368 results French supermarket dawn raids down the drain On 9 March 2023, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruled that the European Commission should properly record interviews if they are used to gather information regarding the subject matter of the investigation. ECJ in Towercast: plan C for tackling concentrations? Companies beware: completed non-notifiable concentrations do not necessarily go scot-free. An ex post abuse-of-dominance investigation by national competition authorities (NCA) could still loom. Guidelines vs Guidance: exclusionary abuse Guidelines due by 2025 The European Commission is seeking feedback on the adoption of Guidelines on exclusionary abuses of dominance under Article 102 TFEU. In the meantime, the Commission has amended its 2008 Guidance. Informal views issued in agricultural industry and banana sector The Belgian Competition Authority (BCA) informally accepted a commitment agreed by the partners of the Belgian Agro Food Chain Platform, limiting the possibility to contractually exclude the theory of change of circumstances. Stibbe Luxembourg lawyers co-author the second edition of the SFDR Implementation Guide Edouard d'Anterroches (Partner) and Nicolas Pradel (Senior Associate) co-authored the second edition of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) Implementation Guide published on 11 April 2023. Consultatievoorstel voor Wijzigingswet toezicht financiĂŤle markten 2024 Ingrid van der Klooster bespreekt de hoofdlijnen van de voorgestelde wijzigingen in het consultatievoorstel dat op 29 april 2022 gepubliceerd is. Abuse: an access request you canât refuse? The European Court of Justice has confirmed that the essential facilities test is limited to âpureâ access cases. Infringement of a regulatory access obligation must be assessed under the general framework for abuse of dominance. Belgian Competition Authority opens first hybrid cartel proceedings In the first hybrid cartel proceedings by the Belgian Competition Authority, the Prosecutor recently submitted a draft decision to condemn and impose a fine on pharmaceutical wholesaler CERP SA for allegedly participating in anticompetitive practices. The ACMâs priorities in 2023: the energy transition, digitalisation, and sustainability On 26 January 2023, the ACM announced that its priorities for 2023 would be the energy transition, the digital economy, and sustainability. This agenda is unsurprising in view of the ACMâs recent policy statements and enforcement actions. Amendments to the Further Regulation on the Supervision of the Conduct of Financial Undertakings Wft On 14 December 2022, the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets, published amendments to the Further Regulation on the Supervision of the Conduct of Financial Undertakings under the Financial Supervision Act. Stibbe Brussels reinforces Public Law and EU/Competition Law practices with two Counsel appointments Stibbe Brussels has promoted Sophie Adriaenssen to Counsel in its Public Law practice group and has welcomed Quentin Declève as Counsel in its EU/Competition Law practice. The appointments are effective as per 1 January 2023. Stibbe Bruxelles renforce ses pratiques en droit public et en droit de l'UE/de la concurrence par la nomination de deux Counsel Le bureau bruxellois de Stibbe a nommĂŠ Sophie Adriaenssen en tant que Counsel au sein de sa pratique de droit public. Le cabinet a ĂŠgalement accueilli Quentin Declève en tant que Counsel au sein de sa pratique de droit de l'UE/de la concurrence. Stibbe Brussel versterkt praktijken Publiekrecht en EU/Competition met twee counselbenoemingen Stibbe Brussel heeft Sophie Adriaenssen benoemd tot Counsel in zijn praktijkgroep Publiekrecht. Het kantoor heeft daarnaast Quentin Declève verwelkomd als Counsel in zijn praktijkgroep EU/Competition. De nieuwe benoemingen gelden vanaf 1 januari 2023. Competition law developments in 2022 While 2022 revolved around new and improved regulatory tools, the focus in 2023 will be on putting these tools to use. More merger-related obligations, digital sector scrutiny and clarity on competition-law and consumer-law aspects is imminent. Key developments in sustainability claims in 2022 In 2022, the ACM and the European Commission put the spotlight on the accuracy of companiesâ sustainability claims. Notably, the ACM published several market studies and adopted commitment decisions concerning allegedly misleading sustainability claims. Levelling the playing field in 2023: new tools and hurdles While 2022 revolved around new and improved regulatory tools, the focus in 2023 will be on putting these tools to use. More merger-related obligations, digital sector scrutiny and clarity on competition-law and consumer-law aspects is imminent. Foreign investment developments in 2022 2022 marks the second year of the EU Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Regulation, and the year in which legislators haven been busy shaping the Dutch national security screening regime and the EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation. Reporting for non-EU AIFMs as of Q1 2023 Effective from Q1 2023, the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (the âAFMâ) indicated that it will require AIFMs who have notified AIFs for marketing under Article 36/Article 42 AIFMD to submit Periodic Reports. 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French supermarket dawn raids down the drain On 9 March 2023, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruled that the European Commission should properly record interviews if they are used to gather information regarding the subject matter of the investigation.
ECJ in Towercast: plan C for tackling concentrations? Companies beware: completed non-notifiable concentrations do not necessarily go scot-free. An ex post abuse-of-dominance investigation by national competition authorities (NCA) could still loom.
Guidelines vs Guidance: exclusionary abuse Guidelines due by 2025 The European Commission is seeking feedback on the adoption of Guidelines on exclusionary abuses of dominance under Article 102 TFEU. In the meantime, the Commission has amended its 2008 Guidance.
Informal views issued in agricultural industry and banana sector The Belgian Competition Authority (BCA) informally accepted a commitment agreed by the partners of the Belgian Agro Food Chain Platform, limiting the possibility to contractually exclude the theory of change of circumstances.
Stibbe Luxembourg lawyers co-author the second edition of the SFDR Implementation Guide Edouard d'Anterroches (Partner) and Nicolas Pradel (Senior Associate) co-authored the second edition of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) Implementation Guide published on 11 April 2023.
Consultatievoorstel voor Wijzigingswet toezicht financiĂŤle markten 2024 Ingrid van der Klooster bespreekt de hoofdlijnen van de voorgestelde wijzigingen in het consultatievoorstel dat op 29 april 2022 gepubliceerd is.
Abuse: an access request you canât refuse? The European Court of Justice has confirmed that the essential facilities test is limited to âpureâ access cases. Infringement of a regulatory access obligation must be assessed under the general framework for abuse of dominance.
Belgian Competition Authority opens first hybrid cartel proceedings In the first hybrid cartel proceedings by the Belgian Competition Authority, the Prosecutor recently submitted a draft decision to condemn and impose a fine on pharmaceutical wholesaler CERP SA for allegedly participating in anticompetitive practices.
The ACMâs priorities in 2023: the energy transition, digitalisation, and sustainability On 26 January 2023, the ACM announced that its priorities for 2023 would be the energy transition, the digital economy, and sustainability. This agenda is unsurprising in view of the ACMâs recent policy statements and enforcement actions.
Amendments to the Further Regulation on the Supervision of the Conduct of Financial Undertakings Wft On 14 December 2022, the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets, published amendments to the Further Regulation on the Supervision of the Conduct of Financial Undertakings under the Financial Supervision Act.
Stibbe Brussels reinforces Public Law and EU/Competition Law practices with two Counsel appointments Stibbe Brussels has promoted Sophie Adriaenssen to Counsel in its Public Law practice group and has welcomed Quentin Declève as Counsel in its EU/Competition Law practice. The appointments are effective as per 1 January 2023.
Stibbe Bruxelles renforce ses pratiques en droit public et en droit de l'UE/de la concurrence par la nomination de deux Counsel Le bureau bruxellois de Stibbe a nommÊ Sophie Adriaenssen en tant que Counsel au sein de sa pratique de droit public. Le cabinet a Êgalement accueilli Quentin Declève en tant que Counsel au sein de sa pratique de droit de l'UE/de la concurrence.
Stibbe Brussel versterkt praktijken Publiekrecht en EU/Competition met twee counselbenoemingen Stibbe Brussel heeft Sophie Adriaenssen benoemd tot Counsel in zijn praktijkgroep Publiekrecht. Het kantoor heeft daarnaast Quentin Declève verwelkomd als Counsel in zijn praktijkgroep EU/Competition. De nieuwe benoemingen gelden vanaf 1 januari 2023.
Competition law developments in 2022 While 2022 revolved around new and improved regulatory tools, the focus in 2023 will be on putting these tools to use. More merger-related obligations, digital sector scrutiny and clarity on competition-law and consumer-law aspects is imminent.
Key developments in sustainability claims in 2022 In 2022, the ACM and the European Commission put the spotlight on the accuracy of companiesâ sustainability claims. Notably, the ACM published several market studies and adopted commitment decisions concerning allegedly misleading sustainability claims.
Levelling the playing field in 2023: new tools and hurdles While 2022 revolved around new and improved regulatory tools, the focus in 2023 will be on putting these tools to use. More merger-related obligations, digital sector scrutiny and clarity on competition-law and consumer-law aspects is imminent.
Foreign investment developments in 2022 2022 marks the second year of the EU Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Regulation, and the year in which legislators haven been busy shaping the Dutch national security screening regime and the EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation.
Reporting for non-EU AIFMs as of Q1 2023 Effective from Q1 2023, the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (the âAFMâ) indicated that it will require AIFMs who have notified AIFs for marketing under Article 36/Article 42 AIFMD to submit Periodic Reports.