73 results European Data Protection Board provides welcoming guidance on the territorial scope of the GDPR If personal data of a Korean employee working for a U.S. company is processed in the HR department in London, does the GDPR apply? Is the GPDR applicable to a Dutch customer visiting the website of a Canadian company? Ook WhatsApp- en sms-berichten op privételefoons vallen onder Wet openbaarheid van bestuur De Afdeling bestuursrechtspraak van de Raad van State heeft in een uitspraak van 20 maart 2019 (ECLI:NL:RVS:2019:899) bevestigd dat ook WhatsApp- en sms-berichten onder de reikwijdte van de Wet openbaarheid van bestuur (Wob) vallen. 15 aspects of Brexit you did not know A Brexit without a deal, or with a deal that does not cover all relevant aspects, is still a potential scenario. We have highlighted a number of unexpected legal consequences of Brexit in such a no deal or incomplete deal scenario. Schadevergoeding bij de bestuursrechter op grond van de AVG voor feitelijk handelen van een bestuursorgaan? Op 1 april 2020 heeft de Afdeling bestuursrechtspraak van de Raad van State een viertal uitspraken gewezen waarin zij oordeelt over het verzoek tot toekenning van schadevergoeding door een bestuursorgaan op grond van de (Europese) AVG. Belgian Court of Cassation balances right to privacy with right to information In a recent judgement of 18 October 2022, the Belgian Court of Cassation has weighed the fundamental right to privacy against the equally fundamental right to information and freedom of expression. Brexit and data protection: preparing for a 'no-deal' As it stands, the UK will exit the European Union at midnight on 29 March 2019. Therefore, businesses within the UK, or with trade relations with the UK, would be best advised to assume that a no-deal Brexit is inevitable. Webinar: Beyond Schrems II – The next generation of international data transfers After a first webinar on the groundbreaking Schrems II case, Stibbe's TMT department is hosting a follow-up webinar on international data transfers in the light of recent important developments. The webinar takes place on 15 December 2020 at 11:00 am. Webinar: What is left after Schrems II? Stibbe organises a webinar on the implications of the groundbreaking Schrems II decision which annulled the U.S. Privacy Shield and questioned the standard contractual clauses. Erik Valgaeren speaks about the legal perspective for industrial data during a webinar organised by Beltug On 21 October 2020, Beltug, the Belgian Association of Digital Technology Leaders, organises a virtual meeting on the use of data. 18 March 2020: Erik Valgaeren sheds a light on the legal perspectives of industrial data during a Beltug conference In the digital age, data is hailed as the 'new gold' or 'oil'. As we seek insights for increased revenue and market expansion, data analysis is vital. It must be handled with care, aligning with strategic goals and ensuring solid security and quality. Webinar: Responding to Personal Data Breaches in the Post-GDPR era On 24-26 March 2021, Brussels TMT partner Erik Valgaeren will address the topic 'Managing personal data breach in a complex international scenarios' during ERA's online conference 'Responding to Personal Data Breaches in the Post-GDPR era'. Webinar: The next generation of international data transfers On 18 March 2021, Erik Valgaeren, Carolien Michielsen and Jan Joos host a webinar on 'The next generation of international data transfers' organised by DPO-pro. Part one - GDPR and Public Law: Applicability of GDPR to public bodies Nearly a year after the GDPR took effect, questions have emerged about its interaction with public law. This three-part blog series "GDPR and Public Law" explores three key issues regarding its impact on public law and government. CJEU confirms “right of explanation” in battle between trade secrets and algorithmic transparency The CJEU's recent ruling emphasizes the GDPR's demand for algorithmic transparency in automated decisions, challenging companies to explain their logic. The decision also shows the difficulty of balancing such transparency with trade secret protection. HagaZiekenhuis beboet voor datalek Enkele maanden geleden vierden we de eerste verjaardag van de Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming (AVG) met een uitgebreide beschouwing over de belangrijkste ontwikkelingen uit het eerste jaar van de verordening. Zuiver commercieel belang ook gerechtvaardigd belang: Raad van State laat zich er niet over uit Op 27 juli 2022 heeft de Raad van State bevestigd dat de Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens onterecht een boete van € 575.000 aan VoetbalTV heeft opgelegd. Overheid: let op naleving AVG Met twee handhavingskwesties in de afgelopen maand ziet het ernaar uit dat de Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens (“AP”) zich ook steeds meer gaat richten op gemeenten. Digital Law Up(to)date: (1) the download of a software with a permanent licence can constitute a “sale of goods”; (2) alert of the BEUC regarding the privacy policy of WhatsApp and its new terms of use In this blog, we present two interesting matters in the field of digital law: (1) The supply of a copy of software together with a licence to use it can constitute a "sale of goods”; and (2) WhatsApp in turmoil for its privacy policy and terms of use. Pagination Previous page Page 2 Page 3 Current page 4 Page 5 Next page
European Data Protection Board provides welcoming guidance on the territorial scope of the GDPR If personal data of a Korean employee working for a U.S. company is processed in the HR department in London, does the GDPR apply? Is the GPDR applicable to a Dutch customer visiting the website of a Canadian company?
Ook WhatsApp- en sms-berichten op privételefoons vallen onder Wet openbaarheid van bestuur De Afdeling bestuursrechtspraak van de Raad van State heeft in een uitspraak van 20 maart 2019 (ECLI:NL:RVS:2019:899) bevestigd dat ook WhatsApp- en sms-berichten onder de reikwijdte van de Wet openbaarheid van bestuur (Wob) vallen.
15 aspects of Brexit you did not know A Brexit without a deal, or with a deal that does not cover all relevant aspects, is still a potential scenario. We have highlighted a number of unexpected legal consequences of Brexit in such a no deal or incomplete deal scenario.
Schadevergoeding bij de bestuursrechter op grond van de AVG voor feitelijk handelen van een bestuursorgaan? Op 1 april 2020 heeft de Afdeling bestuursrechtspraak van de Raad van State een viertal uitspraken gewezen waarin zij oordeelt over het verzoek tot toekenning van schadevergoeding door een bestuursorgaan op grond van de (Europese) AVG.
Belgian Court of Cassation balances right to privacy with right to information In a recent judgement of 18 October 2022, the Belgian Court of Cassation has weighed the fundamental right to privacy against the equally fundamental right to information and freedom of expression.
Brexit and data protection: preparing for a 'no-deal' As it stands, the UK will exit the European Union at midnight on 29 March 2019. Therefore, businesses within the UK, or with trade relations with the UK, would be best advised to assume that a no-deal Brexit is inevitable.
Webinar: Beyond Schrems II – The next generation of international data transfers After a first webinar on the groundbreaking Schrems II case, Stibbe's TMT department is hosting a follow-up webinar on international data transfers in the light of recent important developments. The webinar takes place on 15 December 2020 at 11:00 am.
Webinar: What is left after Schrems II? Stibbe organises a webinar on the implications of the groundbreaking Schrems II decision which annulled the U.S. Privacy Shield and questioned the standard contractual clauses.
Erik Valgaeren speaks about the legal perspective for industrial data during a webinar organised by Beltug On 21 October 2020, Beltug, the Belgian Association of Digital Technology Leaders, organises a virtual meeting on the use of data.
18 March 2020: Erik Valgaeren sheds a light on the legal perspectives of industrial data during a Beltug conference In the digital age, data is hailed as the 'new gold' or 'oil'. As we seek insights for increased revenue and market expansion, data analysis is vital. It must be handled with care, aligning with strategic goals and ensuring solid security and quality.
Webinar: Responding to Personal Data Breaches in the Post-GDPR era On 24-26 March 2021, Brussels TMT partner Erik Valgaeren will address the topic 'Managing personal data breach in a complex international scenarios' during ERA's online conference 'Responding to Personal Data Breaches in the Post-GDPR era'.
Webinar: The next generation of international data transfers On 18 March 2021, Erik Valgaeren, Carolien Michielsen and Jan Joos host a webinar on 'The next generation of international data transfers' organised by DPO-pro.
Part one - GDPR and Public Law: Applicability of GDPR to public bodies Nearly a year after the GDPR took effect, questions have emerged about its interaction with public law. This three-part blog series "GDPR and Public Law" explores three key issues regarding its impact on public law and government.
CJEU confirms “right of explanation” in battle between trade secrets and algorithmic transparency The CJEU's recent ruling emphasizes the GDPR's demand for algorithmic transparency in automated decisions, challenging companies to explain their logic. The decision also shows the difficulty of balancing such transparency with trade secret protection.
HagaZiekenhuis beboet voor datalek Enkele maanden geleden vierden we de eerste verjaardag van de Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming (AVG) met een uitgebreide beschouwing over de belangrijkste ontwikkelingen uit het eerste jaar van de verordening.
Zuiver commercieel belang ook gerechtvaardigd belang: Raad van State laat zich er niet over uit Op 27 juli 2022 heeft de Raad van State bevestigd dat de Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens onterecht een boete van € 575.000 aan VoetbalTV heeft opgelegd.
Overheid: let op naleving AVG Met twee handhavingskwesties in de afgelopen maand ziet het ernaar uit dat de Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens (“AP”) zich ook steeds meer gaat richten op gemeenten.
Digital Law Up(to)date: (1) the download of a software with a permanent licence can constitute a “sale of goods”; (2) alert of the BEUC regarding the privacy policy of WhatsApp and its new terms of use In this blog, we present two interesting matters in the field of digital law: (1) The supply of a copy of software together with a licence to use it can constitute a "sale of goods”; and (2) WhatsApp in turmoil for its privacy policy and terms of use.