234 results Waiting for the EC: third-party platform bans and RPM still on radar The results of the European Commission’s evaluation of the Vertical Block Exemption Regulation (VBER) call for more clarity and convergence in the interpretation of certain (online) vertical restrictions. EU merger control: Dutch clause to catch future killer acquisitions Competition Commissioner Vestager presented a sneak peak of her plans for the future of EU merger control on the 30th anniversary of the EU Merger Regulation. The ACM’s Green Deal: achieving sustainability via competition law? The ACM has issued draft guidelines on the application of competition law to sustainability agreements. Innovatie en staatssteun. Het CBb leidt de weg bij de belangrijke definities industrieel onderzoek en experimentele ontwikkeling Het College van Beroep voor het bedrijfsleven (“CBb”) heeft op 6 oktober 2020 in een subsidiegeschil nadere invulling gegeven aan het onderscheid tussen “industrieel onderzoek” en “experimentele ontwikkeling”. Belgian prohibition on abuse of economic dependence comes into force and new fining guidelines In 2019, Belgium introduced legislation banning abuse in relationships between companies where there is no dominant position, but rather a position of economic dependence. The act entered into force on 22 August 2020. This article has FIVE stars! New Dutch consumer rules to curb fake reviews Consumers often rely on online reviews to decide what bike to buy, where to eat or what article to read. But what if those reviews are fake? New Dutch rules were announced on 23 October 2020 seeking to ensure a higher level of consumer protection online. De renaissance van de voorlopige maatregelen in het mededingingsrecht Mededingingsautoriteiten zijn op zoek naar instrumenten om snel in te grijpen bij ontluikende mededingingsproblemen op de techmarkten. Getting the Deal Through – Cartel Regulation 2021 Floris ten Have and Kaj Privé contributed to Getting the Deal Through – Cartel Regulation 2021. In their publication, Floris and Kaj discuss important issues that apply to cartel regulation in the Netherlands. Amsterdam Court of Appeal accepts jurisdiction in competition law damages case concerning Greek beer market On 16 February 2021, the Amsterdam Court of Appeal set aside a judgment of the Amsterdam District Court in which the District Court declined jurisdiction over the alleged claims against Athenian Brewery, a Greek subsidiary of Heineken N.V. Net(work) closing in on cross-border cartels? A heads-up for companies with cross-border activities. The ECN+ Directive’s transposition deadline has expired and its provisions should by now have found their way into the national laws of the EU Member States. ACM’s 2021 enforcement focus: digital, green and COVID-19 The ACM’s list of 2021 focus areas is out. Whereas the digital economy and the energy transition are repeats from last year, the effects of the COVID-19 crisis is a new, although somewhat unsurprising, designated focal point. Gatecrashing gatekeepers? The EU’s digital reform is out Christmas is a time for contemplation, and the proposals of the long-awaited Digital Markets Act and Digital Services Act may give gatekeepers and other online intermediaries even more reason to be pensive this year. The next 5 years: European Commission launches New Consumer Agenda Despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the European Commission is already looking ahead to set its consumer protection priorities for the next five years. Slovak Telekom: ECJ on essentials of the ‘essential facilities’ doctrine Only dominant companies with a “genuinely tight grip” on the market can be forced to grant rivals access to their infrastructure. Court bundles educational publishers merger off to ACM for reassessment Digital mergers have steered competition authorities away from their usual mantra of structural over behavioural remedies. The Rotterdam District Court recently gave its blessing to the ACM’s remedies for securing access to a digital school platform. Highest Dutch Court: ACM has not proved dominance of Dutch railway operator NS A high market share is not always proof of a dominant position. The Trade and Industry Appeals Tribunal (CBb) upheld the annulment of the ACM’s fine of nearly EUR 41 million on Dutch railway operator NS for alleged abuse of dominance. Triple-check merger info to prevent costly fines – or worse Companies should check their merger information for accuracy, truthfulness and completeness before handing it over to the European Commission. Foreign subsidies: another addition to the M&A checklist Checking for merger control notification obligations and Foreign Direct Investment screening mechanisms will be on the list for most companies involved in M&A deals. Pagination Previous page Page 6 Current page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Next page
Waiting for the EC: third-party platform bans and RPM still on radar The results of the European Commission’s evaluation of the Vertical Block Exemption Regulation (VBER) call for more clarity and convergence in the interpretation of certain (online) vertical restrictions.
EU merger control: Dutch clause to catch future killer acquisitions Competition Commissioner Vestager presented a sneak peak of her plans for the future of EU merger control on the 30th anniversary of the EU Merger Regulation.
The ACM’s Green Deal: achieving sustainability via competition law? The ACM has issued draft guidelines on the application of competition law to sustainability agreements.
Innovatie en staatssteun. Het CBb leidt de weg bij de belangrijke definities industrieel onderzoek en experimentele ontwikkeling Het College van Beroep voor het bedrijfsleven (“CBb”) heeft op 6 oktober 2020 in een subsidiegeschil nadere invulling gegeven aan het onderscheid tussen “industrieel onderzoek” en “experimentele ontwikkeling”.
Belgian prohibition on abuse of economic dependence comes into force and new fining guidelines In 2019, Belgium introduced legislation banning abuse in relationships between companies where there is no dominant position, but rather a position of economic dependence. The act entered into force on 22 August 2020.
This article has FIVE stars! New Dutch consumer rules to curb fake reviews Consumers often rely on online reviews to decide what bike to buy, where to eat or what article to read. But what if those reviews are fake? New Dutch rules were announced on 23 October 2020 seeking to ensure a higher level of consumer protection online.
De renaissance van de voorlopige maatregelen in het mededingingsrecht Mededingingsautoriteiten zijn op zoek naar instrumenten om snel in te grijpen bij ontluikende mededingingsproblemen op de techmarkten.
Getting the Deal Through – Cartel Regulation 2021 Floris ten Have and Kaj Privé contributed to Getting the Deal Through – Cartel Regulation 2021. In their publication, Floris and Kaj discuss important issues that apply to cartel regulation in the Netherlands.
Amsterdam Court of Appeal accepts jurisdiction in competition law damages case concerning Greek beer market On 16 February 2021, the Amsterdam Court of Appeal set aside a judgment of the Amsterdam District Court in which the District Court declined jurisdiction over the alleged claims against Athenian Brewery, a Greek subsidiary of Heineken N.V.
Net(work) closing in on cross-border cartels? A heads-up for companies with cross-border activities. The ECN+ Directive’s transposition deadline has expired and its provisions should by now have found their way into the national laws of the EU Member States.
ACM’s 2021 enforcement focus: digital, green and COVID-19 The ACM’s list of 2021 focus areas is out. Whereas the digital economy and the energy transition are repeats from last year, the effects of the COVID-19 crisis is a new, although somewhat unsurprising, designated focal point.
Gatecrashing gatekeepers? The EU’s digital reform is out Christmas is a time for contemplation, and the proposals of the long-awaited Digital Markets Act and Digital Services Act may give gatekeepers and other online intermediaries even more reason to be pensive this year.
The next 5 years: European Commission launches New Consumer Agenda Despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the European Commission is already looking ahead to set its consumer protection priorities for the next five years.
Slovak Telekom: ECJ on essentials of the ‘essential facilities’ doctrine Only dominant companies with a “genuinely tight grip” on the market can be forced to grant rivals access to their infrastructure.
Court bundles educational publishers merger off to ACM for reassessment Digital mergers have steered competition authorities away from their usual mantra of structural over behavioural remedies. The Rotterdam District Court recently gave its blessing to the ACM’s remedies for securing access to a digital school platform.
Highest Dutch Court: ACM has not proved dominance of Dutch railway operator NS A high market share is not always proof of a dominant position. The Trade and Industry Appeals Tribunal (CBb) upheld the annulment of the ACM’s fine of nearly EUR 41 million on Dutch railway operator NS for alleged abuse of dominance.
Triple-check merger info to prevent costly fines – or worse Companies should check their merger information for accuracy, truthfulness and completeness before handing it over to the European Commission.
Foreign subsidies: another addition to the M&A checklist Checking for merger control notification obligations and Foreign Direct Investment screening mechanisms will be on the list for most companies involved in M&A deals.