100 results Private Equity in the Netherlands: Tax Update 2022 In today’s rapidly changing tax environment, it is important to be aware of all relevant tax developments. In the past months, several new tax rules have been implemented or announced. Fiscale ontwikkelingen Belastingplichtmaatregel omgekeerde hybride lichamen. Sinds 1 januari 2022 is de zogenoemde belastingplichtmaatregel in de Nederlandse wet geïmplementeerd. Stibbe advises Insight Venture Partners Stibbe advises Insight Venture Partners and its portfolio company Zone & Co on the acquisition of a 100% equity stake in Fast Four. Stibbe Brussels appoints five new Counsel Stibbe Brussels has promoted Bastiaan Schelstraete (Environment & Planning), Stefanie François (Environment & Planning), David Verwaerde (Dispute Resolution), Lizelotte De Maeyer (Tax) and Pieter-Jan Leemen (Banking & Finance) to Counsel. Stibbe strengthens Corporate, Employment and Tax practices with three Counsel appointments We are proud to announce the promotions of Sophie Brenard (Corporate and M&A), Charlotte Mortiaux (Employment, Benefits and Pensions), and Christophe Martin-Raynaud (Tax) to Counsel, effective 1 January 2025. Stibbe renforce ses pratiques en droit des sociétés, droit social et droit fiscal avec la nomination de trois Counsels Nous sommes fiers d'annoncer la promotion de Sophie Brenard (Corporate/M&A), Charlotte Mortiaux (Employment, Benefits & Pensions) et Christophe Martin-Raynaud (Tax) en tant que Counsels, à partir du 1er janvier 2025. Stibbe versterkt praktijken vennootschapsrecht, arbeidsrecht en fiscaal recht met benoeming van drie Counsels We kondigen met trots de promoties aan van Sophie Brenard (Corporate/M&A), Charlotte Mortiaux (Employment, Benefits & Pensions) en Christophe Martin-Raynaud tot Counsel, met ingang van 1 januari 2025. Update on Dutch entity classification and anti-base-erosion rules In this issue of Tax Notes International, Ashley Peeters and Michael Molenaars provide a detailed analysis of recent tax developments in Dutch regulations concerning entity classification and anti-base-erosion rules. Tackling Reverse-Hybrid and Entity Classification Mismatches In the Netherlands This article, published in Tax Notes International, examines two recent Dutch proposals, which could have an immediate impact on Dutch and non-Dutch corporate taxpayers and existing national or international structures. Tax Controversy: Update July 2021 This Alert addresses certain recent developments concerning procedural tax law in the Netherlands. We will discuss some interesting developments with regard to the (revised) Dutch tax ruling practice as per 1 July 2019 and the Tax Ruling Annual Report. Stibbe Tax Webinar on Dutch classification rules – update on Dutch FGR’s On 1 July 2021, the Dutch state secretary of Finance issued a letter in which he indicated that the proposed amendments to the Dutch fund for joint account will no longer be part of the legislative proposal on the Dutch classification rules. The response of the Dutch government to the G7 Tax initiative On 14 June 2021 the Dutch State Secretary of Finance sent a letter to the Dutch Parliament setting out his view on (i) the political agreement reached by the G7 countries on global tax reform and (ii) the next meeting of the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework. Stibbe Tax webinar on Hybrid Entities During our tax webinar on 15 April we discussed certain tax aspects of so-called hybrid entities. New double tax treaty concluded between Luxembourg and the United Kingdom: changes ahead Luxembourg and the United Kingdom signed a new Double Tax Treaty on 7 June 2022 which includes several changes that might have an effect on investments involving the two jurisdictions. Dutch Spring Memorandum, EU’s DEBRA Proposal and the 2021 Annual Report Advance Tax Rulings On Friday 20 May 2022, the Dutch Ministry of Finance published the 2022 Spring Memorandum (Voorjaarsnota), including various proposed amendments that are relevant to international businesses, On 11 May 2022. the EU Commission issued a draft directive pro Kabinet wil schijnzelfstandigheid aanpakken Op vrijdag 24 juni jl. hebben de Minister van SZW en de Staatssecretaris van Fiscaliteit en Belastingdienst een schriftelijke kabinetsreactie gegeven op de rapporten van de ARK en de ADR op schijnzelfstandigheid door de Belastingdienst. Tax Alert: Legislative proposal on Dutch implementation of ATAD 2 (anti-hybrid rules) On 2 July 2019, the Dutch State Secretary of Finance has published a legislative proposal to implement the EU Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive 2 ("ATAD 2") into Dutch domestic legislation (the "Bill"). ATAD 2 provides for minimum standards to neutralize hybri Consultation Document new Dutch Tax group regime released A public consultation document was published by the State Secretary of Finance on 17 June 2019 which includes four alternative concepts for a tax group regime. Pagination Previous page Page 3 Current page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Next page
Private Equity in the Netherlands: Tax Update 2022 In today’s rapidly changing tax environment, it is important to be aware of all relevant tax developments. In the past months, several new tax rules have been implemented or announced.
Fiscale ontwikkelingen Belastingplichtmaatregel omgekeerde hybride lichamen. Sinds 1 januari 2022 is de zogenoemde belastingplichtmaatregel in de Nederlandse wet geïmplementeerd.
Stibbe advises Insight Venture Partners Stibbe advises Insight Venture Partners and its portfolio company Zone & Co on the acquisition of a 100% equity stake in Fast Four.
Stibbe Brussels appoints five new Counsel Stibbe Brussels has promoted Bastiaan Schelstraete (Environment & Planning), Stefanie François (Environment & Planning), David Verwaerde (Dispute Resolution), Lizelotte De Maeyer (Tax) and Pieter-Jan Leemen (Banking & Finance) to Counsel.
Stibbe strengthens Corporate, Employment and Tax practices with three Counsel appointments We are proud to announce the promotions of Sophie Brenard (Corporate and M&A), Charlotte Mortiaux (Employment, Benefits and Pensions), and Christophe Martin-Raynaud (Tax) to Counsel, effective 1 January 2025.
Stibbe renforce ses pratiques en droit des sociétés, droit social et droit fiscal avec la nomination de trois Counsels Nous sommes fiers d'annoncer la promotion de Sophie Brenard (Corporate/M&A), Charlotte Mortiaux (Employment, Benefits & Pensions) et Christophe Martin-Raynaud (Tax) en tant que Counsels, à partir du 1er janvier 2025.
Stibbe versterkt praktijken vennootschapsrecht, arbeidsrecht en fiscaal recht met benoeming van drie Counsels We kondigen met trots de promoties aan van Sophie Brenard (Corporate/M&A), Charlotte Mortiaux (Employment, Benefits & Pensions) en Christophe Martin-Raynaud tot Counsel, met ingang van 1 januari 2025.
Update on Dutch entity classification and anti-base-erosion rules In this issue of Tax Notes International, Ashley Peeters and Michael Molenaars provide a detailed analysis of recent tax developments in Dutch regulations concerning entity classification and anti-base-erosion rules.
Tackling Reverse-Hybrid and Entity Classification Mismatches In the Netherlands This article, published in Tax Notes International, examines two recent Dutch proposals, which could have an immediate impact on Dutch and non-Dutch corporate taxpayers and existing national or international structures.
Tax Controversy: Update July 2021 This Alert addresses certain recent developments concerning procedural tax law in the Netherlands. We will discuss some interesting developments with regard to the (revised) Dutch tax ruling practice as per 1 July 2019 and the Tax Ruling Annual Report.
Stibbe Tax Webinar on Dutch classification rules – update on Dutch FGR’s On 1 July 2021, the Dutch state secretary of Finance issued a letter in which he indicated that the proposed amendments to the Dutch fund for joint account will no longer be part of the legislative proposal on the Dutch classification rules.
The response of the Dutch government to the G7 Tax initiative On 14 June 2021 the Dutch State Secretary of Finance sent a letter to the Dutch Parliament setting out his view on (i) the political agreement reached by the G7 countries on global tax reform and (ii) the next meeting of the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework.
Stibbe Tax webinar on Hybrid Entities During our tax webinar on 15 April we discussed certain tax aspects of so-called hybrid entities.
New double tax treaty concluded between Luxembourg and the United Kingdom: changes ahead Luxembourg and the United Kingdom signed a new Double Tax Treaty on 7 June 2022 which includes several changes that might have an effect on investments involving the two jurisdictions.
Dutch Spring Memorandum, EU’s DEBRA Proposal and the 2021 Annual Report Advance Tax Rulings On Friday 20 May 2022, the Dutch Ministry of Finance published the 2022 Spring Memorandum (Voorjaarsnota), including various proposed amendments that are relevant to international businesses, On 11 May 2022. the EU Commission issued a draft directive pro
Kabinet wil schijnzelfstandigheid aanpakken Op vrijdag 24 juni jl. hebben de Minister van SZW en de Staatssecretaris van Fiscaliteit en Belastingdienst een schriftelijke kabinetsreactie gegeven op de rapporten van de ARK en de ADR op schijnzelfstandigheid door de Belastingdienst.
Tax Alert: Legislative proposal on Dutch implementation of ATAD 2 (anti-hybrid rules) On 2 July 2019, the Dutch State Secretary of Finance has published a legislative proposal to implement the EU Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive 2 ("ATAD 2") into Dutch domestic legislation (the "Bill"). ATAD 2 provides for minimum standards to neutralize hybri
Consultation Document new Dutch Tax group regime released A public consultation document was published by the State Secretary of Finance on 17 June 2019 which includes four alternative concepts for a tax group regime.