55 results Stibbe advises Investcorp Stibbe advises Investcorp, a leading global manager of alternative investments, on the sale of SecureLink, one of the largest dedicated cybersecurity infrastructure and managed services providers in Europe, to global telecoms group Orange. ACM launches probe into Apple's App Store The Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has announced that it is opening an investigation into whether Apple abuses the position it has attained with its App Store. The investigation will initially focus on news apps. ESMA publishes report on licencing of fintech firms across europe On 12 July, the European Securities and Markets Authority ("ESMA") published a report on the status of licencing regimes of FinTech firms across the European Union ("EU"). Don't take the ACM's digital inspection guidelines too literally The Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets' (ACM) digital inspection guidelines should be on every company's reading list. However, they should not be taken too literally; at least according to the recent ruling from the Court of Appeal in The Hague. Supervision of crypto services On 3 September 2019, De Nederlandsche Bank ("DNB") published a press release in which DNB points out to providers of crypto services that they should prepare for imminent DNB supervision. Roderik Vrolijk and Soeradj Ramsanjhal in Global Legal Insights - FinTech Edition 2019 Roderik Vrolijk and Soeradj Ramsanjhal have contributed to the 2019 FinTech edition of Global Legal Insights (GLI), providing the Netherlands chapter. Digitisation and competition law: past, present and future It is nearly time for the European Commission to reveal its course of action in digitisation and competition law. Dutch Financial Regulators recommend a Dutch national licensing regime for crypto exchange platforms and crypto wallet providers On 18 January 2019, the Dutch Central Bank (De Nederlandsche Bank, "DNB") and the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (Stichting Autoriteit FinanciĂ«le Markten, the "AFM") published their joint advice recommending a Dutch national licensing reg Ook WhatsApp- en sms-berichten op privĂ©telefoons vallen onder Wet openbaarheid van bestuur De Afdeling bestuursrechtspraak van de Raad van State heeft in een uitspraak van 20 maart 2019 (ECLI:NL:RVS:2019:899) bevestigd dat ook WhatsApp- en sms-berichten onder de reikwijdte van de Wet openbaarheid van bestuur (Wob) vallen. Maaltijdbezorger Deliveroo werkzaam op basis van opdrachtovereenkomst, geen arbeidsovereenkomst (annotatie) In deze annotatie bespreken Joren Wiewel en Jaap van Slooten de eerste uitspraak van een Nederlandse rechter over âde platformwerkerâ. Waarborgen tegen ânepnieuwsâ Het functioneren van onze democratie valt of staat bij de mogelijkheden van de kiezer om op basis van juiste informatie een mening te vormen over gewenst beleid. Dat geldt te meer in een tijd waarin er steeds meer vormen van directe democratie bestaan. De werkerscoöperatie Het Nederlandse arbeidsrecht sluit slecht aan op platformisering. Van Slooten en Holscher onderscheiden in deze bijdrage drie kernproblemen. Nieuwe Europese regels voor (o.a. werk)platforms in aantocht De Europese Commissie heeft onlangs een concept-Verordening gepubliceerd gericht op onlinetussenhandelsdiensten, die ook enkele belangrijke implicaties zal hebben voor werkplatforms. Stibbe advises Abry Partners and KORE Stibbe advised Abry Partners, a private equity fund, and its portfolio-company KORE, the independent global IoT leader, on the acquisition of ASPIDER-NGI, a leading provider of advanced connectivity, core network, and eSIM solutions. PSD2 implemented in the Netherlands Yesterday, the PSD2 implementation act was promulgated in the Dutch Government Gazette (Staatsblad). The PSD2 implementation act enters into effect on 19 February 2019. The Act and Explanatory Memorandum (both in Dutch) can be found here. Jaap van Slooten and Marko JovoviÄ speak at LabourLawLands 2019 The Dutch Employment Lawyers Association (VAAN), the Employment Lawyers Association (VvA), the Young Employment Lawyers Association (VJAA) and the Association of Officials and Law (VA&R) present the LabourLawLands festival, in collaboration with the UWV, CJEU confirms âright of explanationâ in battle between trade secrets and algorithmic transparency The CJEU's recent ruling emphasizes the GDPR's demand for algorithmic transparency in automated decisions, challenging companies to explain their logic. The decision also shows the difficulty of balancing such transparency with trade secret protection. HagaZiekenhuis beboet voor datalek Enkele maanden geleden vierden we de eerste verjaardag van de Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming (AVG) met een uitgebreide beschouwing over de belangrijkste ontwikkelingen uit het eerste jaar van de verordening. Pagination Previous page Page 1 Page 2 Current page 3 Page 4 Next page
Stibbe advises Investcorp Stibbe advises Investcorp, a leading global manager of alternative investments, on the sale of SecureLink, one of the largest dedicated cybersecurity infrastructure and managed services providers in Europe, to global telecoms group Orange.
ACM launches probe into Apple's App Store The Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has announced that it is opening an investigation into whether Apple abuses the position it has attained with its App Store. The investigation will initially focus on news apps.
ESMA publishes report on licencing of fintech firms across europe On 12 July, the European Securities and Markets Authority ("ESMA") published a report on the status of licencing regimes of FinTech firms across the European Union ("EU").
Don't take the ACM's digital inspection guidelines too literally The Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets' (ACM) digital inspection guidelines should be on every company's reading list. However, they should not be taken too literally; at least according to the recent ruling from the Court of Appeal in The Hague.
Supervision of crypto services On 3 September 2019, De Nederlandsche Bank ("DNB") published a press release in which DNB points out to providers of crypto services that they should prepare for imminent DNB supervision.
Roderik Vrolijk and Soeradj Ramsanjhal in Global Legal Insights - FinTech Edition 2019 Roderik Vrolijk and Soeradj Ramsanjhal have contributed to the 2019 FinTech edition of Global Legal Insights (GLI), providing the Netherlands chapter.
Digitisation and competition law: past, present and future It is nearly time for the European Commission to reveal its course of action in digitisation and competition law.
Dutch Financial Regulators recommend a Dutch national licensing regime for crypto exchange platforms and crypto wallet providers On 18 January 2019, the Dutch Central Bank (De Nederlandsche Bank, "DNB") and the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (Stichting Autoriteit Financiële Markten, the "AFM") published their joint advice recommending a Dutch national licensing reg
Ook WhatsApp- en sms-berichten op privételefoons vallen onder Wet openbaarheid van bestuur De Afdeling bestuursrechtspraak van de Raad van State heeft in een uitspraak van 20 maart 2019 (ECLI:NL:RVS:2019:899) bevestigd dat ook WhatsApp- en sms-berichten onder de reikwijdte van de Wet openbaarheid van bestuur (Wob) vallen.
Maaltijdbezorger Deliveroo werkzaam op basis van opdrachtovereenkomst, geen arbeidsovereenkomst (annotatie) In deze annotatie bespreken Joren Wiewel en Jaap van Slooten de eerste uitspraak van een Nederlandse rechter over âde platformwerkerâ.
Waarborgen tegen ânepnieuwsâ Het functioneren van onze democratie valt of staat bij de mogelijkheden van de kiezer om op basis van juiste informatie een mening te vormen over gewenst beleid. Dat geldt te meer in een tijd waarin er steeds meer vormen van directe democratie bestaan.
De werkerscoöperatie Het Nederlandse arbeidsrecht sluit slecht aan op platformisering. Van Slooten en Holscher onderscheiden in deze bijdrage drie kernproblemen.
Nieuwe Europese regels voor (o.a. werk)platforms in aantocht De Europese Commissie heeft onlangs een concept-Verordening gepubliceerd gericht op onlinetussenhandelsdiensten, die ook enkele belangrijke implicaties zal hebben voor werkplatforms.
Stibbe advises Abry Partners and KORE Stibbe advised Abry Partners, a private equity fund, and its portfolio-company KORE, the independent global IoT leader, on the acquisition of ASPIDER-NGI, a leading provider of advanced connectivity, core network, and eSIM solutions.
PSD2 implemented in the Netherlands Yesterday, the PSD2 implementation act was promulgated in the Dutch Government Gazette (Staatsblad). The PSD2 implementation act enters into effect on 19 February 2019. The Act and Explanatory Memorandum (both in Dutch) can be found here.
Jaap van Slooten and Marko JovoviÄ speak at LabourLawLands 2019 The Dutch Employment Lawyers Association (VAAN), the Employment Lawyers Association (VvA), the Young Employment Lawyers Association (VJAA) and the Association of Officials and Law (VA&R) present the LabourLawLands festival, in collaboration with the UWV,
CJEU confirms âright of explanationâ in battle between trade secrets and algorithmic transparency The CJEU's recent ruling emphasizes the GDPR's demand for algorithmic transparency in automated decisions, challenging companies to explain their logic. The decision also shows the difficulty of balancing such transparency with trade secret protection.
HagaZiekenhuis beboet voor datalek Enkele maanden geleden vierden we de eerste verjaardag van de Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming (AVG) met een uitgebreide beschouwing over de belangrijkste ontwikkelingen uit het eerste jaar van de verordening.