667 results Edouard d'Anterroches contributes to BLI's white paper on impact finance Stibbe Luxembourg's Funds Partner Edouard d'Anterroches offers an analytic view on the margins and possibilities granted by the regulation on social entrepreneurship funds (EuSEF) to foster innovative impact investment solutions in the European Union. Swimming in ECJ case law: The rocky journey to EU law applicability in the continental shelf and exclusive economic zone Regarding activities taking place at sea, the applicability of EU law depends on the nature and geographic location of the activity as well as on the formulation of the geographical scope of the legal instrument. Getting the Deal Through – Private M&A 2021: The Benelux chapters Getting The Deal Through works with many of the best lawyers and law firms in the world to bring together a unique legal information resource, written by experts on each subject area, in every significant jurisdiction. Getting the Deal Through – Cartel Regulation 2021 Floris ten Have and Kaj Privé contributed to Getting the Deal Through – Cartel Regulation 2021. In their publication, Floris and Kaj discuss important issues that apply to cartel regulation in the Netherlands. Column: Ontneem incidentrapportages niet hun toegevoegde waarde In deze column uit Monique haar zorg over de zichtbare tendens waarbij de toegevoegde waarde van deze incidentrapportages onder druk komt te staan. Financial Regulatory – Update Q1 2021 Traditionally, 1 January (and 1 July) each year is a date on which new Dutch financial regulations enter into force. This year, the amendments to the Dutch Financial Supervision Act are relatively few, but other developments are worthy of attention. Amsterdam Court of Appeal accepts jurisdiction in competition law damages case concerning Greek beer market On 16 February 2021, the Amsterdam Court of Appeal set aside a judgment of the Amsterdam District Court in which the District Court declined jurisdiction over the alleged claims against Athenian Brewery, a Greek subsidiary of Heineken N.V. Net(work) closing in on cross-border cartels? A heads-up for companies with cross-border activities. The ECN+ Directive’s transposition deadline has expired and its provisions should by now have found their way into the national laws of the EU Member States. EU Regulator’s response to the Reddit rally A massive stock market rally recently suddenly developed with respect to GameStop’s shares, a moribund chain of video game stores in the United States. The instigators: users of the investment forum r/wallstreetbets on Reddit. Constitutional Court: fingerprints on the Belgian eID do not infringe the rights of privacy and to data protection On 14 January 2021, the Constitutional Court validated a legislative measure requiring the inclusion of fingerprints on Belgian eID. According to the Court, it is not contrary to the right to privacy and the right to protection of personal data. ACM’s 2021 enforcement focus: digital, green and COVID-19 The ACM’s list of 2021 focus areas is out. Whereas the digital economy and the energy transition are repeats from last year, the effects of the COVID-19 crisis is a new, although somewhat unsurprising, designated focal point. ECJ clarifies limits of antitrust limitation periods Companies confronted with antitrust investigations and fines may find safeguard behind the rules governing limitation periods (often termed ‘statutes of limitation’). However, two preliminary rulings by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) show that those FAQ: Hoe lang duurt een bestuursrechtelijke bezwaar- en (hoger) beroepsprocedure? Voor vrijwel alle betrokkenen bij een besluit speelt op enig moment de vraag hoe lang een bestuursrechtelijke bezwaar- dan wel (hoger) beroepsprocedure tegen dat besluit in beslag neemt. Kwaliteitsborging voor het bouwen: Ontwerpbesluit wordt aangepast Het nieuwe stelsel voor kwaliteitsborging in de bouw zal - naar alle waarschijnlijkheid op 1 januari 2022 - stapsgewijs in werking treden. ESG: The Transition to ESG Benchmarks and new ESG disclosure requirements Marking a substantial step towards achieving the goals of the EU Action Plan on Financing Sustainable Growth (the “EU Action Plan on Sustainable Growth”), the benchmark regulations will enter into force on 23 December 2020. WAMCA: imperfections come to the surface Dutch courts have not yet developed procedural rules for the WAMCA, the new Dutch regime for collective redress. This adds to pre-existing uncertainty around many procedural aspects of this new law. DNB publishes guidelines for outsourcing notifications by insurers Requirements applicable to outsourcing (including intra-group arrangements as well as outsourcing to the cloud) under Dutch and EU financial regulatory regimes have become more stringent in recent years. Outsourcing has therefore been a priority on the Du The next 5 years: European Commission launches New Consumer Agenda Despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the European Commission is already looking ahead to set its consumer protection priorities for the next five years. Pagination Previous page Page 18 Current page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Next page
Edouard d'Anterroches contributes to BLI's white paper on impact finance Stibbe Luxembourg's Funds Partner Edouard d'Anterroches offers an analytic view on the margins and possibilities granted by the regulation on social entrepreneurship funds (EuSEF) to foster innovative impact investment solutions in the European Union.
Swimming in ECJ case law: The rocky journey to EU law applicability in the continental shelf and exclusive economic zone Regarding activities taking place at sea, the applicability of EU law depends on the nature and geographic location of the activity as well as on the formulation of the geographical scope of the legal instrument.
Getting the Deal Through – Private M&A 2021: The Benelux chapters Getting The Deal Through works with many of the best lawyers and law firms in the world to bring together a unique legal information resource, written by experts on each subject area, in every significant jurisdiction.
Getting the Deal Through – Cartel Regulation 2021 Floris ten Have and Kaj Privé contributed to Getting the Deal Through – Cartel Regulation 2021. In their publication, Floris and Kaj discuss important issues that apply to cartel regulation in the Netherlands.
Column: Ontneem incidentrapportages niet hun toegevoegde waarde In deze column uit Monique haar zorg over de zichtbare tendens waarbij de toegevoegde waarde van deze incidentrapportages onder druk komt te staan.
Financial Regulatory – Update Q1 2021 Traditionally, 1 January (and 1 July) each year is a date on which new Dutch financial regulations enter into force. This year, the amendments to the Dutch Financial Supervision Act are relatively few, but other developments are worthy of attention.
Amsterdam Court of Appeal accepts jurisdiction in competition law damages case concerning Greek beer market On 16 February 2021, the Amsterdam Court of Appeal set aside a judgment of the Amsterdam District Court in which the District Court declined jurisdiction over the alleged claims against Athenian Brewery, a Greek subsidiary of Heineken N.V.
Net(work) closing in on cross-border cartels? A heads-up for companies with cross-border activities. The ECN+ Directive’s transposition deadline has expired and its provisions should by now have found their way into the national laws of the EU Member States.
EU Regulator’s response to the Reddit rally A massive stock market rally recently suddenly developed with respect to GameStop’s shares, a moribund chain of video game stores in the United States. The instigators: users of the investment forum r/wallstreetbets on Reddit.
Constitutional Court: fingerprints on the Belgian eID do not infringe the rights of privacy and to data protection On 14 January 2021, the Constitutional Court validated a legislative measure requiring the inclusion of fingerprints on Belgian eID. According to the Court, it is not contrary to the right to privacy and the right to protection of personal data.
ACM’s 2021 enforcement focus: digital, green and COVID-19 The ACM’s list of 2021 focus areas is out. Whereas the digital economy and the energy transition are repeats from last year, the effects of the COVID-19 crisis is a new, although somewhat unsurprising, designated focal point.
ECJ clarifies limits of antitrust limitation periods Companies confronted with antitrust investigations and fines may find safeguard behind the rules governing limitation periods (often termed ‘statutes of limitation’). However, two preliminary rulings by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) show that those
FAQ: Hoe lang duurt een bestuursrechtelijke bezwaar- en (hoger) beroepsprocedure? Voor vrijwel alle betrokkenen bij een besluit speelt op enig moment de vraag hoe lang een bestuursrechtelijke bezwaar- dan wel (hoger) beroepsprocedure tegen dat besluit in beslag neemt.
Kwaliteitsborging voor het bouwen: Ontwerpbesluit wordt aangepast Het nieuwe stelsel voor kwaliteitsborging in de bouw zal - naar alle waarschijnlijkheid op 1 januari 2022 - stapsgewijs in werking treden.
ESG: The Transition to ESG Benchmarks and new ESG disclosure requirements Marking a substantial step towards achieving the goals of the EU Action Plan on Financing Sustainable Growth (the “EU Action Plan on Sustainable Growth”), the benchmark regulations will enter into force on 23 December 2020.
WAMCA: imperfections come to the surface Dutch courts have not yet developed procedural rules for the WAMCA, the new Dutch regime for collective redress. This adds to pre-existing uncertainty around many procedural aspects of this new law.
DNB publishes guidelines for outsourcing notifications by insurers Requirements applicable to outsourcing (including intra-group arrangements as well as outsourcing to the cloud) under Dutch and EU financial regulatory regimes have become more stringent in recent years. Outsourcing has therefore been a priority on the Du
The next 5 years: European Commission launches New Consumer Agenda Despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the European Commission is already looking ahead to set its consumer protection priorities for the next five years.