this blogpost, our TMT expert Thibau Duquin elaborates on the AI Act, the rules on generative AI such as ChatGPT, and the next steps. Announcement of amendments to draft bill to exclude RETT concurrence exemption for share deals The Dutch government announced that the draft legislative proposal to exclude the application of the RETT concurrence exemption on the acquisition of a qualifying share interest in companies owning newly developed real estate will be amended. The era of FDI screenings kicks off in Belgium The Belgian screening mechanism for FDIs will enter into force on 1 July 2023. The mechanism is designed to safeguard Belgium's critical infrastructure and to protect sectors crucial to Belgium's public order, national security and strategic interests. Stibbe supports third IFA European Region Conference Stibbe Amsterdam is supporting the third Regional IFA conference and is looking forward to welcoming IFA members in Amsterdam. The 38th IBA International Financial Law Conference in Lisbon Stibbe attends the 38th IBA International Financial Law Conference in Lisbon. To what extent does the WAMCA procedure allow for collective actions for damages due to breaches of the GDPR? Whether it is possible to claim collective damages for an alleged breach of the GDPR by means of WAMCA proceedings has been a recent question within the mass damages practice. What information on this topic can be found in legislation, case law and litera ECJ calls the shots: CK Telecoms ruling sent back to General Court The ECJ overruled the General Court in its CK Telecoms ruling, taking the strict requirements that the GC placed on the Commission when reviewing mergers off the table. This will make it easier for competition authorities to intervene in merger cases. Belgian Competition Authority confirms jurisdiction for M&A transactions in hospital sector On 14 July 2023, the Belgian Competition Authority confirmed its jurisdiction to review M&A transactions between hospitals, regardless of whether these hospitals belong to the same hospital network. Hello new school year, hello new insolvency legislation: amendments to insolvency law enter into force today Today the Act of 7 June 2023 transposing the EU Restructuring Directive (2019/1023) enters into force. Op weg naar 1 januari 2024 Op 1 januari 2024 treedt de Omgevingswet in werking. De wet is een ingrijpende stelselherziening van het omgevingsrecht. De Omgevingswet legt de basis voor een samenhangende benadering van de fysieke leefomgeving. FAQ: What does the energy savings obligation under the Activities Environmental Management Decree mean today and what changes will apply as of 1 July 2023? Article 2.15 of the Activities Decree currently requires operators of so-called Type A and Type B establishments to implement all energy saving measures with a payback period of five years or less. Financial Regulation – Q2 2023 Update Changes to Dutch financial regulations entered into force on or around 1 July, including notable amendments for holders of a qualifying holding in certain Dutch regulated financial institutions. We have listed the main changes in this publication. Developments around the termination of LIBOR and its replacement benchmarks This contribution discusses developments around the termination of LIBOR and its replacement benchmarks. The third AFM report on SFDR compliance signals tightening enforcement and highlights a shift in supervision towards the quality of disclosures A recent report of the AFM underlines its focus on monitoring SFDR compliance, signals tightening enforcement action against those lagging behind, and highlights a new phase of supervisory attention for clear, accurate and reliable SFDR disclosures. Stibbe represents Varkens in Nood in a case about enforcement of the ban on amputating pig tails Stibbe is assisting Varkens in Nood Foundation to improve the living standards for pigs in the livestock industry. Pagination Previous page Page 6 Current page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Next page
The Pandemic's Impact on Legal Work: A Comparative Analysis of Legal Frameworks, Practical Impacts and Innovation Erik Valgaeren, Jan Joos and Thibau Duquin contributed to the article 'The Pandemic's Impact on Legal Work: A Comparative Analysis of Legal Frameworks, Practical Impacts and Innovation' published by the IBA Business Law International Journal.
Waterdoelen in Nederland – een schets van de juridische stand van zaken. Het eerste blogbericht uit een reeks (deel I) Water staat hoog op de agenda. En met reden: de kwaliteit en kwantiteit van het oppervlakte- en grondwater in Nederland staan onder druk, aldus de Raad voor de leefomgeving en infrastructuur (“Rli”).
Natan Vermeersch wins the CREG Prize 2022 We are proud to announce that Natan Vermeersch has been awarded the prestigious CREG - Commission for Electricity and Gas Regulation - Belgium Prize in the Flemish Community for his master's thesis, titled "De gunning van offshore domeinconcessies".
EU Artificial Intelligence Act and Generative AI – an update In this blogpost, our TMT expert Thibau Duquin elaborates on the AI Act, the rules on generative AI such as ChatGPT, and the next steps.
Announcement of amendments to draft bill to exclude RETT concurrence exemption for share deals The Dutch government announced that the draft legislative proposal to exclude the application of the RETT concurrence exemption on the acquisition of a qualifying share interest in companies owning newly developed real estate will be amended.
The era of FDI screenings kicks off in Belgium The Belgian screening mechanism for FDIs will enter into force on 1 July 2023. The mechanism is designed to safeguard Belgium's critical infrastructure and to protect sectors crucial to Belgium's public order, national security and strategic interests.
Stibbe supports third IFA European Region Conference Stibbe Amsterdam is supporting the third Regional IFA conference and is looking forward to welcoming IFA members in Amsterdam.
The 38th IBA International Financial Law Conference in Lisbon Stibbe attends the 38th IBA International Financial Law Conference in Lisbon.
To what extent does the WAMCA procedure allow for collective actions for damages due to breaches of the GDPR? Whether it is possible to claim collective damages for an alleged breach of the GDPR by means of WAMCA proceedings has been a recent question within the mass damages practice. What information on this topic can be found in legislation, case law and litera
ECJ calls the shots: CK Telecoms ruling sent back to General Court The ECJ overruled the General Court in its CK Telecoms ruling, taking the strict requirements that the GC placed on the Commission when reviewing mergers off the table. This will make it easier for competition authorities to intervene in merger cases.
Belgian Competition Authority confirms jurisdiction for M&A transactions in hospital sector On 14 July 2023, the Belgian Competition Authority confirmed its jurisdiction to review M&A transactions between hospitals, regardless of whether these hospitals belong to the same hospital network.
Hello new school year, hello new insolvency legislation: amendments to insolvency law enter into force today Today the Act of 7 June 2023 transposing the EU Restructuring Directive (2019/1023) enters into force.
Op weg naar 1 januari 2024 Op 1 januari 2024 treedt de Omgevingswet in werking. De wet is een ingrijpende stelselherziening van het omgevingsrecht. De Omgevingswet legt de basis voor een samenhangende benadering van de fysieke leefomgeving.
FAQ: What does the energy savings obligation under the Activities Environmental Management Decree mean today and what changes will apply as of 1 July 2023? Article 2.15 of the Activities Decree currently requires operators of so-called Type A and Type B establishments to implement all energy saving measures with a payback period of five years or less.
Financial Regulation – Q2 2023 Update Changes to Dutch financial regulations entered into force on or around 1 July, including notable amendments for holders of a qualifying holding in certain Dutch regulated financial institutions. We have listed the main changes in this publication.
Developments around the termination of LIBOR and its replacement benchmarks This contribution discusses developments around the termination of LIBOR and its replacement benchmarks.
The third AFM report on SFDR compliance signals tightening enforcement and highlights a shift in supervision towards the quality of disclosures A recent report of the AFM underlines its focus on monitoring SFDR compliance, signals tightening enforcement action against those lagging behind, and highlights a new phase of supervisory attention for clear, accurate and reliable SFDR disclosures.
Stibbe represents Varkens in Nood in a case about enforcement of the ban on amputating pig tails Stibbe is assisting Varkens in Nood Foundation to improve the living standards for pigs in the livestock industry.