86 results Brexit and Private International Law (Part 1 of 2) Since 1 January 2021, EU regulations simplifying cross-border litigation no longer apply in relation to the UK and – in most cases – to parties based in the UK. Sustainability solutions sussed out soon More antitrust clarity has arrived for companies involved in sustainability collaborations. The EC published draft revised rules on horizontal cooperation agreements and the ACM informally approved two green initiatives in the energy sector. Pfizer may be off the hook, but ACM pharma supervision continues Pharma companies beware: discount schemes by former patent owners raise red flags at competition authorities. Digital Law Up(to)date: The cookie consent framework of IAB Europe violates the GDPR On 2 February 2022, the Belgian Data Protection Authority considered that the Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF) developed by Interactive Advertising Bureau Europe (IAB) violates the GDPR. Second time lucky: Intel’s EUR 1.06 billion loyalty rebate fine quashed Intel’s second round at the General Court was significantly more successful than its first. In the first round, the General Court had failed to analyse whether the loyalty rebates at issue were capable of restricting competition. In the second round, afte Including scope 3 emissions in environmental impact assessments used in public decision-making In this blog post, we discuss the role that Scope 3 emissions can play in project permitting and environmental impact assessments. We do this in the light of a landmark decision by the UK Supreme Court on 20 June 2024. The Insurance Recovery and Resolution Directive The Insurance Recovery and Resolution Directive (IRRD) was published in the Official Journal of the EU on 8 January 2025. The IRRD introduces a new regulatory framework aimed at strengthening the stability and resilience of the EU insurance sector. Selectie nieuwe prejudiciële vragen over consumentenrecht Hier vindt u een selectie van prejudiciële vragen over het consumentenrecht tussen uit 2023 en 2024. Tax Controversy: Update July 2021 This Alert addresses certain recent developments concerning procedural tax law in the Netherlands. We will discuss some interesting developments with regard to the (revised) Dutch tax ruling practice as per 1 July 2019 and the Tax Ruling Annual Report. Online platforms and uploading of protected works: a priori no liability for operators of online platforms In a judgment dated 22 June 2021, the CJEU clarifies the liability framework of online platform operators when content protected by copyright is uploaded by platform users. The European Climate Law explained Co-legislators on the European Climate Law reached a provisional agreement on April 21, 2021. This Climate Law is one of the key elements of the European Green Deal, published by the European Commission in December 2019. The ACM has to pay: moral damages awarded to real estate traders The Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) needs to cough up a total of EUR 120,000 in moral damages to three real estate traders. It's in the details: HSBC fine quashed for insufficient reasoning The General Court annulled the EUR 33.6 million fine imposed on banking group HSBC for its participation in the euro interest rates derivatives cartel. The postman will no longer ring twice: Minister unblocks postal merger The Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) recently blocked postal operator PostNL's acquisition of its only national competitor, Sandd, because this would create "a monopolist on the postal delivery market". Margrethe Vestager to play matchmaker between enforcement and regulation Current Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager may face even greater challenges in the next European Commission. Regulate tech giants and create European champions, says Dutch government Companies beware: revised EU competition rules are on their way. GDPR meets corporate: (new) opportunities in an M&A case The GDPR is everywhere, also in M&A cases. This article covers some practical points how to cope with GDPR during a deal from beginning to end. Digital operational resilience as key priority for financial institutions Financial institutions and third party ICT providers will have to strengthen their IT security organisations, as the European Digital Operational Resilience Act is expected to be fully applicable in early 2025 after a two-year implementation period. Pagination Previous page Page 2 Page 3 Current page 4 Page 5 Next page
Brexit and Private International Law (Part 1 of 2) Since 1 January 2021, EU regulations simplifying cross-border litigation no longer apply in relation to the UK and – in most cases – to parties based in the UK.
Sustainability solutions sussed out soon More antitrust clarity has arrived for companies involved in sustainability collaborations. The EC published draft revised rules on horizontal cooperation agreements and the ACM informally approved two green initiatives in the energy sector.
Pfizer may be off the hook, but ACM pharma supervision continues Pharma companies beware: discount schemes by former patent owners raise red flags at competition authorities.
Digital Law Up(to)date: The cookie consent framework of IAB Europe violates the GDPR On 2 February 2022, the Belgian Data Protection Authority considered that the Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF) developed by Interactive Advertising Bureau Europe (IAB) violates the GDPR.
Second time lucky: Intel’s EUR 1.06 billion loyalty rebate fine quashed Intel’s second round at the General Court was significantly more successful than its first. In the first round, the General Court had failed to analyse whether the loyalty rebates at issue were capable of restricting competition. In the second round, afte
Including scope 3 emissions in environmental impact assessments used in public decision-making In this blog post, we discuss the role that Scope 3 emissions can play in project permitting and environmental impact assessments. We do this in the light of a landmark decision by the UK Supreme Court on 20 June 2024.
The Insurance Recovery and Resolution Directive The Insurance Recovery and Resolution Directive (IRRD) was published in the Official Journal of the EU on 8 January 2025. The IRRD introduces a new regulatory framework aimed at strengthening the stability and resilience of the EU insurance sector.
Selectie nieuwe prejudiciële vragen over consumentenrecht Hier vindt u een selectie van prejudiciële vragen over het consumentenrecht tussen uit 2023 en 2024.
Tax Controversy: Update July 2021 This Alert addresses certain recent developments concerning procedural tax law in the Netherlands. We will discuss some interesting developments with regard to the (revised) Dutch tax ruling practice as per 1 July 2019 and the Tax Ruling Annual Report.
Online platforms and uploading of protected works: a priori no liability for operators of online platforms In a judgment dated 22 June 2021, the CJEU clarifies the liability framework of online platform operators when content protected by copyright is uploaded by platform users.
The European Climate Law explained Co-legislators on the European Climate Law reached a provisional agreement on April 21, 2021. This Climate Law is one of the key elements of the European Green Deal, published by the European Commission in December 2019.
The ACM has to pay: moral damages awarded to real estate traders The Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) needs to cough up a total of EUR 120,000 in moral damages to three real estate traders.
It's in the details: HSBC fine quashed for insufficient reasoning The General Court annulled the EUR 33.6 million fine imposed on banking group HSBC for its participation in the euro interest rates derivatives cartel.
The postman will no longer ring twice: Minister unblocks postal merger The Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) recently blocked postal operator PostNL's acquisition of its only national competitor, Sandd, because this would create "a monopolist on the postal delivery market".
Margrethe Vestager to play matchmaker between enforcement and regulation Current Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager may face even greater challenges in the next European Commission.
Regulate tech giants and create European champions, says Dutch government Companies beware: revised EU competition rules are on their way.
GDPR meets corporate: (new) opportunities in an M&A case The GDPR is everywhere, also in M&A cases. This article covers some practical points how to cope with GDPR during a deal from beginning to end.
Digital operational resilience as key priority for financial institutions Financial institutions and third party ICT providers will have to strengthen their IT security organisations, as the European Digital Operational Resilience Act is expected to be fully applicable in early 2025 after a two-year implementation period.