64 results The Insurance Recovery and Resolution Directive The Insurance Recovery and Resolution Directive (IRRD) was published in the Official Journal of the EU on 8 January 2025. The IRRD introduces a new regulatory framework aimed at strengthening the stability and resilience of the EU insurance sector. Stibbe strengthens Corporate, Employment and Tax practices with three Counsel appointments We are proud to announce the promotions of Sophie Brenard (Corporate and M&A), Charlotte Mortiaux (Employment, Benefits and Pensions), and Christophe Martin-Raynaud (Tax) to Counsel, effective 1 January 2025. Stibbe renforce ses pratiques en droit des sociétés, droit social et droit fiscal avec la nomination de trois Counsels Nous sommes fiers d'annoncer la promotion de Sophie Brenard (Corporate/M&A), Charlotte Mortiaux (Employment, Benefits & Pensions) et Christophe Martin-Raynaud (Tax) en tant que Counsels, à partir du 1er janvier 2025. Stibbe versterkt praktijken vennootschapsrecht, arbeidsrecht en fiscaal recht met benoeming van drie Counsels We kondigen met trots de promoties aan van Sophie Brenard (Corporate/M&A), Charlotte Mortiaux (Employment, Benefits & Pensions) en Christophe Martin-Raynaud tot Counsel, met ingang van 1 januari 2025. Top tips for doing capital markets deals in the Netherlands Nora Offergelt and Pieter Schütte have written a Practice Note with Practical Law Capital Markets in which they discuss the top tips for doing capital markets deals in the Netherlands. De impact van de AMLR op financiële instellingen Soeradj Ramsanjhal onderzoekt de impact van de nieuwe anti-witwasverordening (AMLR) op financiële instellingen in Nederland. Stibbe appoints two new partners Stibbe Brussels proudly announces the promotions of Guan Schaiko (Environment & Planning) and Pieter Nobels (Banking & Finance) to partner. The new appointments will take effect on 1 July 2022. Stibbe nomme deux nouveaux associés Le bureau bruxellois de Stibbe est fier d'annoncer la promotion de Guan Schaiko (Environment & Planning) et de Pieter Nobels (Banking & Finance) au titre d'associé. Les nouvelles nominations prendront effet le 1er juillet 2022. Stibbe benoemt twee nieuwe partners Het Brusselse kantoor van Stibbe heeft Guan Schaiko (Environment & Planning) en Pieter Nobels (Banking & Finance) als partners benoemd. De nieuwe benoemingen gaan in op 1 juli 2022. Consultation to extend shareholder notification obligations Stibbe has taken part in the public consultation concerning the draft Act on the extension of substantial holding notification obligations, which was commissioned by the Dutch Minister of Finance. Stibbe advises Centtrip Stibbe advises Centtrip, one the UK's premier and most innovative fintech companies, on expanding into the European mainland by setting up a regulated electronic money institution in the Netherlands and its licence application with the Dutch Central Bank. Voorontwerp Wet uitbreiding meldplichten aandeelhouders Recente ontwikkelingen op het gebied van corporate governance, waaronder de inwerkingtreding van de Herziene Aandeelhoudersrechtenrichtlijn, onderstrepen het belang van langetermijnwaardecreatie. Stibbe lanceert webtool over implementatie aandeelhoudersrechtenrichtlijn Op 2 april 2019 heeft de Tweede Kamer het wetsvoorstel ter implementatie van de Herziene aandeelhoudersrechtenrichtlijn (EU) 2017/828 aangenomen. Wetsvoorstel implementatie Herziene aandeelhoudersrechtenrichtlijn aangenomen door de Tweede Kamer Op 2 april 2019 heeft de Tweede Kamer het wetsvoorstel ter implementatie van de Herziene aandeelhoudersrechtenrichtlijn (EU) 2017/828 aangenomen. Consultation response: Act on further remuneration measures for the financial sector Astrid Helstone, Manuel Lokin, Soeradj Ramsanjhal, Anne Merks and Lotte Hover-Boon have submitted a response to the draft bill 'Act on further remuneration measures for the financial sector' (Wet nadere beloningsmaatregelen financiële sector). Stibbe advises ADNOC Stibbe together with Shearman & Sterling advised the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) on the acquisition of a 10% interest in VTTI BV, the owner and operator of storage terminals in 14 countries. Roderik Vrolijk and Soeradj Ramsanjhal in Global Legal Insights - FinTech Edition 2019 Roderik Vrolijk and Soeradj Ramsanjhal have contributed to the 2019 FinTech edition of Global Legal Insights (GLI), providing the Netherlands chapter. Dutch Financial Regulators recommend a Dutch national licensing regime for crypto exchange platforms and crypto wallet providers On 18 January 2019, the Dutch Central Bank (De Nederlandsche Bank, "DNB") and the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (Stichting Autoriteit Financiële Markten, the "AFM") published their joint advice recommending a Dutch national licensing reg Pagination Previous page Page 1 Page 2 Current page 3 Page 4 Next page
The Insurance Recovery and Resolution Directive The Insurance Recovery and Resolution Directive (IRRD) was published in the Official Journal of the EU on 8 January 2025. The IRRD introduces a new regulatory framework aimed at strengthening the stability and resilience of the EU insurance sector.
Stibbe strengthens Corporate, Employment and Tax practices with three Counsel appointments We are proud to announce the promotions of Sophie Brenard (Corporate and M&A), Charlotte Mortiaux (Employment, Benefits and Pensions), and Christophe Martin-Raynaud (Tax) to Counsel, effective 1 January 2025.
Stibbe renforce ses pratiques en droit des sociétés, droit social et droit fiscal avec la nomination de trois Counsels Nous sommes fiers d'annoncer la promotion de Sophie Brenard (Corporate/M&A), Charlotte Mortiaux (Employment, Benefits & Pensions) et Christophe Martin-Raynaud (Tax) en tant que Counsels, à partir du 1er janvier 2025.
Stibbe versterkt praktijken vennootschapsrecht, arbeidsrecht en fiscaal recht met benoeming van drie Counsels We kondigen met trots de promoties aan van Sophie Brenard (Corporate/M&A), Charlotte Mortiaux (Employment, Benefits & Pensions) en Christophe Martin-Raynaud tot Counsel, met ingang van 1 januari 2025.
Top tips for doing capital markets deals in the Netherlands Nora Offergelt and Pieter Schütte have written a Practice Note with Practical Law Capital Markets in which they discuss the top tips for doing capital markets deals in the Netherlands.
De impact van de AMLR op financiële instellingen Soeradj Ramsanjhal onderzoekt de impact van de nieuwe anti-witwasverordening (AMLR) op financiële instellingen in Nederland.
Stibbe appoints two new partners Stibbe Brussels proudly announces the promotions of Guan Schaiko (Environment & Planning) and Pieter Nobels (Banking & Finance) to partner. The new appointments will take effect on 1 July 2022.
Stibbe nomme deux nouveaux associés Le bureau bruxellois de Stibbe est fier d'annoncer la promotion de Guan Schaiko (Environment & Planning) et de Pieter Nobels (Banking & Finance) au titre d'associé. Les nouvelles nominations prendront effet le 1er juillet 2022.
Stibbe benoemt twee nieuwe partners Het Brusselse kantoor van Stibbe heeft Guan Schaiko (Environment & Planning) en Pieter Nobels (Banking & Finance) als partners benoemd. De nieuwe benoemingen gaan in op 1 juli 2022.
Consultation to extend shareholder notification obligations Stibbe has taken part in the public consultation concerning the draft Act on the extension of substantial holding notification obligations, which was commissioned by the Dutch Minister of Finance.
Stibbe advises Centtrip Stibbe advises Centtrip, one the UK's premier and most innovative fintech companies, on expanding into the European mainland by setting up a regulated electronic money institution in the Netherlands and its licence application with the Dutch Central Bank.
Voorontwerp Wet uitbreiding meldplichten aandeelhouders Recente ontwikkelingen op het gebied van corporate governance, waaronder de inwerkingtreding van de Herziene Aandeelhoudersrechtenrichtlijn, onderstrepen het belang van langetermijnwaardecreatie.
Stibbe lanceert webtool over implementatie aandeelhoudersrechtenrichtlijn Op 2 april 2019 heeft de Tweede Kamer het wetsvoorstel ter implementatie van de Herziene aandeelhoudersrechtenrichtlijn (EU) 2017/828 aangenomen.
Wetsvoorstel implementatie Herziene aandeelhoudersrechtenrichtlijn aangenomen door de Tweede Kamer Op 2 april 2019 heeft de Tweede Kamer het wetsvoorstel ter implementatie van de Herziene aandeelhoudersrechtenrichtlijn (EU) 2017/828 aangenomen.
Consultation response: Act on further remuneration measures for the financial sector Astrid Helstone, Manuel Lokin, Soeradj Ramsanjhal, Anne Merks and Lotte Hover-Boon have submitted a response to the draft bill 'Act on further remuneration measures for the financial sector' (Wet nadere beloningsmaatregelen financiële sector).
Stibbe advises ADNOC Stibbe together with Shearman & Sterling advised the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) on the acquisition of a 10% interest in VTTI BV, the owner and operator of storage terminals in 14 countries.
Roderik Vrolijk and Soeradj Ramsanjhal in Global Legal Insights - FinTech Edition 2019 Roderik Vrolijk and Soeradj Ramsanjhal have contributed to the 2019 FinTech edition of Global Legal Insights (GLI), providing the Netherlands chapter.
Dutch Financial Regulators recommend a Dutch national licensing regime for crypto exchange platforms and crypto wallet providers On 18 January 2019, the Dutch Central Bank (De Nederlandsche Bank, "DNB") and the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (Stichting Autoriteit Financiële Markten, the "AFM") published their joint advice recommending a Dutch national licensing reg