132 results Europese richtlijnen grensoverschrijdende omzetting, fusie, splitsing en digitale oprichting kapitaalvennootschappen Op 25 april 2018 heeft de Europese Commissie een voorstel voor een richtlijn gepubliceerd met betrekking tot grensoverschrijdende omzettingen, fusies en splitsingen. Stibbe advises ABN AMRO Stibbe advises ABN AMRO on the sale of a majority stake in Stater to Infosys. Consultation response: Act on further remuneration measures for the financial sector Astrid Helstone, Manuel Lokin, Soeradj Ramsanjhal, Anne Merks and Lotte Hover-Boon have submitted a response to the draft bill 'Act on further remuneration measures for the financial sector' (Wet nadere beloningsmaatregelen financiële sector). Stibbe advises ADNOC Stibbe together with Shearman & Sterling advised the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) on the acquisition of a 10% interest in VTTI BV, the owner and operator of storage terminals in 14 countries. Stibbe advises Frigoglass Stibbe advises Frigoglass on the completion of its restructuring proces Stibbe advises on the IPO of Philips Lighting Stibbe advises Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan (as joint global coordinators) and the other underwriters on the IPO of Philips Lighting. Stibbe advises Intertrust on its share offering Stibbe advises Intertrust, a leading global provider of high-value trust and corporate services, on its EUR 122 million share offering. Stibbe advises Intertrust on its acquisition of Elian Group Stibbe advises Intertrust, a leading global provider of high-value trust and corporate services, on its acquisition of Elian Group ("Elian") from Elian's management and funds managed by Electra Partners LLP. Tax Alert: Budget Day tax proposals On 18 September it was budget day (Prinsjesdag) in the Netherlands on which the Dutch government released several bills of law containing tax law proposals. In this Tax Alert we will provide you with a summary of the main proposals relevant for internatio Dutch international taxation - current developments The global debate on alleged aggressive international tax planning initiated by the G20/OECD and the EU, is an important driver of the current developments in the field of international taxation. The following is a high level summary of certain developmen Stibbe advises Vistra Stibbe advises the management of Raet Stibbe advises the management of Raet on a majority investment by HgCapital in Raet. HgCapital will assume majority ownership from CVC Capital Partners and will be investing alongside the management team, who will retain a significant minority stake in Ra Stibbe advises Belgacom, T-Systems International GmbH, Strabag AG and Efkon AG Stibbe assisted a consortium composed of Belgacom, T-Systems International GmbH, Strabag AG, and Efkon AG with the preparation of its bid and with the negotiations and subsequent closing of the contract for the realization of the ETCS PPR project. Stibbe advised Insight Venture Partners on the acquisition of an interest in Campaign Monitor Stibbe advises voestalpine on the sale of Flamco to Aalberts Industries Stibbe advises voestalpine on the sale of Flamco to Aalberts Industries. The deal consists of voestalpine selling all of its shares (100%) in Flamco Holding B.V. and Flamco Stag Behälterbau GmbH, headquartered in Bunschoten (NL). Stibbe advises group of investors led by Joh. A. Benckiser Stibbe advised a group of investors led by Joh. A. Benckiser on its bid for all outstanding shares of D.E MASTER BLENDERS 1753 N.V. Stibbe advises The Blackstone Group Stibbe advises The Blackstone Group. Large Dutch multinationals endorse tax governance code Charlotte Tolman and Michael Molenaars examine the tax governance code as recently presented by VNO-NCW and which has been endorsed by 40+ multinationals. Pagination Previous page Page 5 Current page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Next page
Europese richtlijnen grensoverschrijdende omzetting, fusie, splitsing en digitale oprichting kapitaalvennootschappen Op 25 april 2018 heeft de Europese Commissie een voorstel voor een richtlijn gepubliceerd met betrekking tot grensoverschrijdende omzettingen, fusies en splitsingen.
Stibbe advises ABN AMRO Stibbe advises ABN AMRO on the sale of a majority stake in Stater to Infosys.
Consultation response: Act on further remuneration measures for the financial sector Astrid Helstone, Manuel Lokin, Soeradj Ramsanjhal, Anne Merks and Lotte Hover-Boon have submitted a response to the draft bill 'Act on further remuneration measures for the financial sector' (Wet nadere beloningsmaatregelen financiële sector).
Stibbe advises ADNOC Stibbe together with Shearman & Sterling advised the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) on the acquisition of a 10% interest in VTTI BV, the owner and operator of storage terminals in 14 countries.
Stibbe advises on the IPO of Philips Lighting Stibbe advises Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan (as joint global coordinators) and the other underwriters on the IPO of Philips Lighting.
Stibbe advises Intertrust on its share offering Stibbe advises Intertrust, a leading global provider of high-value trust and corporate services, on its EUR 122 million share offering.
Stibbe advises Intertrust on its acquisition of Elian Group Stibbe advises Intertrust, a leading global provider of high-value trust and corporate services, on its acquisition of Elian Group ("Elian") from Elian's management and funds managed by Electra Partners LLP.
Tax Alert: Budget Day tax proposals On 18 September it was budget day (Prinsjesdag) in the Netherlands on which the Dutch government released several bills of law containing tax law proposals. In this Tax Alert we will provide you with a summary of the main proposals relevant for internatio
Dutch international taxation - current developments The global debate on alleged aggressive international tax planning initiated by the G20/OECD and the EU, is an important driver of the current developments in the field of international taxation. The following is a high level summary of certain developmen
Stibbe advises the management of Raet Stibbe advises the management of Raet on a majority investment by HgCapital in Raet. HgCapital will assume majority ownership from CVC Capital Partners and will be investing alongside the management team, who will retain a significant minority stake in Ra
Stibbe advises Belgacom, T-Systems International GmbH, Strabag AG and Efkon AG Stibbe assisted a consortium composed of Belgacom, T-Systems International GmbH, Strabag AG, and Efkon AG with the preparation of its bid and with the negotiations and subsequent closing of the contract for the realization of the ETCS PPR project.
Stibbe advises voestalpine on the sale of Flamco to Aalberts Industries Stibbe advises voestalpine on the sale of Flamco to Aalberts Industries. The deal consists of voestalpine selling all of its shares (100%) in Flamco Holding B.V. and Flamco Stag Behälterbau GmbH, headquartered in Bunschoten (NL).
Stibbe advises group of investors led by Joh. A. Benckiser Stibbe advised a group of investors led by Joh. A. Benckiser on its bid for all outstanding shares of D.E MASTER BLENDERS 1753 N.V.
Large Dutch multinationals endorse tax governance code Charlotte Tolman and Michael Molenaars examine the tax governance code as recently presented by VNO-NCW and which has been endorsed by 40+ multinationals.