37 results Enforcement of open, sustainability-oriented CSDDD standards: lessons from administrative law Tom Barkhuysen and Valérie van 't Lam wrote a preliminary opinion for the Koninklijke Vereeniging 'Handelsrecht' on how to enforce the CSDDD's open standards. Handhaving van open, op duurzaamheid gerichte CSDDD-normen: lessen uit het bestuursrecht Tom Barkhuysen en Valérie van 't Lam schreven voor de Koninklijke Vereeniging 'Handelsrecht' een preadvies over de handhaving van de open normen van de CSDDD. Stibbe advises Medios AG Stibbe advises Medios on its acquisition of Ceban for around EUR 260 mio. Medios is a German pharmaceutical company listed on the Frankfurt stock exchange. Dutch Ceban prepares medicines for hospitals and pharmacies, also known as compounding. AFM's spotlight on substantial holding notifications In its latest market watch, the AFM places a spotlight on notifications of substantial holdings and gross short positions in response to the ongoing public discourse on the issue. Implementatie van de Richtlijn grensoverschrijdende fusie, omzetting en splitsing per afgelopen 1 september 2023 De Wet ter implementatie van de Europese Mobiliteitsrichtlijn (de “wet”) is op 1 september 2023 in werking getreden. Het doel van de Mobiliteitsrichtlijn is het bevorderen van de vrijheid tot vestiging van kapitaalvennootschappen binnen de Europese Unie. Stibbe advises the SCHMID Group Stibbe, together with Gleiss Lutz, has advised the SCHMID Group on its business combination with Pegasus Digital Mobility Acquisition Corp. and listing on NASDAQ. Dutch national security screening regime enters into force The Dutch national security screening regime (Wet veiligheidstoets investeringen, fusies en overnames or Wet Vifo) enters into force today, 1 June. Wet Vifo: bescherming van bedrijven in kritieke sectoren De Nederlandse wet Veiligheidstoets investeringen, fusies en overnames, die vanaf 1/5/2023 van kracht is, introduceert verplichtingen die ertoe leiden dat bedrijven in kritieke sectoren beschermd zijn tegen overnames die raken aan de nationale veiligheid. The latest Legal Updates straight to your mailbox We publish high-quality legal knowledge and insights on our website on a daily basis. If you would like to be promptly informed about the latest developments within your areas of interest, we invite you to sign up for our Legal Updates. De laatste Legal Updates direct in uw mailbox Dagelijks publiceren wij op onze website hoogwaardige juridische kennis en vooruitzichten. Wilt u snel op de hoogte zijn van de meest actuele ontwikkelingen binnen uw interessegebieden? Meld u dan aan voor onze Legal Updates. Listing Act: Inside information disclosure in a protracted process In April 2024, the European Parliament adopted the EU Listing Act. We discuss the removal of the obligation to immediately disclose an intermediate step in a protracted process that constitutes inside information under the Market Abuse Regulation. Actualiteiten Corporate Governance Code De Minister van Financiën heeft op 1 maart 2024 positief gereageerd op het voorstel voor een Verklaring Omtrent Risicobeheersing. EBA Reports on Virtual IBANs On 24 May 2024, the European Banking Authority (EBA) published a report on virtual IBAN (vIBANs) in which the EBA set outs characteristics and use cases of vIBANs and comments on identified risks associated with this development in the payments market. De Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) is definitief aangenomen Na een lange periode van onderhandelen heeft de Europese Raad op 24 mei 2024 de Europese Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (“CSDDD”) formeel aangenomen. Equity Capital Markets Insights Guide 2024 The Stibbe Equity Capital Markets (ECM) Insights Guide 2024 offers an overview of recent developments in the equity capital markets in the Netherlands, highlighting the key trends and legal developments. EU Listing Act enters into force 4 December 2024 The EU Listing Act, which includes updates to the Prospectus Regulation, Market Abuse Regulation, Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation, and to the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive, has been published on 14 November 2024. Jan-Jaap Koningsveld strengthens TMT/IP practice Stibbe Amsterdam Stibbe Amsterdam is pleased to announce the expansion of its TMT/IP practice with the appointment of Jan-Jaap Koningsveld as counsel. Stibbe contributes to Chambers ESG Guide 2024 The year 2024 has been notable for developments in ESG. Climate cases, impactful new laws and regulations, and geopolitical developments have shaped – or will largely shape – companies' choices. Stibbe has been a key contributor to the Chambers ESG Guide. Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page
Enforcement of open, sustainability-oriented CSDDD standards: lessons from administrative law Tom Barkhuysen and Valérie van 't Lam wrote a preliminary opinion for the Koninklijke Vereeniging 'Handelsrecht' on how to enforce the CSDDD's open standards.
Handhaving van open, op duurzaamheid gerichte CSDDD-normen: lessen uit het bestuursrecht Tom Barkhuysen en Valérie van 't Lam schreven voor de Koninklijke Vereeniging 'Handelsrecht' een preadvies over de handhaving van de open normen van de CSDDD.
Stibbe advises Medios AG Stibbe advises Medios on its acquisition of Ceban for around EUR 260 mio. Medios is a German pharmaceutical company listed on the Frankfurt stock exchange. Dutch Ceban prepares medicines for hospitals and pharmacies, also known as compounding.
AFM's spotlight on substantial holding notifications In its latest market watch, the AFM places a spotlight on notifications of substantial holdings and gross short positions in response to the ongoing public discourse on the issue.
Implementatie van de Richtlijn grensoverschrijdende fusie, omzetting en splitsing per afgelopen 1 september 2023 De Wet ter implementatie van de Europese Mobiliteitsrichtlijn (de “wet”) is op 1 september 2023 in werking getreden. Het doel van de Mobiliteitsrichtlijn is het bevorderen van de vrijheid tot vestiging van kapitaalvennootschappen binnen de Europese Unie.
Stibbe advises the SCHMID Group Stibbe, together with Gleiss Lutz, has advised the SCHMID Group on its business combination with Pegasus Digital Mobility Acquisition Corp. and listing on NASDAQ.
Dutch national security screening regime enters into force The Dutch national security screening regime (Wet veiligheidstoets investeringen, fusies en overnames or Wet Vifo) enters into force today, 1 June.
Wet Vifo: bescherming van bedrijven in kritieke sectoren De Nederlandse wet Veiligheidstoets investeringen, fusies en overnames, die vanaf 1/5/2023 van kracht is, introduceert verplichtingen die ertoe leiden dat bedrijven in kritieke sectoren beschermd zijn tegen overnames die raken aan de nationale veiligheid.
The latest Legal Updates straight to your mailbox We publish high-quality legal knowledge and insights on our website on a daily basis. If you would like to be promptly informed about the latest developments within your areas of interest, we invite you to sign up for our Legal Updates.
De laatste Legal Updates direct in uw mailbox Dagelijks publiceren wij op onze website hoogwaardige juridische kennis en vooruitzichten. Wilt u snel op de hoogte zijn van de meest actuele ontwikkelingen binnen uw interessegebieden? Meld u dan aan voor onze Legal Updates.
Listing Act: Inside information disclosure in a protracted process In April 2024, the European Parliament adopted the EU Listing Act. We discuss the removal of the obligation to immediately disclose an intermediate step in a protracted process that constitutes inside information under the Market Abuse Regulation.
Actualiteiten Corporate Governance Code De Minister van Financiën heeft op 1 maart 2024 positief gereageerd op het voorstel voor een Verklaring Omtrent Risicobeheersing.
EBA Reports on Virtual IBANs On 24 May 2024, the European Banking Authority (EBA) published a report on virtual IBAN (vIBANs) in which the EBA set outs characteristics and use cases of vIBANs and comments on identified risks associated with this development in the payments market.
De Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) is definitief aangenomen Na een lange periode van onderhandelen heeft de Europese Raad op 24 mei 2024 de Europese Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (“CSDDD”) formeel aangenomen.
Equity Capital Markets Insights Guide 2024 The Stibbe Equity Capital Markets (ECM) Insights Guide 2024 offers an overview of recent developments in the equity capital markets in the Netherlands, highlighting the key trends and legal developments.
EU Listing Act enters into force 4 December 2024 The EU Listing Act, which includes updates to the Prospectus Regulation, Market Abuse Regulation, Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation, and to the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive, has been published on 14 November 2024.
Jan-Jaap Koningsveld strengthens TMT/IP practice Stibbe Amsterdam Stibbe Amsterdam is pleased to announce the expansion of its TMT/IP practice with the appointment of Jan-Jaap Koningsveld as counsel.
Stibbe contributes to Chambers ESG Guide 2024 The year 2024 has been notable for developments in ESG. Climate cases, impactful new laws and regulations, and geopolitical developments have shaped – or will largely shape – companies' choices. Stibbe has been a key contributor to the Chambers ESG Guide.