344 results Verklaring van openbaar nut is geen "project" in de zin van de MER-regelgeving In een recent arrest bevestigt de Raad van State dat "verklaringen van openbaar nut" niet onder het begrip "project" uit de project-MER-regelgeving valt. Belgium's Energy & Climate Plan - What is the legislative framework for climate policy in Belgium? Belgium adopts the first version of the National Energy & Climate Plan, which is a compilation of three individual climate plans from each of Belgium’s regions. It contains specific measures aiming to reduce CO2 emissions in Belgium. Part one - GDPR and Public Law: Applicability of GDPR to public bodies Nearly a year after the GDPR took effect, questions have emerged about its interaction with public law. This three-part blog series "GDPR and Public Law" explores three key issues regarding its impact on public law and government. Acrylamide: zijn frieten ook juridisch schadelijk voor de gezondheid? De risico’s door de aanwezigheid van acrylamide in levensmiddelen noopten de EU tot het nemen van risicobeperkende maatregelen. European Birds Directive: deviation schemes with varying success Both the Belgian and French Councils of State have expressed their views on the application of Article 9 of the Birds Directive. This article allows for a scheme that deviates from the prohibition to disturb, hunt, or kill protected bird species. District Court rules on the preliminary defences in CRT case On 29 November 2017, the District Court of East-Brabant ruled in four separate judgments on preliminary defences raised by defendants in damages claims brought by various Brazilian claimants in relation to the alleged cartel in cathode ray tubes (CRT). First Dutch excessive pricing case in pharma may be expected soon On 7 March 2018, the president of the Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) together with two colleagues published a paper concerning the application of the competition rules in the pharmaceutical industry. District Court Amsterdam rules real estate platform Funda did not abuse its dominant position On 21 March 2018, the District Court of Amsterdam delivered its judgment in a dispute between two real estate associations (VBO Makelaars and NVM) over the online platform of Funda Real Estate (Funda). Court of Justice dismisses all appeals against cartel decision in the freight forwarding sector On 1 February 2018, the European Court of Justice dismissed the appeals by several freight forwarders for their participation in various infringements in the sector for international air freight forwarding services. ACM publishes position paper on market dominance by tech companies On 1 February 2018, the Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) published a position paper setting out its strategy in relation to market dominance of internet and technology companies. ACM rolls the dice on roll-up strategies The Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets has cleared its first acquisition based on a ‘roll-up strategy’ assessment. The outcome of another roll-up strategy merger assessment is pending. Navigating access refusals after the ECJ’s Google Android Auto-ruling Big Tech faces challenges when denying third parties access to its open platforms. The European Court of Justice has ruled that a dominant company’s refusal to make its open platform compatible with a third-party app may be abusive. CJEU confirms “right of explanation” in battle between trade secrets and algorithmic transparency The CJEU's recent ruling emphasizes the GDPR's demand for algorithmic transparency in automated decisions, challenging companies to explain their logic. The decision also shows the difficulty of balancing such transparency with trade secret protection. Costly Capsules: Court calls foul on Leadiant On 13 February 2025, the District Court of Rotterdam upheld the ACM’s approach in its ruling on the appeal against the regulator’s first-ever excessive pricing fine. Ontwikkelingen op het gebied van duurzaamheidsverslaggeving Op grond van de CSRD zullen beursgenoteerde ondernemingen en overige grote ondernemingen op relatief korte termijn een uitgebreid duurzaamheidsverslag moeten opstellen aan de hand van Europese standaarden voor duurzaamheidsverslaggeving. ESG and potential director’s liability: taking the lead in the transition to more sustainable business operations There is a lot coming at companies with regard to sustainability matters these days. This could also affect company directors’ responsibilities and liability. In this article, we will discuss some points of attention and share our practical observations. EU institutions agree on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive: what to expect? On 14 December 2023, the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament agreed on a compromise text for the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (“CSDDD”). Proposal for a Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence On 23 February 2022 the European Commission (the "Commission") published a proposal for a Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (the "CSDD proposal"). Pagination Previous page Page 17 Current page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Next page
Verklaring van openbaar nut is geen "project" in de zin van de MER-regelgeving In een recent arrest bevestigt de Raad van State dat "verklaringen van openbaar nut" niet onder het begrip "project" uit de project-MER-regelgeving valt.
Belgium's Energy & Climate Plan - What is the legislative framework for climate policy in Belgium? Belgium adopts the first version of the National Energy & Climate Plan, which is a compilation of three individual climate plans from each of Belgium’s regions. It contains specific measures aiming to reduce CO2 emissions in Belgium.
Part one - GDPR and Public Law: Applicability of GDPR to public bodies Nearly a year after the GDPR took effect, questions have emerged about its interaction with public law. This three-part blog series "GDPR and Public Law" explores three key issues regarding its impact on public law and government.
Acrylamide: zijn frieten ook juridisch schadelijk voor de gezondheid? De risico’s door de aanwezigheid van acrylamide in levensmiddelen noopten de EU tot het nemen van risicobeperkende maatregelen.
European Birds Directive: deviation schemes with varying success Both the Belgian and French Councils of State have expressed their views on the application of Article 9 of the Birds Directive. This article allows for a scheme that deviates from the prohibition to disturb, hunt, or kill protected bird species.
District Court rules on the preliminary defences in CRT case On 29 November 2017, the District Court of East-Brabant ruled in four separate judgments on preliminary defences raised by defendants in damages claims brought by various Brazilian claimants in relation to the alleged cartel in cathode ray tubes (CRT).
First Dutch excessive pricing case in pharma may be expected soon On 7 March 2018, the president of the Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) together with two colleagues published a paper concerning the application of the competition rules in the pharmaceutical industry.
District Court Amsterdam rules real estate platform Funda did not abuse its dominant position On 21 March 2018, the District Court of Amsterdam delivered its judgment in a dispute between two real estate associations (VBO Makelaars and NVM) over the online platform of Funda Real Estate (Funda).
Court of Justice dismisses all appeals against cartel decision in the freight forwarding sector On 1 February 2018, the European Court of Justice dismissed the appeals by several freight forwarders for their participation in various infringements in the sector for international air freight forwarding services.
ACM publishes position paper on market dominance by tech companies On 1 February 2018, the Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) published a position paper setting out its strategy in relation to market dominance of internet and technology companies.
ACM rolls the dice on roll-up strategies The Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets has cleared its first acquisition based on a ‘roll-up strategy’ assessment. The outcome of another roll-up strategy merger assessment is pending.
Navigating access refusals after the ECJ’s Google Android Auto-ruling Big Tech faces challenges when denying third parties access to its open platforms. The European Court of Justice has ruled that a dominant company’s refusal to make its open platform compatible with a third-party app may be abusive.
CJEU confirms “right of explanation” in battle between trade secrets and algorithmic transparency The CJEU's recent ruling emphasizes the GDPR's demand for algorithmic transparency in automated decisions, challenging companies to explain their logic. The decision also shows the difficulty of balancing such transparency with trade secret protection.
Costly Capsules: Court calls foul on Leadiant On 13 February 2025, the District Court of Rotterdam upheld the ACM’s approach in its ruling on the appeal against the regulator’s first-ever excessive pricing fine.
Ontwikkelingen op het gebied van duurzaamheidsverslaggeving Op grond van de CSRD zullen beursgenoteerde ondernemingen en overige grote ondernemingen op relatief korte termijn een uitgebreid duurzaamheidsverslag moeten opstellen aan de hand van Europese standaarden voor duurzaamheidsverslaggeving.
ESG and potential director’s liability: taking the lead in the transition to more sustainable business operations There is a lot coming at companies with regard to sustainability matters these days. This could also affect company directors’ responsibilities and liability. In this article, we will discuss some points of attention and share our practical observations.
EU institutions agree on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive: what to expect? On 14 December 2023, the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament agreed on a compromise text for the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (“CSDDD”).
Proposal for a Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence On 23 February 2022 the European Commission (the "Commission") published a proposal for a Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (the "CSDD proposal").