40 results Verklaring van openbaar nut is geen "project" in de zin van de MER-regelgeving In een recent arrest bevestigt de Raad van State dat "verklaringen van openbaar nut" niet onder het begrip "project" uit de project-MER-regelgeving valt. Belgium's Energy & Climate Plan - What is the legislative framework for climate policy in Belgium? Belgium adopts the first version of the National Energy & Climate Plan, which is a compilation of three individual climate plans from each of Belgium’s regions. It contains specific measures aiming to reduce CO2 emissions in Belgium. Langs (Vlaamse) autosnelwegen Sedert 1958 gelden langs autosnelwegen bouwvrije stroken. De Vlaamse regering moderniseerde op 25 januari 2019 de regelgeving rond bouwvrije stroken voor wat het Vlaamse Gewest betreft. Climate change and sustainability - Environmental considerations for a sustainable business model Climate change has become the most important sustainability issue of our time. Three major developments in the field of climate and sustainability inevitably affect the way businesses operate and how they move towards more sustainable business models. Pagination Previous page Page 1 Page 2 Current page 3
Verklaring van openbaar nut is geen "project" in de zin van de MER-regelgeving In een recent arrest bevestigt de Raad van State dat "verklaringen van openbaar nut" niet onder het begrip "project" uit de project-MER-regelgeving valt.
Belgium's Energy & Climate Plan - What is the legislative framework for climate policy in Belgium? Belgium adopts the first version of the National Energy & Climate Plan, which is a compilation of three individual climate plans from each of Belgium’s regions. It contains specific measures aiming to reduce CO2 emissions in Belgium.
Langs (Vlaamse) autosnelwegen Sedert 1958 gelden langs autosnelwegen bouwvrije stroken. De Vlaamse regering moderniseerde op 25 januari 2019 de regelgeving rond bouwvrije stroken voor wat het Vlaamse Gewest betreft.
Climate change and sustainability - Environmental considerations for a sustainable business model Climate change has become the most important sustainability issue of our time. Three major developments in the field of climate and sustainability inevitably affect the way businesses operate and how they move towards more sustainable business models.