109 results Legislative proposal for mass damages claims approved by the Dutch House of Representatives On 29 January 2019, the Dutch House of Representatives approved the legislative proposal that introduces collective actions for damages under article 3:305a of the Dutch Civil Code (DCC). This proposal aims to amend article 3:305a DCC to enable collective Consultatie voorontwerp Wet 'bedenktijd beursvennootschappen' en overige ontwikkelingen ten aanzien van de bescherming van vitale sectoren Eerder behandelden wij de toegenomen aandacht, zowel in Nederland als in Europees verband, voor bescherming van beursgenoteerde vennootschappen tegen ongewenste overnames en bescherming van vitale economische sectoren. Netherlands Commercial Court van start Op 1 januari 2019 zijn op basis van de Wet Netherlands Commercial Court het Netherlands Commercial Court (NCC) en het Netherlands Commercial Court of Appeal (NCCA) van start gegaan. Amended governance rules addressing third party funding for collective claim organizations On 4 March 2019, an amended version of the Dutch "Claimcode" was published. The Claimcode is an instrument of self-regulation, created by parties who are active on the claims market. 15 aspects of Brexit you did not know A Brexit without a deal, or with a deal that does not cover all relevant aspects, is still a potential scenario. We have highlighted a number of unexpected legal consequences of Brexit in such a no deal or incomplete deal scenario. Legislative proposal on mass damages claims approved by the Dutch Senate On 19 March 2019, the Dutch Senate approved the legislative proposal that introduces collective actions for damages under article 3:305a of the Dutch Civil Code (DCC). As the legislative proposal did not give rise to any debate in the Senate, it was passe Steven Hijink over vertrouwen en transparantie in het ondernemingsrecht Steven Hijink sprak op 9 november 2018 zijn inaugurale rede uit met als titel: 'Vertrouwen en transparantie' – de complexe verhouding tussen transparantieverplichtingen en vertrouwen in het ondernemingsrecht. De bewerkte tekst van zijn oratie is gepublice European Court of Justice resolves – Peeters/Gatzen claim falls within the scope of Regulation (EU) 1215/2012 (Brussels I recast) instead of Regulation (EU) 2015/848 (Insolvency Regulation) On 6 February 2019, the European Court of Justice ruled that the Peeters/Gatzen claim falls within the scope of Regulation Brussels I and therefore the Regulation on Insolvency Proceedings does not apply. Handbook on the Netherlands Commercial Court published To coincide with the opening of the Netherlands Commercial Court, Matthijs Kuijpers of Stibbe Amsterdam has released the handbook on this new court setting out all relevant information concerning this new international court and what it may offer parties Stibbe represents ING Stibbe represented ING Bank in a major contractual dispute with market maker company Cross Options. In the early 1990s, ING Bank and Cross Options both held shares in the clearing institution Extra Clearing, listed on the Amsterdam Options Exchange. Stibbe represents BP Plc in a successful defence in a securities class action initiated by Dutch Shareholders Association VEB before the Amsterdam District Court On 28 September 2016, the Amsterdam District Court granted a motion to dismiss for lack of international jurisdiction filed by BP in a securities class action initiated by VEB. VEB had requested a declaratory judgment on the basis of Article 3:305a Dutch Stibbe represents Mylan On 27 July 2015, Teva Pharmaceutical Industries announced that it has withdrawn its previously announced hostile bid to acquire Mylan N.V. Stibbe represented Mylan in this successful takeover defence and advised Mylan on both litigation and EU competition Unauthorized representation: liability of the intermediary This blog is one of the blogs in a series called “Commercial contracts in the Netherlands”. It is discussed as to under which circumstances third parties can hold the intermediary liable for damage suffered due to unauthorized representation. Aard en uitleg van statuten Al lange tijd is het een gemeenplaats in de rechtspraak en de literatuur dat statuten zo niet steeds, dan ten minste in beginsel naar objectieve maatstaven uitgelegd moeten worden. Biolicious! Afdeling kiest voor nieuwe lijn bij bepaling causaal verband in schadevergoedingszaken Het was al een goed jaar, 2016, met een ruime oogst aan uitspraken over rechtsmachtverdeling, causaal verband en relativiteit. Maar op 28 december heeft de Afdeling een klap op de vuurpijl gegeven door haar Ameland-jurisprudentie bij te stellen. Sustainability of exoneration clauses and commercial contracts In Dutch legal practice, contracting parties often agree on exoneration clauses in commercial contracts. Exoneration clauses limit or exclude the debtor’s liability. Negotiating a contract under conditions; subject to approval In Dutch legal practice, one of the most common conditions is the reservation of approval or the “subject to approval” clause. Toni van Hees verlaat na 40 jaar de advocatuur Per 1 september 2022 heeft Toni van Hees, partner in Stibbe’s Commercial Litigation praktijk, ons kantoor verlaten. Pagination Previous page Page 4 Current page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Next page
Legislative proposal for mass damages claims approved by the Dutch House of Representatives On 29 January 2019, the Dutch House of Representatives approved the legislative proposal that introduces collective actions for damages under article 3:305a of the Dutch Civil Code (DCC). This proposal aims to amend article 3:305a DCC to enable collective
Consultatie voorontwerp Wet 'bedenktijd beursvennootschappen' en overige ontwikkelingen ten aanzien van de bescherming van vitale sectoren Eerder behandelden wij de toegenomen aandacht, zowel in Nederland als in Europees verband, voor bescherming van beursgenoteerde vennootschappen tegen ongewenste overnames en bescherming van vitale economische sectoren.
Netherlands Commercial Court van start Op 1 januari 2019 zijn op basis van de Wet Netherlands Commercial Court het Netherlands Commercial Court (NCC) en het Netherlands Commercial Court of Appeal (NCCA) van start gegaan.
Amended governance rules addressing third party funding for collective claim organizations On 4 March 2019, an amended version of the Dutch "Claimcode" was published. The Claimcode is an instrument of self-regulation, created by parties who are active on the claims market.
15 aspects of Brexit you did not know A Brexit without a deal, or with a deal that does not cover all relevant aspects, is still a potential scenario. We have highlighted a number of unexpected legal consequences of Brexit in such a no deal or incomplete deal scenario.
Legislative proposal on mass damages claims approved by the Dutch Senate On 19 March 2019, the Dutch Senate approved the legislative proposal that introduces collective actions for damages under article 3:305a of the Dutch Civil Code (DCC). As the legislative proposal did not give rise to any debate in the Senate, it was passe
Steven Hijink over vertrouwen en transparantie in het ondernemingsrecht Steven Hijink sprak op 9 november 2018 zijn inaugurale rede uit met als titel: 'Vertrouwen en transparantie' – de complexe verhouding tussen transparantieverplichtingen en vertrouwen in het ondernemingsrecht. De bewerkte tekst van zijn oratie is gepublice
European Court of Justice resolves – Peeters/Gatzen claim falls within the scope of Regulation (EU) 1215/2012 (Brussels I recast) instead of Regulation (EU) 2015/848 (Insolvency Regulation) On 6 February 2019, the European Court of Justice ruled that the Peeters/Gatzen claim falls within the scope of Regulation Brussels I and therefore the Regulation on Insolvency Proceedings does not apply.
Handbook on the Netherlands Commercial Court published To coincide with the opening of the Netherlands Commercial Court, Matthijs Kuijpers of Stibbe Amsterdam has released the handbook on this new court setting out all relevant information concerning this new international court and what it may offer parties
Stibbe represents ING Stibbe represented ING Bank in a major contractual dispute with market maker company Cross Options. In the early 1990s, ING Bank and Cross Options both held shares in the clearing institution Extra Clearing, listed on the Amsterdam Options Exchange.
Stibbe represents BP Plc in a successful defence in a securities class action initiated by Dutch Shareholders Association VEB before the Amsterdam District Court On 28 September 2016, the Amsterdam District Court granted a motion to dismiss for lack of international jurisdiction filed by BP in a securities class action initiated by VEB. VEB had requested a declaratory judgment on the basis of Article 3:305a Dutch
Stibbe represents Mylan On 27 July 2015, Teva Pharmaceutical Industries announced that it has withdrawn its previously announced hostile bid to acquire Mylan N.V. Stibbe represented Mylan in this successful takeover defence and advised Mylan on both litigation and EU competition
Unauthorized representation: liability of the intermediary This blog is one of the blogs in a series called “Commercial contracts in the Netherlands”. It is discussed as to under which circumstances third parties can hold the intermediary liable for damage suffered due to unauthorized representation.
Aard en uitleg van statuten Al lange tijd is het een gemeenplaats in de rechtspraak en de literatuur dat statuten zo niet steeds, dan ten minste in beginsel naar objectieve maatstaven uitgelegd moeten worden.
Biolicious! Afdeling kiest voor nieuwe lijn bij bepaling causaal verband in schadevergoedingszaken Het was al een goed jaar, 2016, met een ruime oogst aan uitspraken over rechtsmachtverdeling, causaal verband en relativiteit. Maar op 28 december heeft de Afdeling een klap op de vuurpijl gegeven door haar Ameland-jurisprudentie bij te stellen.
Sustainability of exoneration clauses and commercial contracts In Dutch legal practice, contracting parties often agree on exoneration clauses in commercial contracts. Exoneration clauses limit or exclude the debtor’s liability.
Negotiating a contract under conditions; subject to approval In Dutch legal practice, one of the most common conditions is the reservation of approval or the “subject to approval” clause.
Toni van Hees verlaat na 40 jaar de advocatuur Per 1 september 2022 heeft Toni van Hees, partner in Stibbe’s Commercial Litigation praktijk, ons kantoor verlaten.