Unequal pay in the judiciary: Stibbe advises Bureau Clara Wichmann

NL Law

The current remuneration policy within the judiciary has resulted in a gender pay gap. This disparity was highlighted by, among other things, a research report from Erasmus Q-Intelligence, published on 16 January 2023. On 3 July 2024, Bureau Clara Wichmann, together with two female judges, gave the Dutch state a final opportunity to rectify the unequal pay between male and female members of the judiciary.

The state is required to replace the existing discriminatory remuneration policy in the judiciary with a non-discriminatory pay system and to compensate the female judges and public prosecutors who have been underpaid for years. As the state failed to comply with these demands within the allotted two-week deadline, Bureau Clara Wichmann and the claimants have filed a complaint with The Netherlands Institute for Human Rights (College voor de Rechten van de Mens).

Stibbe has been advising Bureau Clara Wichmann on this case on a pro bono basis for several years.  A significant number of colleagues have been involved since 2019. Two Stibbe lawyers are currently assisting Bureau Clara Wichmann and the claimants.