328 results Digital Law Up(to)date: Approval of the Data Governance Act by the Council of the EU The Council of the European Union adopted the Data Governance Act. The new regulation promotes the availability of data and builds a trustworthy environment to facilitate their use for research and the creation of innovative new services and products. Digital Law Up(to)date: Art. 17 of directive 2019/790 is valid The CJEU validates the new liability regime for large online platforms organised by article 17 of the directive 2019/790 on copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market. Stibbe appoints two new partners Stibbe Brussels proudly announces the promotions of Guan Schaiko (Environment & Planning) and Pieter Nobels (Banking & Finance) to partner. The new appointments will take effect on 1 July 2022. Stibbe nomme deux nouveaux associés Le bureau bruxellois de Stibbe est fier d'annoncer la promotion de Guan Schaiko (Environment & Planning) et de Pieter Nobels (Banking & Finance) au titre d'associé. Les nouvelles nominations prendront effet le 1er juillet 2022. Stibbe benoemt twee nieuwe partners Het Brusselse kantoor van Stibbe heeft Guan Schaiko (Environment & Planning) en Pieter Nobels (Banking & Finance) als partners benoemd. De nieuwe benoemingen gaan in op 1 juli 2022. Prove it or lose it: court sets aside ACM fines in two separate cases The Rotterdam District Court recently confirmed the high bar which has been set for the ACM when proving its case: the court annulled the fines imposed by the ACM in two different cases and, significantly, each for the same reason. The ACM has to pay: moral damages awarded to real estate traders The Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) needs to cough up a total of EUR 120,000 in moral damages to three real estate traders. The postman will no longer ring twice: Minister unblocks postal merger The Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) recently blocked postal operator PostNL's acquisition of its only national competitor, Sandd, because this would create "a monopolist on the postal delivery market". Regulate tech giants and create European champions, says Dutch government Companies beware: revised EU competition rules are on their way. Court applies Dutch law to all air freight cartel damages claims On May 1, the Amsterdam District Court ruled in two judgments (1) and (2) that Dutch law applies to all follow-on damages claims resulting from the international air freight cartel, mainly citing practical considerations for its decision. Cheaper beer ahead? AB InBev fined for cross-border sales restrictions Dominant companies beware of hindering cross-border sales between resellers through, for instance, labelling or packaging measures to make your products less attractive for import. Successful challenges to merger decisions seem to be the exception The General Court recently confirmed the high degree of discretion enjoyed by the European Commission in the context of merger control decisions, particularly with respect to assessments of an economic nature. Low prices, high fines: Commission's creative purchase cartel fine upheld Companies should take note that the European Commission will deviate from its own general fining methodology if a particular case calls for it. The General Court recently upheld the Commission's novel fining approach in regard of a purchase cartel. Still standing: annulled Commission decision remains in force for non-appellant Steel producer Lucchini's claim for reimbursement of a EUR 14 million fine, on the basis that the decision was annulled on appeal from other parties, was recently rejected by the General Court. Can you rely on your contract to process personal data? The EDPB adopted on 9 April 2019 a set of draft guidelines on personal data processing under Article 6(1)(b) GDPR in the context of providing online services to data subjects. ACM launches probe into Apple's App Store The Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has announced that it is opening an investigation into whether Apple abuses the position it has attained with its App Store. The investigation will initially focus on news apps. Implementatie van de Herziene Aandeelhoudersrechtenrichtlijn Op 10 juni 2019 diende de Herziene Aandeelhoudersrechtenrichtlijn (2017/828/EU) in de Nederlandse wet- en regelgeving geïmplementeerd te zijn. Nederland heeft deze termijn niet gehaald. Europese richtlijnen grensoverschrijdende omzetting, fusie, splitsing en digitale oprichting kapitaalvennootschappen Op 25 april 2018 heeft de Europese Commissie een voorstel voor een richtlijn gepubliceerd met betrekking tot grensoverschrijdende omzettingen, fusies en splitsingen. Pagination Previous page Page 13 Current page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Next page
Digital Law Up(to)date: Approval of the Data Governance Act by the Council of the EU The Council of the European Union adopted the Data Governance Act. The new regulation promotes the availability of data and builds a trustworthy environment to facilitate their use for research and the creation of innovative new services and products.
Digital Law Up(to)date: Art. 17 of directive 2019/790 is valid The CJEU validates the new liability regime for large online platforms organised by article 17 of the directive 2019/790 on copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market.
Stibbe appoints two new partners Stibbe Brussels proudly announces the promotions of Guan Schaiko (Environment & Planning) and Pieter Nobels (Banking & Finance) to partner. The new appointments will take effect on 1 July 2022.
Stibbe nomme deux nouveaux associés Le bureau bruxellois de Stibbe est fier d'annoncer la promotion de Guan Schaiko (Environment & Planning) et de Pieter Nobels (Banking & Finance) au titre d'associé. Les nouvelles nominations prendront effet le 1er juillet 2022.
Stibbe benoemt twee nieuwe partners Het Brusselse kantoor van Stibbe heeft Guan Schaiko (Environment & Planning) en Pieter Nobels (Banking & Finance) als partners benoemd. De nieuwe benoemingen gaan in op 1 juli 2022.
Prove it or lose it: court sets aside ACM fines in two separate cases The Rotterdam District Court recently confirmed the high bar which has been set for the ACM when proving its case: the court annulled the fines imposed by the ACM in two different cases and, significantly, each for the same reason.
The ACM has to pay: moral damages awarded to real estate traders The Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) needs to cough up a total of EUR 120,000 in moral damages to three real estate traders.
The postman will no longer ring twice: Minister unblocks postal merger The Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) recently blocked postal operator PostNL's acquisition of its only national competitor, Sandd, because this would create "a monopolist on the postal delivery market".
Regulate tech giants and create European champions, says Dutch government Companies beware: revised EU competition rules are on their way.
Court applies Dutch law to all air freight cartel damages claims On May 1, the Amsterdam District Court ruled in two judgments (1) and (2) that Dutch law applies to all follow-on damages claims resulting from the international air freight cartel, mainly citing practical considerations for its decision.
Cheaper beer ahead? AB InBev fined for cross-border sales restrictions Dominant companies beware of hindering cross-border sales between resellers through, for instance, labelling or packaging measures to make your products less attractive for import.
Successful challenges to merger decisions seem to be the exception The General Court recently confirmed the high degree of discretion enjoyed by the European Commission in the context of merger control decisions, particularly with respect to assessments of an economic nature.
Low prices, high fines: Commission's creative purchase cartel fine upheld Companies should take note that the European Commission will deviate from its own general fining methodology if a particular case calls for it. The General Court recently upheld the Commission's novel fining approach in regard of a purchase cartel.
Still standing: annulled Commission decision remains in force for non-appellant Steel producer Lucchini's claim for reimbursement of a EUR 14 million fine, on the basis that the decision was annulled on appeal from other parties, was recently rejected by the General Court.
Can you rely on your contract to process personal data? The EDPB adopted on 9 April 2019 a set of draft guidelines on personal data processing under Article 6(1)(b) GDPR in the context of providing online services to data subjects.
ACM launches probe into Apple's App Store The Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has announced that it is opening an investigation into whether Apple abuses the position it has attained with its App Store. The investigation will initially focus on news apps.
Implementatie van de Herziene Aandeelhoudersrechtenrichtlijn Op 10 juni 2019 diende de Herziene Aandeelhoudersrechtenrichtlijn (2017/828/EU) in de Nederlandse wet- en regelgeving geïmplementeerd te zijn. Nederland heeft deze termijn niet gehaald.
Europese richtlijnen grensoverschrijdende omzetting, fusie, splitsing en digitale oprichting kapitaalvennootschappen Op 25 april 2018 heeft de Europese Commissie een voorstel voor een richtlijn gepubliceerd met betrekking tot grensoverschrijdende omzettingen, fusies en splitsingen.