673 results Stibbe advises several investors on their investment in McDermott International Stibbe advised a group of investors consisting of The Baupost Group, MFN Partners, Sculptor Capital Management, Mason Capital Management, First Pacific Advisors and Invesco on the expansion of their investment in McDermott International. ACM study calls for regulation of Big Techs on payment market The ACM’s market study, published on 1 December 2020, provides an overview of recent and upcoming developments concerning the role of Big Tech companies in both online and offline payment markets in the Netherlands. (Geo)blockbuster: Canal+ ruling annuls commitment decision A heads-up for companies seeking to settle in antitrust proceedings: commercially-affected third party complainants are not to be ignored. Luxembourg tax measures on non-cooperative jurisdictions: EU blacklist updated The European Union updates non-cooperative jurisdictions list, affecting bill of law nº 7547. From Jan 1, 2021, interest or royalties paid to related enterprises in listed countries won't be tax-deductible. Stibbe advises Veenix consortium Stibbe advised the VEENIX consortium on reaching financial close in the PPP Project A9 Badhoevedorp-Holendrecht. Financial Close occurred on 2 December 2019. Directors' liability due to competition law infringements by the company The District Court Noord-Nederland recently allowed the trustees in bankruptcy of Northsea shrimp trading company Heiploeg to recover part of a EUR 27 million cartel fine from a former director. Cigarettes producers fined for alleged indirect info exchange Enforcement of competition rules in relation to indirect information exchange seems to be catching on; while the European Commission only flagged the risks in its consumer electronics cases, the ACM has taken up the challenge and imposed fines. Waiting for the EC: third-party platform bans and RPM still on radar The results of the European Commission’s evaluation of the Vertical Block Exemption Regulation (VBER) call for more clarity and convergence in the interpretation of certain (online) vertical restrictions. EU merger control: Dutch clause to catch future killer acquisitions Competition Commissioner Vestager presented a sneak peak of her plans for the future of EU merger control on the 30th anniversary of the EU Merger Regulation. A digital transition in the financial services sector On 24 September 2020, the European Commission (the “Commission”) adopted the Digital Finance Package (the “Package”). The aim of this initiative is to create a competitive EU financial sector that gives consumers access to innovative financial products. Dutch Scheme bill to be adopted at short notice On 29 September 2020, the Dutch Senate’s justice committee decided that the Dutch Scheme bill can be dealt with as a formality (hamerstuk) without further debate. Ignace Vernimme and Philippe Campolini authored the article “Covid-19: the Belgian perspective” Ignace Vernimme and Philippe Campolini contributed to the 2020 edition of the IBA Healthcare and Life Sciences Law Committee e-bulletin. The Netherlands' Budget Day 2020: the impact of the Dutch 2021 Tax Package on international businesses In this Tax Alert we will summarize three recent tax developments that are relevant for international business with presence in the Netherlands. Stibbe represents Vereniging Gelijkberechtiging Grondbezitters in a state aid case before the Court of Justice On Thursday 3 September, the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg rejected the appeal of Dutch nature organisations against a ruling of the General Court that annuls a decision of the European Commission. Stibbe represents HEMA’s management board Stibbe represented HEMA’s management board in summary proceedings brought by a noteholder seeking to block the implementation of HEMA’s envisaged restructuring. The ACM’s Green Deal: achieving sustainability via competition law? The ACM has issued draft guidelines on the application of competition law to sustainability agreements. Bill to simplify Dutch law of evidence: concerns remain The Minister for Legal Protection recently submitted a legislative bill with the aim of simplifying Dutch law of evidence. The bill is intended to enhance truth finding and promote efficiency and effectiveness in civil proceedings. Provisional rental discounts in times of COVID-19 Recent interim injunctions indicate that the corona crisis can, in principle, be an unforeseen circumstance that may be a reason to amend a commercial lease agreement. Pagination Previous page Page 17 Current page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Next page
Stibbe advises several investors on their investment in McDermott International Stibbe advised a group of investors consisting of The Baupost Group, MFN Partners, Sculptor Capital Management, Mason Capital Management, First Pacific Advisors and Invesco on the expansion of their investment in McDermott International.
ACM study calls for regulation of Big Techs on payment market The ACM’s market study, published on 1 December 2020, provides an overview of recent and upcoming developments concerning the role of Big Tech companies in both online and offline payment markets in the Netherlands.
(Geo)blockbuster: Canal+ ruling annuls commitment decision A heads-up for companies seeking to settle in antitrust proceedings: commercially-affected third party complainants are not to be ignored.
Luxembourg tax measures on non-cooperative jurisdictions: EU blacklist updated The European Union updates non-cooperative jurisdictions list, affecting bill of law nº 7547. From Jan 1, 2021, interest or royalties paid to related enterprises in listed countries won't be tax-deductible.
Stibbe advises Veenix consortium Stibbe advised the VEENIX consortium on reaching financial close in the PPP Project A9 Badhoevedorp-Holendrecht. Financial Close occurred on 2 December 2019.
Directors' liability due to competition law infringements by the company The District Court Noord-Nederland recently allowed the trustees in bankruptcy of Northsea shrimp trading company Heiploeg to recover part of a EUR 27 million cartel fine from a former director.
Cigarettes producers fined for alleged indirect info exchange Enforcement of competition rules in relation to indirect information exchange seems to be catching on; while the European Commission only flagged the risks in its consumer electronics cases, the ACM has taken up the challenge and imposed fines.
Waiting for the EC: third-party platform bans and RPM still on radar The results of the European Commission’s evaluation of the Vertical Block Exemption Regulation (VBER) call for more clarity and convergence in the interpretation of certain (online) vertical restrictions.
EU merger control: Dutch clause to catch future killer acquisitions Competition Commissioner Vestager presented a sneak peak of her plans for the future of EU merger control on the 30th anniversary of the EU Merger Regulation.
A digital transition in the financial services sector On 24 September 2020, the European Commission (the “Commission”) adopted the Digital Finance Package (the “Package”). The aim of this initiative is to create a competitive EU financial sector that gives consumers access to innovative financial products.
Dutch Scheme bill to be adopted at short notice On 29 September 2020, the Dutch Senate’s justice committee decided that the Dutch Scheme bill can be dealt with as a formality (hamerstuk) without further debate.
Ignace Vernimme and Philippe Campolini authored the article “Covid-19: the Belgian perspective” Ignace Vernimme and Philippe Campolini contributed to the 2020 edition of the IBA Healthcare and Life Sciences Law Committee e-bulletin.
The Netherlands' Budget Day 2020: the impact of the Dutch 2021 Tax Package on international businesses In this Tax Alert we will summarize three recent tax developments that are relevant for international business with presence in the Netherlands.
Stibbe represents Vereniging Gelijkberechtiging Grondbezitters in a state aid case before the Court of Justice On Thursday 3 September, the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg rejected the appeal of Dutch nature organisations against a ruling of the General Court that annuls a decision of the European Commission.
Stibbe represents HEMA’s management board Stibbe represented HEMA’s management board in summary proceedings brought by a noteholder seeking to block the implementation of HEMA’s envisaged restructuring.
The ACM’s Green Deal: achieving sustainability via competition law? The ACM has issued draft guidelines on the application of competition law to sustainability agreements.
Bill to simplify Dutch law of evidence: concerns remain The Minister for Legal Protection recently submitted a legislative bill with the aim of simplifying Dutch law of evidence. The bill is intended to enhance truth finding and promote efficiency and effectiveness in civil proceedings.
Provisional rental discounts in times of COVID-19 Recent interim injunctions indicate that the corona crisis can, in principle, be an unforeseen circumstance that may be a reason to amend a commercial lease agreement.