Stibbe advises The Hague, Staedion and Heijmans

NL Law

Stibbe advises the Municipality of The Hague, Housing Association Staedion, and Heijmans on a major inner city restructuring in The Hague area, consisting of the (re)development of 5,500 houses, commercial real estate and public areas.

The restructuring of the Dreven, Gaarden and Zichten areas of The Hague consists of the renovation of 2,000 social housing units, the construction of 3,500 new houses and the realisation of commercial real estate and public areas.

The project aims to transform the dated areas of Dreven, Gaarden and Zichten into an attractive, lively and sustainable living neighborhood, where special attention will be given to the social function of the area. Current residents will get the opportunity to stay in the area after the restructuring. Available spaces will be used more intensively.

Stibbe acts as legal advisor during all phases of the project. Topics on which the multidisciplinary team have advised include contract law, procurement law, state aid and environment & planning.

On Wednesday, 23 March, the three parties signed the cooperation agreement, which is the starting point for the execution of the first phase. Stibbe will continue advising the parties during the subsequent phases of the project.

Stibbe Team: Erik Verweij, David Orobio de Castro, Daniël Muis, Ali al Khatib, Ramses Walon, Johan Vrolijk, Boris Cammelbeeck, Jan van Oosten, Anne-Marie Span, Eloïse Spoelman, Cees Graafland, Tom Barkhuysen, and Rachel Brown

For more information, see:

Eerste fase Dreven, Gaarden en Zichten van start | Heijmans N.V.

Vernieuwing Dreven, Gaarden en Zichten | Heijmans N.V.

Staedion werkt samen in Dreven, Gaarden, Zichten