222 results Sustainability solutions sussed out soon More antitrust clarity has arrived for companies involved in sustainability collaborations. The EC published draft revised rules on horizontal cooperation agreements and the ACM informally approved two green initiatives in the energy sector. Employers beware: final warning for “job cartels” Only months after suspending an investigation into a possible wage-fixing cartel, the Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has warned employers, employers’ organisations, and trade associations to not engage in no-poach agreements. Pfizer may be off the hook, but ACM pharma supervision continues Pharma companies beware: discount schemes by former patent owners raise red flags at competition authorities. Getting the Deal Through – Cartel Regulation 2022 Roos Elemans, Stijn de Jong and Kaj Privé contributed to Getting the Deal Through – Cartel Regulation 2022. In their publication, they discuss important issues that apply to cartel regulation in the Netherlands. Second time lucky: Intel’s EUR 1.06 billion loyalty rebate fine quashed Intel’s second round at the General Court was significantly more successful than its first. In the first round, the General Court had failed to analyse whether the loyalty rebates at issue were capable of restricting competition. In the second round, afte Belgian Competition Authority approves merger between Port of Antwerp and Port of Zeebrugge By decision of 7 January 2022, the Belgian Competition Authority approved the merger between the Port of Antwerp and the Port of Zeebrugge. This merger deals with two important ports in Europe, in particular in the Hamburg – Le Havre range. 2022: the big reveal of 2021’s competition law promises 2021 was riddled with sneak previews of a “review of competition policy tools with unprecedented scope and ambition”. Sharing is caring? Commission can take over NCA probe The EU case cooperation mechanism does not create any rights for companies to have their case dealt with by a particular competition authority. Companies should therefore factor the dynamics of this cooperation mechanism into their defence strategies. Legalisatie van cannabisproducten in het ene EU land zet de deur op een kier voor legalisatie in ander land, aldus Franse rechter De hoogste Franse rechter gaat mee in een recente uitspraak van het Hof van Justitie EU, waarmee zij de deur op een kier zet voor legalisatie van cannabisproducten, en laat zien dat EU landen niet zomaar cannabisproducten kunnen blijven weren. Court assesses threshold for substantiating cartel damage plausibility On 23 June 2021, the Rotterdam District Court rendered two (final) judgments regarding damages claims following the European Commission’s decision on an alleged elevators cartel. Amsterdam Court of Appeal rules on the applicable law to air freight cartel damages claims On 6 July 2021, the Amsterdam Court of Appeal had to decide whether the pragmatic approach of the Amsterdam District Court, which had applied Dutch law to all air freight cartel damages claims, could be upheld. CJEU clarifies jurisdiction for follow-on damage claims The Court of Justice of the European Union recently further clarified which courts within the EU have jurisdiction to hear follow-on damage claims. Netherlands FDI regime protecting national security is getting closer On 30 June 2021, a legislative proposal introducing an investment screening on grounds of national security in the Netherlands was submitted to the House of Representatives. Court rules ACM can use accidental evidence found in dawn raids While skimming through employees’ chat conversations and e-mails, it is not uncommon for competition authorities to stumble across other potential antitrust violations, separate from the initial scope of the search. ACM issues first excessive pricing fine in pharma On 1 July 2021, the Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) imposed a fine of EUR 19.5 million on drug manufacturer Leadiant for excessive pricing of their orphan drug CDCA-Leadiant. Horizontal cooperation: from the dark side to the light? Recent enforcement action shows that companies involved in data sharing and data pooling or sustainability cooperation need to tread carefully. Are your distribution contracts ready for the revised VBER? On 9 July 2021, the Commission published its draft revised Vertical Block Exemption Regulation (VBER) and the accompanying Vertical Guidelines. Ratification of European Climate Law and unveiling of the ‘Fit for 55’ climate package Recent developments gave rise to write this update: the European Parliament has ratified the Climate Law and confirmed the goal of the European Union on climate neutrality by 2050. Pagination Previous page Page 7 Current page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Next page
Sustainability solutions sussed out soon More antitrust clarity has arrived for companies involved in sustainability collaborations. The EC published draft revised rules on horizontal cooperation agreements and the ACM informally approved two green initiatives in the energy sector.
Employers beware: final warning for “job cartels” Only months after suspending an investigation into a possible wage-fixing cartel, the Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has warned employers, employers’ organisations, and trade associations to not engage in no-poach agreements.
Pfizer may be off the hook, but ACM pharma supervision continues Pharma companies beware: discount schemes by former patent owners raise red flags at competition authorities.
Getting the Deal Through – Cartel Regulation 2022 Roos Elemans, Stijn de Jong and Kaj Privé contributed to Getting the Deal Through – Cartel Regulation 2022. In their publication, they discuss important issues that apply to cartel regulation in the Netherlands.
Second time lucky: Intel’s EUR 1.06 billion loyalty rebate fine quashed Intel’s second round at the General Court was significantly more successful than its first. In the first round, the General Court had failed to analyse whether the loyalty rebates at issue were capable of restricting competition. In the second round, afte
Belgian Competition Authority approves merger between Port of Antwerp and Port of Zeebrugge By decision of 7 January 2022, the Belgian Competition Authority approved the merger between the Port of Antwerp and the Port of Zeebrugge. This merger deals with two important ports in Europe, in particular in the Hamburg – Le Havre range.
2022: the big reveal of 2021’s competition law promises 2021 was riddled with sneak previews of a “review of competition policy tools with unprecedented scope and ambition”.
Sharing is caring? Commission can take over NCA probe The EU case cooperation mechanism does not create any rights for companies to have their case dealt with by a particular competition authority. Companies should therefore factor the dynamics of this cooperation mechanism into their defence strategies.
Legalisatie van cannabisproducten in het ene EU land zet de deur op een kier voor legalisatie in ander land, aldus Franse rechter De hoogste Franse rechter gaat mee in een recente uitspraak van het Hof van Justitie EU, waarmee zij de deur op een kier zet voor legalisatie van cannabisproducten, en laat zien dat EU landen niet zomaar cannabisproducten kunnen blijven weren.
Court assesses threshold for substantiating cartel damage plausibility On 23 June 2021, the Rotterdam District Court rendered two (final) judgments regarding damages claims following the European Commission’s decision on an alleged elevators cartel.
Amsterdam Court of Appeal rules on the applicable law to air freight cartel damages claims On 6 July 2021, the Amsterdam Court of Appeal had to decide whether the pragmatic approach of the Amsterdam District Court, which had applied Dutch law to all air freight cartel damages claims, could be upheld.
CJEU clarifies jurisdiction for follow-on damage claims The Court of Justice of the European Union recently further clarified which courts within the EU have jurisdiction to hear follow-on damage claims.
Netherlands FDI regime protecting national security is getting closer On 30 June 2021, a legislative proposal introducing an investment screening on grounds of national security in the Netherlands was submitted to the House of Representatives.
Court rules ACM can use accidental evidence found in dawn raids While skimming through employees’ chat conversations and e-mails, it is not uncommon for competition authorities to stumble across other potential antitrust violations, separate from the initial scope of the search.
ACM issues first excessive pricing fine in pharma On 1 July 2021, the Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) imposed a fine of EUR 19.5 million on drug manufacturer Leadiant for excessive pricing of their orphan drug CDCA-Leadiant.
Horizontal cooperation: from the dark side to the light? Recent enforcement action shows that companies involved in data sharing and data pooling or sustainability cooperation need to tread carefully.
Are your distribution contracts ready for the revised VBER? On 9 July 2021, the Commission published its draft revised Vertical Block Exemption Regulation (VBER) and the accompanying Vertical Guidelines.
Ratification of European Climate Law and unveiling of the ‘Fit for 55’ climate package Recent developments gave rise to write this update: the European Parliament has ratified the Climate Law and confirmed the goal of the European Union on climate neutrality by 2050.