431 results Legalisatie van cannabisproducten in het ene EU land zet de deur op een kier voor legalisatie in ander land, aldus Franse rechter De hoogste Franse rechter gaat mee in een recente uitspraak van het Hof van Justitie EU, waarmee zij de deur op een kier zet voor legalisatie van cannabisproducten, en laat zien dat EU landen niet zomaar cannabisproducten kunnen blijven weren. European Commission publishes major anti-money laundering legislative proposals On 20 July 2021, the European Commission presented a new legislative package containing significant changes to the applicable anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism financing regime. Court assesses threshold for substantiating cartel damage plausibility On 23 June 2021, the Rotterdam District Court rendered two (final) judgments regarding damages claims following the European Commissionâs decision on an alleged elevators cartel. Amsterdam Court of Appeal rules on the applicable law to air freight cartel damages claims On 6 July 2021, the Amsterdam Court of Appeal had to decide whether the pragmatic approach of the Amsterdam District Court, which had applied Dutch law to all air freight cartel damages claims, could be upheld. CJEU clarifies jurisdiction for follow-on damage claims The Court of Justice of the European Union recently further clarified which courts within the EU have jurisdiction to hear follow-on damage claims. Netherlands FDI regime protecting national security is getting closer On 30 June 2021, a legislative proposal introducing an investment screening on grounds of national security in the Netherlands was submitted to the House of Representatives. Court rules ACM can use accidental evidence found in dawn raids While skimming through employeesâ chat conversations and e-mails, it is not uncommon for competition authorities to stumble across other potential antitrust violations, separate from the initial scope of the search. ACM issues first excessive pricing fine in pharma On 1 July 2021, the Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) imposed a fine of EUR 19.5 million on drug manufacturer Leadiant for excessive pricing of their orphan drug CDCA-Leadiant. Horizontal cooperation: from the dark side to the light? Recent enforcement action shows that companies involved in data sharing and data pooling or sustainability cooperation need to tread carefully. Are your distribution contracts ready for the revised VBER? On 9 July 2021, the Commission published its draft revised Vertical Block Exemption Regulation (VBER) and the accompanying Vertical Guidelines. Overzicht van nieuwe/hangende prejudiciĂ«le vragen in verband met consumentenrecht Gelieve hierbij een selectie te vinden van nieuwe/lopende prejudiciĂ«le vragen, inclusief hyperlinks naar de website van het Hof van Justitie. RĂ©sumĂ© des questions prĂ©judicielles nouvelles/en cours sur le droit de la consommation Veuillez trouver ci-joint une sĂ©lection de questions prĂ©judicielles nouvelles/en cours, y compris des hyperliens vers le site de la Cour de justice. Overzicht van antwoorden op prejudiciĂ«le vragen in verband met consumentenrecht Gelieve hierbij een selectie van antwoorden op prejudiciĂ«le vragen over het consumentenrecht te vinden. European Commission clarifies SFDR Level 1 Requirements On 6 July 2021, the European Commission adopted the much-awaited decision C(2021) 4858 final which provides very useful answers to the questions raised by the European Supervisory Authorities on priority issues relating to the application of the SFDR. Aperçu des dĂ©veloppements juridiques belges et europĂ©ens Veuillez trouver ci-joint un aperçu des rĂ©cents dĂ©veloppements juridiques belges et europĂ©ens. Tax Controversy: Update July 2021 This Alert addresses certain recent developments concerning procedural tax law in the Netherlands. We will discuss some interesting developments with regard to the (revised) Dutch tax ruling practice as per 1 July 2019 and the Tax Ruling Annual Report. Ratification of European Climate Law and unveiling of the âFit for 55â climate package Recent developments gave rise to write this update: the European Parliament has ratified the Climate Law and confirmed the goal of the European Union on climate neutrality by 2050. Bekrachtiging Europese Klimaatwet en onthulling klimaatpakket âFit for 55â Met de bekrachtiging van de Europese Klimaatwet door het Europees Parlement en de introductie van het klimaatpakket 'Fit for 55', wordt het duidelijker hoe de weg naar een klimaatneutraal Europa er uit gaat zien. Pagination Previous page Page 16 Current page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Next page
Legalisatie van cannabisproducten in het ene EU land zet de deur op een kier voor legalisatie in ander land, aldus Franse rechter De hoogste Franse rechter gaat mee in een recente uitspraak van het Hof van Justitie EU, waarmee zij de deur op een kier zet voor legalisatie van cannabisproducten, en laat zien dat EU landen niet zomaar cannabisproducten kunnen blijven weren.
European Commission publishes major anti-money laundering legislative proposals On 20 July 2021, the European Commission presented a new legislative package containing significant changes to the applicable anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism financing regime.
Court assesses threshold for substantiating cartel damage plausibility On 23 June 2021, the Rotterdam District Court rendered two (final) judgments regarding damages claims following the European Commissionâs decision on an alleged elevators cartel.
Amsterdam Court of Appeal rules on the applicable law to air freight cartel damages claims On 6 July 2021, the Amsterdam Court of Appeal had to decide whether the pragmatic approach of the Amsterdam District Court, which had applied Dutch law to all air freight cartel damages claims, could be upheld.
CJEU clarifies jurisdiction for follow-on damage claims The Court of Justice of the European Union recently further clarified which courts within the EU have jurisdiction to hear follow-on damage claims.
Netherlands FDI regime protecting national security is getting closer On 30 June 2021, a legislative proposal introducing an investment screening on grounds of national security in the Netherlands was submitted to the House of Representatives.
Court rules ACM can use accidental evidence found in dawn raids While skimming through employeesâ chat conversations and e-mails, it is not uncommon for competition authorities to stumble across other potential antitrust violations, separate from the initial scope of the search.
ACM issues first excessive pricing fine in pharma On 1 July 2021, the Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) imposed a fine of EUR 19.5 million on drug manufacturer Leadiant for excessive pricing of their orphan drug CDCA-Leadiant.
Horizontal cooperation: from the dark side to the light? Recent enforcement action shows that companies involved in data sharing and data pooling or sustainability cooperation need to tread carefully.
Are your distribution contracts ready for the revised VBER? On 9 July 2021, the Commission published its draft revised Vertical Block Exemption Regulation (VBER) and the accompanying Vertical Guidelines.
Overzicht van nieuwe/hangende prejudiciële vragen in verband met consumentenrecht Gelieve hierbij een selectie te vinden van nieuwe/lopende prejudiciële vragen, inclusief hyperlinks naar de website van het Hof van Justitie.
Résumé des questions préjudicielles nouvelles/en cours sur le droit de la consommation Veuillez trouver ci-joint une sélection de questions préjudicielles nouvelles/en cours, y compris des hyperliens vers le site de la Cour de justice.
Overzicht van antwoorden op prejudiciële vragen in verband met consumentenrecht Gelieve hierbij een selectie van antwoorden op prejudiciële vragen over het consumentenrecht te vinden.
European Commission clarifies SFDR Level 1 Requirements On 6 July 2021, the European Commission adopted the much-awaited decision C(2021) 4858 final which provides very useful answers to the questions raised by the European Supervisory Authorities on priority issues relating to the application of the SFDR.
Aperçu des développements juridiques belges et européens Veuillez trouver ci-joint un aperçu des récents développements juridiques belges et européens.
Tax Controversy: Update July 2021 This Alert addresses certain recent developments concerning procedural tax law in the Netherlands. We will discuss some interesting developments with regard to the (revised) Dutch tax ruling practice as per 1 July 2019 and the Tax Ruling Annual Report.
Ratification of European Climate Law and unveiling of the âFit for 55â climate package Recent developments gave rise to write this update: the European Parliament has ratified the Climate Law and confirmed the goal of the European Union on climate neutrality by 2050.Â
Bekrachtiging Europese Klimaatwet en onthulling klimaatpakket âFit for 55â Met de bekrachtiging van de Europese Klimaatwet door het Europees Parlement en de introductie van het klimaatpakket 'Fit for 55', wordt het duidelijker hoe de weg naar een klimaatneutraal Europa er uit gaat zien.Â