343 results Europese Commissie consulteert Europese standaarden voor duurzaamheidsverslaggeving (ESRS) Op vrijdag 9 juni 2023 heeft de Europese Commissie de finale concepten van de Europese standaarden voor duurzaamheidsverslaggeving (European Sustainability Reporting Standars, "ESRS") ter consultatie voorgelegd. De ESRS geven nadere invulling aan de Corpo Fewer or more consumer rights for a more sustainable world? On the occasion of World Consumer Rights Day on 15 March, our consumer law experts discuss what legal measures can be taken to reduce the negative impact on climate. Meer of minder consumentenrechten voor een duurzamere wereld? Ter gelegenheid van World Consumer Rights Day op 15 maart bespreken onze experten in het consumentenrecht welke wettelijke maatregelen genomen kunnen worden om de negatieve impact op het klimaat te verminderen. Commission takes labour market enforcement to the next level Employers beware: the European Commission is strengthening its actions against anticompetitive practices in labour markets. In its recent Competition Policy Brief it takes a tough stance. Companies are well-advised to review their employment practices. ACM walks the walk: first-ever vertical price coordination fine The Dutch Competition Authority (“ACM”) has claimed a first victim in its vertical restraints battle. Samsung Electronics was fined nearly EUR 40 million for having meddled in the online resale prices for televisions at seven retailers. Buckle up: the ACM is racing ahead with speedy solutions and more fines The Dutch competition watchdog ACM will bite faster and fiercer, according to its new chairman Martijn Snoep. The ACM plans to shorten the length of its investigations by deciding on their merits sooner. Colour shifting risks: cartel fines for alleged indirect info exchange upheld National courts upheld the approach by two national competition authorities towards indirect information exchange, lowering the standard of proof for collusion by competitors when receiving competitively sensitive information from a buyer (or supplier). Mondelēz’s fine takes the biscuit: cross-border trade crusade peaks The European Commission has fined Mondelēz EUR 337.5 million for restricting cross-border trade. Brand owners are advised to double-check their licensing and distribution systems, as well as their commercial conduct, for possible territorial restraints. The vertical fight continues: two more cases on vertical restraints Companies should not take competition rules lightly in their supply relationships. The EU General Court's Valve judgment and the ACM's LG decision illustrate the consistent attention to vertical restraints. Guess what, online branding restrictions are on the Commission's radar Companies are probably aware of the Commission's eagerness to clamp down on online resale price maintenance and geo-blocking restrictions. The recent fine for vertical restraints by clothing company Guess marks a new dot on the Commission's radar. Forewarned is forearmed: RPM still top of mind The clock is ticking for companies to set the record straight on resale price maintenance (RPM). Retailers must be able to determine their own retail prices without any direct or indirect meddling by suppliers. UK Court upholds fine against Ping for online sales ban On 7 September 2018, the UK Competition Appeal Tribunal (CAT) upheld the UK Competition and Market Authority's (CMA) decision fining Ping Europe Limited, a manufacturer of golf clubs, for violating EU and UK competition law. Stibbe advises Aedifica Stibbe's Real Estate Transaction Group advised Aedifica NV, a Belgian listed company investing in healthcare real estate, on the further expansion of its portfolio in the Netherlands. Frequent ESG disclosure issues under the EU Sustainable Finance framework explained ESMA publishes explanatory notes to various concepts under the Taxonomy Regulation, the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation and the Benchmark Regulation. Draft bill on the implementation of the CSDDD (WIVO) published The draft bill on international corporate responsibility (“WIVO”) was published for consultation on 18 November 2024, together with a draft explanatory memorandum. The WIVO implements the European Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive. Conceptwetsvoorstel implementatie CSDDD gepubliceerd: de WIVO Op 18 november 2024 is het ontwerp wetsvoorstel internationaal verantwoord ondernemen met ontwerp memorie van toelichting ter consultatie gepubliceerd. De WIVO implementeert de Europese Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive. Consumentenbescherming tegen verborgen reclame: redactionele reclame omvat zowel reclame betaald met geld als met andere vermogensvoordelen Redactionele inhoud in de media waarvoor een onderneming heeft betaald om reclame te maken voor haar product, moet als dusdanig herkenbaar zijn voor de consument. La protection des consommateurs contre la publicité cachée: la publicité rédactionnelle comprend la publicité payée avec de l'argent ou avec d'autres avantages financiers Le contenu éditorial des médias pour lesquels une entreprise a payé afin de faire de la publicité pour son produit doit être identifiable en tant que tel par les consommateurs. Pagination Previous page Page 17 Page 18 Current page 19 Page 20 Next page
Europese Commissie consulteert Europese standaarden voor duurzaamheidsverslaggeving (ESRS) Op vrijdag 9 juni 2023 heeft de Europese Commissie de finale concepten van de Europese standaarden voor duurzaamheidsverslaggeving (European Sustainability Reporting Standars, "ESRS") ter consultatie voorgelegd. De ESRS geven nadere invulling aan de Corpo
Fewer or more consumer rights for a more sustainable world? On the occasion of World Consumer Rights Day on 15 March, our consumer law experts discuss what legal measures can be taken to reduce the negative impact on climate.
Meer of minder consumentenrechten voor een duurzamere wereld? Ter gelegenheid van World Consumer Rights Day op 15 maart bespreken onze experten in het consumentenrecht welke wettelijke maatregelen genomen kunnen worden om de negatieve impact op het klimaat te verminderen.
Commission takes labour market enforcement to the next level Employers beware: the European Commission is strengthening its actions against anticompetitive practices in labour markets. In its recent Competition Policy Brief it takes a tough stance. Companies are well-advised to review their employment practices.
ACM walks the walk: first-ever vertical price coordination fine The Dutch Competition Authority (“ACM”) has claimed a first victim in its vertical restraints battle. Samsung Electronics was fined nearly EUR 40 million for having meddled in the online resale prices for televisions at seven retailers.
Buckle up: the ACM is racing ahead with speedy solutions and more fines The Dutch competition watchdog ACM will bite faster and fiercer, according to its new chairman Martijn Snoep. The ACM plans to shorten the length of its investigations by deciding on their merits sooner.
Colour shifting risks: cartel fines for alleged indirect info exchange upheld National courts upheld the approach by two national competition authorities towards indirect information exchange, lowering the standard of proof for collusion by competitors when receiving competitively sensitive information from a buyer (or supplier).
Mondelēz’s fine takes the biscuit: cross-border trade crusade peaks The European Commission has fined Mondelēz EUR 337.5 million for restricting cross-border trade. Brand owners are advised to double-check their licensing and distribution systems, as well as their commercial conduct, for possible territorial restraints.
The vertical fight continues: two more cases on vertical restraints Companies should not take competition rules lightly in their supply relationships. The EU General Court's Valve judgment and the ACM's LG decision illustrate the consistent attention to vertical restraints.
Guess what, online branding restrictions are on the Commission's radar Companies are probably aware of the Commission's eagerness to clamp down on online resale price maintenance and geo-blocking restrictions. The recent fine for vertical restraints by clothing company Guess marks a new dot on the Commission's radar.
Forewarned is forearmed: RPM still top of mind The clock is ticking for companies to set the record straight on resale price maintenance (RPM). Retailers must be able to determine their own retail prices without any direct or indirect meddling by suppliers.
UK Court upholds fine against Ping for online sales ban On 7 September 2018, the UK Competition Appeal Tribunal (CAT) upheld the UK Competition and Market Authority's (CMA) decision fining Ping Europe Limited, a manufacturer of golf clubs, for violating EU and UK competition law.
Stibbe advises Aedifica Stibbe's Real Estate Transaction Group advised Aedifica NV, a Belgian listed company investing in healthcare real estate, on the further expansion of its portfolio in the Netherlands.
Frequent ESG disclosure issues under the EU Sustainable Finance framework explained ESMA publishes explanatory notes to various concepts under the Taxonomy Regulation, the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation and the Benchmark Regulation.
Draft bill on the implementation of the CSDDD (WIVO) published The draft bill on international corporate responsibility (“WIVO”) was published for consultation on 18 November 2024, together with a draft explanatory memorandum. The WIVO implements the European Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive.
Conceptwetsvoorstel implementatie CSDDD gepubliceerd: de WIVO Op 18 november 2024 is het ontwerp wetsvoorstel internationaal verantwoord ondernemen met ontwerp memorie van toelichting ter consultatie gepubliceerd. De WIVO implementeert de Europese Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive.
Consumentenbescherming tegen verborgen reclame: redactionele reclame omvat zowel reclame betaald met geld als met andere vermogensvoordelen Redactionele inhoud in de media waarvoor een onderneming heeft betaald om reclame te maken voor haar product, moet als dusdanig herkenbaar zijn voor de consument.
La protection des consommateurs contre la publicité cachée: la publicité rédactionnelle comprend la publicité payée avec de l'argent ou avec d'autres avantages financiers Le contenu éditorial des médias pour lesquels une entreprise a payé afin de faire de la publicité pour son produit doit être identifiable en tant que tel par les consommateurs.