298 results Wetsvoorstel Richtlijn openbaarmaking winstbelasting gepubliceerd, met invoering wettelijke grondslag voor implementatie van de CSRD Op 5 juli 2022 is het voorstel voor de Implementatiewet Richtlijn openbaarmaking winstbelasting (“Wetsvoorstel”) en bijbehorende memorie van toelichting (“Toelichting”) bij de Tweede Kamer ingediend. Duurzaamheidsverslaggeving: nationale implementatie van de CSRD en mondiale ontwikkelingen (juli 2024) Op 5 januari 2023 is de Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive ("CSRD") in werking getreden. Most commonly used unregulated real estate investment vehicles in Belgium On 1 January 2020, the mandatory provisions of the Code for Companies and Associations or "BCAC" entered into force. This article provides an overview of the main characteristics of the most commonly used unregulated real estate vehicles in Belgium. Stibbe advises on strategic real estate acquisition in Continental Europe Stibbe advised on the strategic acquisition of Forum Estates Holding BV by Cibus Nordic Real Estate AB. This transaction marks Cibus' first step into continental Europe, with an underlying property value of approximately EUR 508 million. Chambers and Partners Real Estate Global Practice Guide 2023 - Luxembourg chapter Claire-Marie Darnand, Victorien Hémery, Benjamin Marthoz, Tom Storck, Johan Léonard and Anaïs Bracqbien have contributed to the Luxembourg chapter of the Chambers and Partners Real Estate Global Practice Guide 2023. Stibbe advises Catella Real Estate AG Stibbe advised Catella Real Estate AG on its second acquisition in Luxembourg: a 14,000m² office building in the emerging office district of Howald, which is almost fully let to Saint-Paul Luxembourg media group. Stibbe advises the Port of Antwerp Stibbe advised the Port of Antwerp International on its strategic partnership with Essar Ports Ltd. which is India’s second largest private sector ports operator, and on PAI's investment into EPL. Draft bill on the implementation of the CSDDD (WIVO) published The draft bill on international corporate responsibility (“WIVO”) was published for consultation on 18 November 2024, together with a draft explanatory memorandum. The WIVO implements the European Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive. Conceptwetsvoorstel implementatie CSDDD gepubliceerd: de WIVO Op 18 november 2024 is het ontwerp wetsvoorstel internationaal verantwoord ondernemen met ontwerp memorie van toelichting ter consultatie gepubliceerd. De WIVO implementeert de Europese Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive. The EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive In Q2 2023, the European Parliament will vote on the much-discussed Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD). Pagination Previous page Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Current page 17
Wetsvoorstel Richtlijn openbaarmaking winstbelasting gepubliceerd, met invoering wettelijke grondslag voor implementatie van de CSRD Op 5 juli 2022 is het voorstel voor de Implementatiewet Richtlijn openbaarmaking winstbelasting (“Wetsvoorstel”) en bijbehorende memorie van toelichting (“Toelichting”) bij de Tweede Kamer ingediend.
Duurzaamheidsverslaggeving: nationale implementatie van de CSRD en mondiale ontwikkelingen (juli 2024) Op 5 januari 2023 is de Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive ("CSRD") in werking getreden.
Most commonly used unregulated real estate investment vehicles in Belgium On 1 January 2020, the mandatory provisions of the Code for Companies and Associations or "BCAC" entered into force. This article provides an overview of the main characteristics of the most commonly used unregulated real estate vehicles in Belgium.
Stibbe advises on strategic real estate acquisition in Continental Europe Stibbe advised on the strategic acquisition of Forum Estates Holding BV by Cibus Nordic Real Estate AB. This transaction marks Cibus' first step into continental Europe, with an underlying property value of approximately EUR 508 million.
Chambers and Partners Real Estate Global Practice Guide 2023 - Luxembourg chapter Claire-Marie Darnand, Victorien HĂ©mery, Benjamin Marthoz, Tom Storck, Johan LĂ©onard and AnaĂŻs Bracqbien have contributed to the Luxembourg chapter of the Chambers and Partners Real Estate Global Practice Guide 2023.
Stibbe advises Catella Real Estate AG Stibbe advised Catella Real Estate AG on its second acquisition in Luxembourg: a 14,000m² office building in the emerging office district of Howald, which is almost fully let to Saint-Paul Luxembourg media group.
Stibbe advises the Port of Antwerp Stibbe advised the Port of Antwerp International on its strategic partnership with Essar Ports Ltd. which is India’s second largest private sector ports operator, and on PAI's investment into EPL.
Draft bill on the implementation of the CSDDD (WIVO) published The draft bill on international corporate responsibility (“WIVO”) was published for consultation on 18 November 2024, together with a draft explanatory memorandum. The WIVO implements the European Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive.
Conceptwetsvoorstel implementatie CSDDD gepubliceerd: de WIVO Op 18 november 2024 is het ontwerp wetsvoorstel internationaal verantwoord ondernemen met ontwerp memorie van toelichting ter consultatie gepubliceerd. De WIVO implementeert de Europese Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive.
The EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive In Q2 2023, the European Parliament will vote on the much-discussed Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD).