82 results The EU Artificial Intelligence Act: our 16 key takeaways The AI Act is the first comprehensive AI regulation in the world. In this first episode of our Artificial Intelligence series, we have set out our initial key takeaways on the AI Act based on the text as currently approved by the Council of the EU. BNR: het faillissement van de Amsterdam Trade Bank Bij BNRâs âOnder Curatorenâ vertelt Job van Hooff, curator en partner in Stibbeâs Restructuring & Insolvency praktijk, over de afwikkeling van het faillissement van Amsterdam Trade Bank. The Pandemic's Impact on Legal Work: A Comparative Analysis of Legal Frameworks, Practical Impacts and Innovation Erik Valgaeren, Jan Joos and Thibau Duquin contributed to the article 'The Pandemic's Impact on Legal Work: A Comparative Analysis of Legal Frameworks, Practical Impacts and Innovation' published by the IBA Business Law International Journal. EU Artificial Intelligence Act and Generative AI â an update In this blogpost, our TMT expert Thibau Duquin elaborates on the AI Act, the rules on generative AI such as ChatGPT, and the next steps. The latest Legal Updates straight to your mailbox We publish high-quality legal knowledge and insights on our website on a daily basis. If you would like to be promptly informed about the latest developments within your areas of interest, we invite you to sign up for our Legal Updates. De laatste Legal Updates direct in uw mailbox Dagelijks publiceren wij op onze website hoogwaardige juridische kennis en vooruitzichten. Wilt u snel op de hoogte zijn van de meest actuele ontwikkelingen binnen uw interessegebieden? Meld u dan aan voor onze Legal Updates. Commission publishes PSD3 and PSR Proposal; a tightening of the regulation of payment services providers in the EU On June 28, 2023, the European Commission published a set of new legislative proposals, including PSD3, aimed at ushering in the digital era for payments and the broader financial sector, with a particular focus on consumers. Stibbe in panel Generative Artificial Intelligence event Op donderdag 27 juni nam Stibbe deel aan een event over Generative Artificial Intelligence en de mogelijke betekenis en impact ervan op verschillende spelers en belanghebbenden in de juridische sector. Dutch tax insights in debt restructuring cases We will highlight certain focus areas from a Dutch tax perspective in debt restructuring cases involving a Dutch debtor, also considering creditors holding or obtaining an equity stake â directly or indirectly - in the borrowing entity. Contractual clauses prohibiting the transferability or pledgeability of business claims could become void in the near future We discuss a draft bill to declare contractual clauses limiting the transferability and/or pledgeability of claims in business relations void, and call upon the Dutch Senate to reconsider at least its applicability to existing contracts. Stibbe recognised in the GRR 100 2024 Stibbe has been recognised in the 2024 edition of GRR 100 (Global Restructuring Review) as one of the worldâs leading law firms in the field of cross-border restructuring and insolvency proceedings. Helene Maks Senior Professional Support Lawyer (not admitted to the bar) Amsterdam Erik Valgaeren Partner Brussels Pieter Nobels Partner Brussels GĂ©rald Origer Partner Luxembourg Nicolas Pradel Senior Associate Luxembourg Carolien Michielsen Senior Associate Brussels Wetsvoorstel opheffing verpandingsverboden: (mogelijke) impact op de financieringspraktijk Het op 2/6/2020 bij de Tweede Kamer ingediende wetsvoorstel opheffing verpandingsverboden beoogt de bestaande praktijk van het contractueel overeenkomen van verboden of beperkingen van de overdracht of verpanding van geldvorderingen op naam op te heffen. Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Next page
The EU Artificial Intelligence Act: our 16 key takeaways The AI Act is the first comprehensive AI regulation in the world. In this first episode of our Artificial Intelligence series, we have set out our initial key takeaways on the AI Act based on the text as currently approved by the Council of the EU.
BNR: het faillissement van de Amsterdam Trade Bank Bij BNRâs âOnder Curatorenâ vertelt Job van Hooff, curator en partner in Stibbeâs Restructuring & Insolvency praktijk, over de afwikkeling van het faillissement van Amsterdam Trade Bank.
The Pandemic's Impact on Legal Work: A Comparative Analysis of Legal Frameworks, Practical Impacts and Innovation Erik Valgaeren, Jan Joos and Thibau Duquin contributed to the article 'The Pandemic's Impact on Legal Work: A Comparative Analysis of Legal Frameworks, Practical Impacts and Innovation' published by the IBA Business Law International Journal.
EU Artificial Intelligence Act and Generative AI â an update In this blogpost, our TMT expert Thibau Duquin elaborates on the AI Act, the rules on generative AI such as ChatGPT, and the next steps.
The latest Legal Updates straight to your mailbox We publish high-quality legal knowledge and insights on our website on a daily basis. If you would like to be promptly informed about the latest developments within your areas of interest, we invite you to sign up for our Legal Updates.
De laatste Legal Updates direct in uw mailbox Dagelijks publiceren wij op onze website hoogwaardige juridische kennis en vooruitzichten. Wilt u snel op de hoogte zijn van de meest actuele ontwikkelingen binnen uw interessegebieden? Meld u dan aan voor onze Legal Updates.
Commission publishes PSD3 and PSR Proposal; a tightening of the regulation of payment services providers in the EU On June 28, 2023, the European Commission published a set of new legislative proposals, including PSD3, aimed at ushering in the digital era for payments and the broader financial sector, with a particular focus on consumers.
Stibbe in panel Generative Artificial Intelligence event Op donderdag 27 juni nam Stibbe deel aan een event over Generative Artificial Intelligence en de mogelijke betekenis en impact ervan op verschillende spelers en belanghebbenden in de juridische sector.
Dutch tax insights in debt restructuring cases We will highlight certain focus areas from a Dutch tax perspective in debt restructuring cases involving a Dutch debtor, also considering creditors holding or obtaining an equity stake â directly or indirectly - in the borrowing entity.
Contractual clauses prohibiting the transferability or pledgeability of business claims could become void in the near future We discuss a draft bill to declare contractual clauses limiting the transferability and/or pledgeability of claims in business relations void, and call upon the Dutch Senate to reconsider at least its applicability to existing contracts.
Stibbe recognised in the GRR 100 2024 Stibbe has been recognised in the 2024 edition of GRR 100 (Global Restructuring Review) as one of the worldâs leading law firms in the field of cross-border restructuring and insolvency proceedings.
Wetsvoorstel opheffing verpandingsverboden: (mogelijke) impact op de financieringspraktijk Het op 2/6/2020 bij de Tweede Kamer ingediende wetsvoorstel opheffing verpandingsverboden beoogt de bestaande praktijk van het contractueel overeenkomen van verboden of beperkingen van de overdracht of verpanding van geldvorderingen op naam op te heffen.