103 results ICO to impose record-breaking fines for inadequate security measures and data breaches Though the European data protection authorities have taken their time in enforcing the GDPR two announcements by the ICO in the UK regarding proposed fines for British Airways and Marriott demonstrate that large fines are about to start landing regularly. Companies unprepared for increasing cyber risks Companies increasingly face cybercrime incidents. Stibbe offers tailor-made solutions. European Data Protection Board provides welcoming guidance on the territorial scope of the GDPR If personal data of a Korean employee working for a U.S. company is processed in the HR department in London, does the GDPR apply? Is the GPDR applicable to a Dutch customer visiting the website of a Canadian company? Ook WhatsApp- en sms-berichten op privĂ©telefoons vallen onder Wet openbaarheid van bestuur De Afdeling bestuursrechtspraak van de Raad van State heeft in een uitspraak van 20 maart 2019 (ECLI:NL:RVS:2019:899) bevestigd dat ook WhatsApp- en sms-berichten onder de reikwijdte van de Wet openbaarheid van bestuur (Wob) vallen. Stibbe assists major telecom operator Stibbe assisted a major telecom operator with a large-scale cyber attack on its company systems. Stibbe advises Belgacom, T-Systems International GmbH, Strabag AG and Efkon AG Stibbe assisted a consortium composed of Belgacom, T-Systems International GmbH, Strabag AG, and Efkon AG with the preparation of its bid and with the negotiations and subsequent closing of the contract for the realization of the ETCS PPR project. Stibbe advises financial sector IT services supplier Advising a financial sector supplier of cashless transaction technologies and IT services on various contractual and regulatory issues, including those related to data center activities. Stibbe advises UPS Stibbe advises Proximus Stibbe advised Proximus, a listed company and longstanding client, on a broad variety of matters, including innovative partnerships, regulatory compliance, M&A and finance projects, and dispute resolution.  Stibbe advises ALD Automotive Stibbe advised ALD Automotive, market leader in Belgium for full service leasing, car rental and fleet management, on the implementation of GDPR. Stibbe advises Barry Callebaut Stibbe advised Barry Callebaut in connection with a global data center governance project. Le RGPD peut empĂȘcher les opĂ©rateurs Ă©conomiques de certains pays tiers Ă lâUE de participer Ă lâexĂ©cution des marchĂ©s publics des adjudicateurs belges Le RGPD peut empĂȘcher les opĂ©rateurs Ă©conomiques de certains pays tiers Ă lâUnion europĂ©enne de participer Ă lâexĂ©cution des marchĂ©s publics des adjudicateurs belges. Launch of Metaverse blog series Stibbe launches a new blog series focusing on the legal challenges of the Metaverse. In our upcoming blog posts, we will discuss the legal challenges of NFTs, crypto-assets, Metaverse platforms, crypto exchanges, DAO, and many more. Schadevergoeding bij de bestuursrechter op grond van de AVG voor feitelijk handelen van een bestuursorgaan? Op 1 april 2020 heeft de Afdeling bestuursrechtspraak van de Raad van State een viertal uitspraken gewezen waarin zij oordeelt over het verzoek tot toekenning van schadevergoeding door een bestuursorgaan op grond van de (Europese) AVG. Belgian Court of Cassation balances right to privacy with right to information In a recent judgement of 18 October 2022, the Belgian Court of Cassation has weighed the fundamental right to privacy against the equally fundamental right to information and freedom of expression. Stibbe advises Abry Partners and KORE Stibbe advised Abry Partners, a private equity fund, and its portfolio-company KORE, the independent global IoT leader, on the acquisition of ASPIDER-NGI, a leading provider of advanced connectivity, core network, and eSIM solutions. Erik Valgaeren speaks about the legal perspective for industrial data during a webinar organised by Beltug On 21 October 2020, Beltug, the Belgian Association of Digital Technology Leaders, organises a virtual meeting on the use of data. 18 March 2020: Erik Valgaeren sheds a light on the legal perspectives of industrial data during a Beltug conference In the digital age, data is hailed as the 'new gold' or 'oil'. As we seek insights for increased revenue and market expansion, data analysis is vital. It must be handled with care, aligning with strategic goals and ensuring solid security and quality. Pagination Previous page Page 3 Page 4 Current page 5 Page 6 Next page
ICO to impose record-breaking fines for inadequate security measures and data breaches Though the European data protection authorities have taken their time in enforcing the GDPR two announcements by the ICO in the UK regarding proposed fines for British Airways and Marriott demonstrate that large fines are about to start landing regularly.
Companies unprepared for increasing cyber risks Companies increasingly face cybercrime incidents. Stibbe offers tailor-made solutions.
European Data Protection Board provides welcoming guidance on the territorial scope of the GDPR If personal data of a Korean employee working for a U.S. company is processed in the HR department in London, does the GDPR apply? Is the GPDR applicable to a Dutch customer visiting the website of a Canadian company?
Ook WhatsApp- en sms-berichten op privételefoons vallen onder Wet openbaarheid van bestuur De Afdeling bestuursrechtspraak van de Raad van State heeft in een uitspraak van 20 maart 2019 (ECLI:NL:RVS:2019:899) bevestigd dat ook WhatsApp- en sms-berichten onder de reikwijdte van de Wet openbaarheid van bestuur (Wob) vallen.
Stibbe assists major telecom operator Stibbe assisted a major telecom operator with a large-scale cyber attack on its company systems.
Stibbe advises Belgacom, T-Systems International GmbH, Strabag AG and Efkon AG Stibbe assisted a consortium composed of Belgacom, T-Systems International GmbH, Strabag AG, and Efkon AG with the preparation of its bid and with the negotiations and subsequent closing of the contract for the realization of the ETCS PPR project.
Stibbe advises financial sector IT services supplier Advising a financial sector supplier of cashless transaction technologies and IT services on various contractual and regulatory issues, including those related to data center activities.
Stibbe advises Proximus Stibbe advised Proximus, a listed company and longstanding client, on a broad variety of matters, including innovative partnerships, regulatory compliance, M&A and finance projects, and dispute resolution. Â
Stibbe advises ALD Automotive Stibbe advised ALD Automotive, market leader in Belgium for full service leasing, car rental and fleet management, on the implementation of GDPR.
Stibbe advises Barry Callebaut Stibbe advised Barry Callebaut in connection with a global data center governance project.
Le RGPD peut empĂȘcher les opĂ©rateurs Ă©conomiques de certains pays tiers Ă lâUE de participer Ă lâexĂ©cution des marchĂ©s publics des adjudicateurs belges Le RGPD peut empĂȘcher les opĂ©rateurs Ă©conomiques de certains pays tiers Ă lâUnion europĂ©enne de participer Ă lâexĂ©cution des marchĂ©s publics des adjudicateurs belges.
Launch of Metaverse blog series Stibbe launches a new blog series focusing on the legal challenges of the Metaverse. In our upcoming blog posts, we will discuss the legal challenges of NFTs, crypto-assets, Metaverse platforms, crypto exchanges, DAO, and many more.
Schadevergoeding bij de bestuursrechter op grond van de AVG voor feitelijk handelen van een bestuursorgaan? Op 1 april 2020 heeft de Afdeling bestuursrechtspraak van de Raad van State een viertal uitspraken gewezen waarin zij oordeelt over het verzoek tot toekenning van schadevergoeding door een bestuursorgaan op grond van de (Europese) AVG.
Belgian Court of Cassation balances right to privacy with right to information In a recent judgement of 18 October 2022, the Belgian Court of Cassation has weighed the fundamental right to privacy against the equally fundamental right to information and freedom of expression.
Stibbe advises Abry Partners and KORE Stibbe advised Abry Partners, a private equity fund, and its portfolio-company KORE, the independent global IoT leader, on the acquisition of ASPIDER-NGI, a leading provider of advanced connectivity, core network, and eSIM solutions.
Erik Valgaeren speaks about the legal perspective for industrial data during a webinar organised by Beltug On 21 October 2020, Beltug, the Belgian Association of Digital Technology Leaders, organises a virtual meeting on the use of data.
18 March 2020: Erik Valgaeren sheds a light on the legal perspectives of industrial data during a Beltug conference In the digital age, data is hailed as the 'new gold' or 'oil'. As we seek insights for increased revenue and market expansion, data analysis is vital. It must be handled with care, aligning with strategic goals and ensuring solid security and quality.