16 results The latest Legal Updates straight to your mailbox We publish high-quality legal knowledge and insights on our website on a daily basis. If you would like to be promptly informed about the latest developments within your areas of interest, we invite you to sign up for our Legal Updates. De laatste Legal Updates direct in uw mailbox Dagelijks publiceren wij op onze website hoogwaardige juridische kennis en vooruitzichten. Wilt u snel op de hoogte zijn van de meest actuele ontwikkelingen binnen uw interessegebieden? Meld u dan aan voor onze Legal Updates. Dutch tax insights in debt restructuring cases We will highlight certain focus areas from a Dutch tax perspective in debt restructuring cases involving a Dutch debtor, also considering creditors holding or obtaining an equity stake – directly or indirectly - in the borrowing entity. Contractual clauses prohibiting the transferability or pledgeability of business claims could become void in the near future We discuss a draft bill to declare contractual clauses limiting the transferability and/or pledgeability of claims in business relations void, and call upon the Dutch Senate to reconsider at least its applicability to existing contracts. Wetsvoorstel opheffing verpandingsverboden: (mogelijke) impact op de financieringspraktijk Het op 2/6/2020 bij de Tweede Kamer ingediende wetsvoorstel opheffing verpandingsverboden beoogt de bestaande praktijk van het contractueel overeenkomen van verboden of beperkingen van de overdracht of verpanding van geldvorderingen op naam op te heffen. Cease fire on troubled companies! Royal Decree temporarily suspends enforcement Royal Decree No. 15 introduces a temporary moratorium amid COVID-19, shielding debtor-companies from enforcement measures and bankruptcy declarations. Impact van de coronacrisis op ICT-overeenkomsten De uitbraak van het coronavirus heeft gevolgen voor de gang van zaken binnen iedere organisatie. Mogelijk ook op uw contracten met leveranciers of juist afnemers van ICT. Het onderstaande overzicht bevat aandachtspunten voor het bepalen van uw positie ten Key considerations for management and owners of Dutch privately held companies in distress due to COVID-19 The COVID-19 pandemic has a significant and immediate adverse effect on many companies in different industries. Many PE portfolio companies are particularly vulnerable given the typical high leverage finance structure and inherent need to maintain cash fl Job van Hooff and Daisy Nijkamp present webinar on The Dutch scheme (WHOA) – the upcoming new Dutch restructuring tool Job van Hooff and Daisy Nijkamp, in collaboration with Lexology, will present a webinar on WHOA on 2 April 2020. During the webinar they will look at a new bill prepared by the Dutch legislature - the Act on the Confirmation of Private Restructuring Plans Onzeker ondernemingsrecht – het coronavirus and beyond It is a world of change in which we live, and a world of uncertainty” Het bovenstaande citaat is van de Amerikaanse econoom Frank H. Knight en afkomstig uit zijn in 1921 verschenen boek.1 Knight beschrijft daarin wat het belang is van het concept “onzek 'Bedrijven dreigen door corona op grote schaal het loodje te leggen. Wetgever grijp in!' Door het gemak waarmee krediet kon worden verkregen en de extreem lage kosten ervan, hebben veel bedrijven grote leningen aangetrokken. De schuldenpositie van bedrijven is nog nooit zo groot geweest. Quarter century bankruptcy settlement and estate debts To mark the publication’s 25th anniversary, the editors of the Dutch Journal for Insolvency Law have invited Gertjan Boekraad to author an article on how the issue of bankruptcy settlement has developed in legal doctrine over the past quarter of a century De schikkende pandhouder De deur op een kier voor goederenrechtelijke partijafspraken? EU reshaping the restructuring landscape? Directive on Restructuring and Insolvency approved by EU Council The Council of the European Union adopted a proposal for a Directive on restructuring and insolvency (2016/0359 (COD) on 6 June 2019. The Directive will enter into force twenty days after it is published in the Official Journal of the European Union. The qualification of a (commercial) contract The Dutch Civil Code provides for several nominate contracts, for example: contractor agreements, purchase agreements, lease contracts, agency agreements and employment contracts. Dutch Supreme Court decides against the pledgeability of non-transferable claims Lawyers occasionally wonder how the law ended up as it is. We had that experience after the Dutch Supreme Court’s decision of 1 July 2022 (Rabobank/Ten Berge q.q.; ECLI:NL:HR:2022:984), regarding the possibility or impossibility of pledging a claim.
The latest Legal Updates straight to your mailbox We publish high-quality legal knowledge and insights on our website on a daily basis. If you would like to be promptly informed about the latest developments within your areas of interest, we invite you to sign up for our Legal Updates.
De laatste Legal Updates direct in uw mailbox Dagelijks publiceren wij op onze website hoogwaardige juridische kennis en vooruitzichten. Wilt u snel op de hoogte zijn van de meest actuele ontwikkelingen binnen uw interessegebieden? Meld u dan aan voor onze Legal Updates.
Dutch tax insights in debt restructuring cases We will highlight certain focus areas from a Dutch tax perspective in debt restructuring cases involving a Dutch debtor, also considering creditors holding or obtaining an equity stake – directly or indirectly - in the borrowing entity.
Contractual clauses prohibiting the transferability or pledgeability of business claims could become void in the near future We discuss a draft bill to declare contractual clauses limiting the transferability and/or pledgeability of claims in business relations void, and call upon the Dutch Senate to reconsider at least its applicability to existing contracts.
Wetsvoorstel opheffing verpandingsverboden: (mogelijke) impact op de financieringspraktijk Het op 2/6/2020 bij de Tweede Kamer ingediende wetsvoorstel opheffing verpandingsverboden beoogt de bestaande praktijk van het contractueel overeenkomen van verboden of beperkingen van de overdracht of verpanding van geldvorderingen op naam op te heffen.
Cease fire on troubled companies! Royal Decree temporarily suspends enforcement Royal Decree No. 15 introduces a temporary moratorium amid COVID-19, shielding debtor-companies from enforcement measures and bankruptcy declarations.
Impact van de coronacrisis op ICT-overeenkomsten De uitbraak van het coronavirus heeft gevolgen voor de gang van zaken binnen iedere organisatie. Mogelijk ook op uw contracten met leveranciers of juist afnemers van ICT. Het onderstaande overzicht bevat aandachtspunten voor het bepalen van uw positie ten
Key considerations for management and owners of Dutch privately held companies in distress due to COVID-19 The COVID-19 pandemic has a significant and immediate adverse effect on many companies in different industries. Many PE portfolio companies are particularly vulnerable given the typical high leverage finance structure and inherent need to maintain cash fl
Job van Hooff and Daisy Nijkamp present webinar on The Dutch scheme (WHOA) – the upcoming new Dutch restructuring tool Job van Hooff and Daisy Nijkamp, in collaboration with Lexology, will present a webinar on WHOA on 2 April 2020. During the webinar they will look at a new bill prepared by the Dutch legislature - the Act on the Confirmation of Private Restructuring Plans
Onzeker ondernemingsrecht – het coronavirus and beyond It is a world of change in which we live, and a world of uncertainty” Het bovenstaande citaat is van de Amerikaanse econoom Frank H. Knight en afkomstig uit zijn in 1921 verschenen boek.1 Knight beschrijft daarin wat het belang is van het concept “onzek
'Bedrijven dreigen door corona op grote schaal het loodje te leggen. Wetgever grijp in!' Door het gemak waarmee krediet kon worden verkregen en de extreem lage kosten ervan, hebben veel bedrijven grote leningen aangetrokken. De schuldenpositie van bedrijven is nog nooit zo groot geweest.
Quarter century bankruptcy settlement and estate debts To mark the publication’s 25th anniversary, the editors of the Dutch Journal for Insolvency Law have invited Gertjan Boekraad to author an article on how the issue of bankruptcy settlement has developed in legal doctrine over the past quarter of a century
EU reshaping the restructuring landscape? Directive on Restructuring and Insolvency approved by EU Council The Council of the European Union adopted a proposal for a Directive on restructuring and insolvency (2016/0359 (COD) on 6 June 2019. The Directive will enter into force twenty days after it is published in the Official Journal of the European Union.
The qualification of a (commercial) contract The Dutch Civil Code provides for several nominate contracts, for example: contractor agreements, purchase agreements, lease contracts, agency agreements and employment contracts.
Dutch Supreme Court decides against the pledgeability of non-transferable claims Lawyers occasionally wonder how the law ended up as it is. We had that experience after the Dutch Supreme Court’s decision of 1 July 2022 (Rabobank/Ten Berge q.q.; ECLI:NL:HR:2022:984), regarding the possibility or impossibility of pledging a claim.