232 results TenderNed en Klic-viewer: innoveren met overheidsinformatie kan een riskante onderneming zijn Aanbieders van online-diensten en applicaties kunnen niet altijd rekenen op bescherming van hun marktpositie op basis van de staatssteun- en mededingingsregels. Dit blijkt uit een onlangs gewezen uitspraak van de hoogste Unierechter. Big tech firms entering banking: be careful what you wish for Big tech firms, whether entering or already active on payments markets, are under scrutiny. PSD2 has opened up the payments markets to non-bank companies, but this comes with both risks and opportunities. Walking a thin line: cooperation and collusion Buying groups are under attack from competition authorities across Europe. Tackling Big Tech up-front? Time to stop thinking and start acting Benelux competition authorities have published a joint memorandum on how best to keep up with challenges in fast-moving digital markets. Safeguarding legal privilege: better safe than sorry? The European Court of Justice recently ruled that the European Commission does not have to take additional precautionary measures to respect the right of legal professional privilege when conducting a new dawn raid at the same company. Access to the file in Dutch competition procedures: too little too late? Companies beware: the ACMâs and European Commissionâs approach to access to the file are not aligned. According to an interim relief judge, the ACM cannot be forced to grant a company access to a broader set of documents in competition procedures. Deleting WhatsApp chats during dawn raids may cost you dearly Companies should be aware that the Dutch competition authority (ACM) will not only examine electronic records and emails, but can also check WhatsApp messages during dawn raids. Floodgates open? ECJ allows cartel damage claim for remote economic loss A mantra of EU competition law is that "any person" can claim full compensation for all the loss caused to him or her through a competition law infringement. Competition rules and globalisation to face off in 2020 2020 will likely revolve around the question whether competition rules should yield to globalisation and digitisation, with suggestions ranging from mere tweaks to competition rules to complementary regulation. Google Shopping: self-preferencing is a form of abuse of dominance On 10 November 2021, the General Court (GC) almost entirely dismissed Googleâs action against the European Commissionâs Google Shopping decision. Europese Commissie herziet en verruimt een belangrijk staatssteunkader: consultatie wijzigingen AGVV geopend tot 8 december 2021 De Europese Commissie zet in op meer staatssteun voor innovatieve ondernemingen en duurzaamheid. Dit blijkt uit de voorgestelde wijziging van de Algemene groepsvrijstellingsverordening waarover tot 8 december a.s. een consultatie loopt. Dust off your dawn raid manuals: the heat is (back) on Companies should brace themselves for multiple multi-jurisdictional dawn raids over the coming months. Commission reveals first piece of antitrust sustainability puzzle The European Commission has published a Policy Brief setting out its preliminary views on how to fit the European Green Dealâs sustainability goals into the EU competition rules. Digital Law Up(to)date: (1) Parliamentary initiatives about cyber attacks; (2) âZero tariffâ options before the CJEU; and (3) Council of State, GDPR and encryption In this blog, we briefly present three interesting matters in the field of digital law: (1) Parliamentary initiatives to tackle cyber attacks; (2) 'Zero tariff' options and open internet access do not mix; (3) Council of State, GDPR and encryption. Publicatie en inwerkingtreding Uitvoeringswet Screeningsverordening buitenlandse directe investeringen Op 4 december 2020 is een uitvoeringswet in werking getreden die bepaalde elementen uit de Verordening screening van buitenlandse directe investeringen in de Unie regelt en zorgt dat Nederland voldoet aan de verplichtingen uit die verordening. Het Besluit stikstofreductie en natuurverbetering is ter consultatie gegaan De minister van LNV had er verschillende oppositiepartijen voor nodig, maar het is haar gelukt: begin december 2020 werd bekend dat er voldoende steun is voor de Wet stikstofreductie en natuurverbetering (ook wel: de stikstofwet, of de âWsnâ). ACM study calls for regulation of Big Techs on payment market The ACMâs market study, published on 1 December 2020, provides an overview of recent and upcoming developments concerning the role of Big Tech companies in both online and offline payment markets in the Netherlands. (Geo)blockbuster: Canal+ ruling annuls commitment decision A heads-up for companies seeking to settle in antitrust proceedings: commercially-affected third party complainants are not to be ignored. Pagination Previous page Page 5 Current page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Next page
TenderNed en Klic-viewer: innoveren met overheidsinformatie kan een riskante onderneming zijn Aanbieders van online-diensten en applicaties kunnen niet altijd rekenen op bescherming van hun marktpositie op basis van de staatssteun- en mededingingsregels. Dit blijkt uit een onlangs gewezen uitspraak van de hoogste Unierechter.
Big tech firms entering banking: be careful what you wish for Big tech firms, whether entering or already active on payments markets, are under scrutiny. PSD2 has opened up the payments markets to non-bank companies, but this comes with both risks and opportunities.
Walking a thin line: cooperation and collusion Buying groups are under attack from competition authorities across Europe.
Tackling Big Tech up-front? Time to stop thinking and start acting Benelux competition authorities have published a joint memorandum on how best to keep up with challenges in fast-moving digital markets.
Safeguarding legal privilege: better safe than sorry? The European Court of Justice recently ruled that the European Commission does not have to take additional precautionary measures to respect the right of legal professional privilege when conducting a new dawn raid at the same company.
Access to the file in Dutch competition procedures: too little too late? Companies beware: the ACMâs and European Commissionâs approach to access to the file are not aligned. According to an interim relief judge, the ACM cannot be forced to grant a company access to a broader set of documents in competition procedures.
Deleting WhatsApp chats during dawn raids may cost you dearly Companies should be aware that the Dutch competition authority (ACM) will not only examine electronic records and emails, but can also check WhatsApp messages during dawn raids.
Floodgates open? ECJ allows cartel damage claim for remote economic loss A mantra of EU competition law is that "any person" can claim full compensation for all the loss caused to him or her through a competition law infringement.
Competition rules and globalisation to face off in 2020 2020 will likely revolve around the question whether competition rules should yield to globalisation and digitisation, with suggestions ranging from mere tweaks to competition rules to complementary regulation.
Google Shopping: self-preferencing is a form of abuse of dominance On 10 November 2021, the General Court (GC) almost entirely dismissed Googleâs action against the European Commissionâs Google Shopping decision.
Europese Commissie herziet en verruimt een belangrijk staatssteunkader: consultatie wijzigingen AGVV geopend tot 8 december 2021 De Europese Commissie zet in op meer staatssteun voor innovatieve ondernemingen en duurzaamheid. Dit blijkt uit de voorgestelde wijziging van de Algemene groepsvrijstellingsverordening waarover tot 8 december a.s. een consultatie loopt.
Dust off your dawn raid manuals: the heat is (back) on Companies should brace themselves for multiple multi-jurisdictional dawn raids over the coming months.
Commission reveals first piece of antitrust sustainability puzzle The European Commission has published a Policy Brief setting out its preliminary views on how to fit the European Green Dealâs sustainability goals into the EU competition rules.
Digital Law Up(to)date: (1) Parliamentary initiatives about cyber attacks; (2) âZero tariffâ options before the CJEU; and (3) Council of State, GDPR and encryption In this blog, we briefly present three interesting matters in the field of digital law: (1) Parliamentary initiatives to tackle cyber attacks; (2) 'Zero tariff' options and open internet access do not mix; (3) Council of State, GDPR and encryption.
Publicatie en inwerkingtreding Uitvoeringswet Screeningsverordening buitenlandse directe investeringen Op 4 december 2020 is een uitvoeringswet in werking getreden die bepaalde elementen uit de Verordening screening van buitenlandse directe investeringen in de Unie regelt en zorgt dat Nederland voldoet aan de verplichtingen uit die verordening.
Het Besluit stikstofreductie en natuurverbetering is ter consultatie gegaan De minister van LNV had er verschillende oppositiepartijen voor nodig, maar het is haar gelukt: begin december 2020 werd bekend dat er voldoende steun is voor de Wet stikstofreductie en natuurverbetering (ook wel: de stikstofwet, of de âWsnâ).
ACM study calls for regulation of Big Techs on payment market The ACMâs market study, published on 1 December 2020, provides an overview of recent and upcoming developments concerning the role of Big Tech companies in both online and offline payment markets in the Netherlands.
(Geo)blockbuster: Canal+ ruling annuls commitment decision A heads-up for companies seeking to settle in antitrust proceedings: commercially-affected third party complainants are not to be ignored.