36 results Three months after the UBO-case – Where do we stand and what’s next? This article looks at the aftermath of the UBO case invalidating the general access to UBO data, and looks at what lies ahead for companies and member states, and specifically at Belgium's recent regulatory action. The EU Green Bond Standard In the blog below, Jeroen van Eck of our Financial Markets team looks back on, and ahead to, the developments surrounding green bonds in the EU. Greenwashing risico’s in groene of duurzame leningen en obligaties Leningen en obligaties met een profiel op het gebied van één of meer Environmental, Social en Governance (ESG) factoren hebben een grote vlucht genomen in de afgelopen jaren. Developments in green bonds: On 21 December 2024 the EU Green Bond Regulation starts to apply In this blog, Marieke Driessen and Niek Groenendijk of our Financial Markets team discuss the EU green bonds regulation which will start applying in 2024. DORA: hoe de financiële sector weerbaarder moet worden tegen cyber risico’s In deze nieuwste Stibbe Legal Insights spreken Nynke Brouwer en Roderik Vrolijk over de Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA), die moet zorgen voor een betere digitale operationele weerbaarheid van financiële instellingen in de Europese Unie. The latest Legal Updates straight to your mailbox We publish high-quality legal knowledge and insights on our website on a daily basis. If you would like to be promptly informed about the latest developments within your areas of interest, we invite you to sign up for our Legal Updates. De laatste Legal Updates direct in uw mailbox Dagelijks publiceren wij op onze website hoogwaardige juridische kennis en vooruitzichten. Wilt u snel op de hoogte zijn van de meest actuele ontwikkelingen binnen uw interessegebieden? Meld u dan aan voor onze Legal Updates. Op naar hoe: de volgende stap in het AFM-toezicht op duurzaamheidsclaims De Autoriteit Financiële Markten (AFM) maant financiële ondernemingen tot uitgebreidere, concretere en duidelijkere communicatie over duurzaamheid. Commission publishes PSD3 and PSR Proposal; a tightening of the regulation of payment services providers in the EU On June 28, 2023, the European Commission published a set of new legislative proposals, including PSD3, aimed at ushering in the digital era for payments and the broader financial sector, with a particular focus on consumers. Take aways Stibbe ESG & Sustainability Conference 2024 The Stibbe ESG & Sustainability Conference took place on 25 June. The take aways on the two main topics Greenwashing vs. Greenbleaching and Climate Litigation can be found in a freely accessible one-pager. Take aways Stibbe ESG & Sustainability Congres 2024 Op 25 juni vond het Stibbe ESG & Sustainability Congres plaats. De take aways van de twee hoofdonderwerpen Greenwashing vs. Greenbleaching en Climate Litigation zijn te vinden in een vrij toegankelijke onepager. Package of new anti-money laundering rules adopted by European Council On 30 of May 2024 the Council of the European Union adopted the Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Package (the AML Package). The AML Package will have consequences for market parties. Greenwashing in the EU financial markets: sustainable finance status update The European financial markets feature numerous financial products with characteristics such as ‘green’, ‘ESG’, ‘sustainable’, ‘climate’, ‘transition’, ‘impact’ or similar. But when is it fair to name or label financial products as such? EBA Reports on Virtual IBANs On 24 May 2024, the European Banking Authority (EBA) published a report on virtual IBAN (vIBANs) in which the EBA set outs characteristics and use cases of vIBANs and comments on identified risks associated with this development in the payments market. Stibbe contributes to Chambers ESG Guide 2024 The year 2024 has been notable for developments in ESG. Climate cases, impactful new laws and regulations, and geopolitical developments have shaped – or will largely shape – companies' choices. Stibbe has been a key contributor to the Chambers ESG Guide. Commission adopts banking package in response to COVID-19 pandemic The European Commission adopts a banking package to bolster lending amid COVID-19, urging banks to utilize EU frameworks fully. It includes Interpretative Communication and "quick fix" amendments to banking rules. E-book: 'Practical implications of ESG disclosure regulations' As of 10 March 2021, many financial market participants and financial advisers will be subject to new disclosure obligations following the entry into force of the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) on 29 December 2019. BRRD II implementation in the Netherlands Recently, the Dutch bill for the implementation of BRRD II establishing a framework for the recovery and resolution of credit institutions and investment firms, as amended by Directive in the Netherlands was submitted to Dutch Parliament. Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Next page
Three months after the UBO-case – Where do we stand and what’s next? This article looks at the aftermath of the UBO case invalidating the general access to UBO data, and looks at what lies ahead for companies and member states, and specifically at Belgium's recent regulatory action.
The EU Green Bond Standard In the blog below, Jeroen van Eck of our Financial Markets team looks back on, and ahead to, the developments surrounding green bonds in the EU.
Greenwashing risico’s in groene of duurzame leningen en obligaties Leningen en obligaties met een profiel op het gebied van één of meer Environmental, Social en Governance (ESG) factoren hebben een grote vlucht genomen in de afgelopen jaren.
Developments in green bonds: On 21 December 2024 the EU Green Bond Regulation starts to apply In this blog, Marieke Driessen and Niek Groenendijk of our Financial Markets team discuss the EU green bonds regulation which will start applying in 2024.
DORA: hoe de financiële sector weerbaarder moet worden tegen cyber risico’s In deze nieuwste Stibbe Legal Insights spreken Nynke Brouwer en Roderik Vrolijk over de Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA), die moet zorgen voor een betere digitale operationele weerbaarheid van financiële instellingen in de Europese Unie.
The latest Legal Updates straight to your mailbox We publish high-quality legal knowledge and insights on our website on a daily basis. If you would like to be promptly informed about the latest developments within your areas of interest, we invite you to sign up for our Legal Updates.
De laatste Legal Updates direct in uw mailbox Dagelijks publiceren wij op onze website hoogwaardige juridische kennis en vooruitzichten. Wilt u snel op de hoogte zijn van de meest actuele ontwikkelingen binnen uw interessegebieden? Meld u dan aan voor onze Legal Updates.
Op naar hoe: de volgende stap in het AFM-toezicht op duurzaamheidsclaims De Autoriteit Financiële Markten (AFM) maant financiële ondernemingen tot uitgebreidere, concretere en duidelijkere communicatie over duurzaamheid.
Commission publishes PSD3 and PSR Proposal; a tightening of the regulation of payment services providers in the EU On June 28, 2023, the European Commission published a set of new legislative proposals, including PSD3, aimed at ushering in the digital era for payments and the broader financial sector, with a particular focus on consumers.
Take aways Stibbe ESG & Sustainability Conference 2024 The Stibbe ESG & Sustainability Conference took place on 25 June. The take aways on the two main topics Greenwashing vs. Greenbleaching and Climate Litigation can be found in a freely accessible one-pager.
Take aways Stibbe ESG & Sustainability Congres 2024 Op 25 juni vond het Stibbe ESG & Sustainability Congres plaats. De take aways van de twee hoofdonderwerpen Greenwashing vs. Greenbleaching en Climate Litigation zijn te vinden in een vrij toegankelijke onepager.
Package of new anti-money laundering rules adopted by European Council On 30 of May 2024 the Council of the European Union adopted the Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Package (the AML Package). The AML Package will have consequences for market parties.
Greenwashing in the EU financial markets: sustainable finance status update The European financial markets feature numerous financial products with characteristics such as ‘green’, ‘ESG’, ‘sustainable’, ‘climate’, ‘transition’, ‘impact’ or similar. But when is it fair to name or label financial products as such?
EBA Reports on Virtual IBANs On 24 May 2024, the European Banking Authority (EBA) published a report on virtual IBAN (vIBANs) in which the EBA set outs characteristics and use cases of vIBANs and comments on identified risks associated with this development in the payments market.
Stibbe contributes to Chambers ESG Guide 2024 The year 2024 has been notable for developments in ESG. Climate cases, impactful new laws and regulations, and geopolitical developments have shaped – or will largely shape – companies' choices. Stibbe has been a key contributor to the Chambers ESG Guide.
Commission adopts banking package in response to COVID-19 pandemic The European Commission adopts a banking package to bolster lending amid COVID-19, urging banks to utilize EU frameworks fully. It includes Interpretative Communication and "quick fix" amendments to banking rules.
E-book: 'Practical implications of ESG disclosure regulations' As of 10 March 2021, many financial market participants and financial advisers will be subject to new disclosure obligations following the entry into force of the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) on 29 December 2019.
BRRD II implementation in the Netherlands Recently, the Dutch bill for the implementation of BRRD II establishing a framework for the recovery and resolution of credit institutions and investment firms, as amended by Directive in the Netherlands was submitted to Dutch Parliament.