Events Expertise Audit Firms and Accountancy Banking and Finance Capital Markets Compliance, Sanctions and Risk Corporate Investigations Corporate and M&A Criminal Law and Enforcement Digital Economy ESG & Sustainability EU and Competition Law Employment, Benefits and Pensions Energy, Industry and Climate Environment and Planning Financial Regulation Healthcare and Life Sciences Infrastructure and Mobility Insurance Intellectual Property Investment Funds Litigation and Arbitration Privacy and Data Protection Private Equity Procurement Law Public Law Real Estate Restructuring and Insolvency Sports Stibbe StartsUP Tax Technology, Media and Telecommunications Unfair Competition and Consumer Protection Jurisdiction NL Law BE Law LU Law EU Law Language English Dutch French Date From Till Apply Clear Event 01.10.2020 LU Law EU Law Séminaire sur la mobilité transfrontalière en UE animé par François Bernard 01/10 François Bernard (Stibbe Luxembourg) animera le séminaire au titre "L’aube d’une nouvelle ère de mobilité transfrontalière pour les entreprises au sein de l’Union européenne", organisé par Paperjam dans les locaux de la Chambre des Salariés du Luxembourg. Event 18.09.2020 BE Law Stibbe hosts a webinar on dawn raids organised by IBJ/IJE 18/09 Several Stibbe lawyers explain the rights and obligations of companies when confronted with announced or unannounced raids. What do to when, for example, tax authorities, the competition authorities, police services or a bailiff are at your doorstep? Event 07.09.2020 NL Law Anna Collignon speaks at study day of the VMA/Grotius advanced course in Environmental Law 07/09 On Tuesday 8 September, the Association of Environmental Lawyers (VMA) is organising a study day of the VMA/Grotius advanced course in Environmental Law. Anna Collignon will speak about the current legal framework for nitrogen deposition and jurisprudence Event 04.09.2020 NL Law Ingmar de Groot en David Orobio de Castro geven studiemiddag over projectfinanciering 04/09 Op woensdag 30 september organiseert het Instituut voor Bouwrecht (IBR) een studiemiddag over projectfinanciering van bouwprojecten. Ingmar de Groot en David Orobio de Castro zijn beiden spreker tijdens deze middag. Event 02.07.2020 NL Law Online roundtable meeting: Spotlight on the Renewed Sustainable Finance Strategy 02/07 Stibbe presents an online roundtable meeting on Thursday 2 July 2020 (11:00-12:00) focusing on the Renewed Sustainable Finance Strategy. Event 30.06.2020 NL Law BE Law LU Law International webinar on cloud computing in the financial sector 30/06 Stibbe is organising an international webinar on cloud computing in the financial sector - What financial institutions need to know when considering a move to the Cloud. The webinar takes place on 30 June 2020 at 4:00 pm. Event 09.06.2020 NL Law Real Estate Developments Webinar 09/06 On Thursday 18 June 2020 Maarten de Bruin, Jan van Oosten, Boris Cammelbeeck and Johan Vrolijk will present an hour-long webinar (in Dutch) concerning recent developments in the field of lease law, environmental law and taxation. Event 02.06.2020 BE Law Webinar : Vers une coupure de l’eau et/ou de l’électricité? 02/06 Plans d'urgence et responsabilités en cas de délestage divers médias ont rapporté ces derniers jours que la Belgique fera face à une vague de sécheresse ces prochains mois. Event 02.06.2020 BE Law Webinar: Wordt u straks afgeschakeld van water en/of elektriciteit? 02/06 Noodplannen & aansprakelijkheden bij afschakeling Er wordt gerapporteerd over droogteplannen en afschakelplannen. Het risico op onderbrekingen van de water- en elektriciteitsvoorziening (centrales hebben water voor koeling nodig) wordt reëel. Event 15.05.2020 NL Law Webinar: Nitrogen regulation and area development 15/05 Stibbe’s Amsterdam office, in cooperation with the Stichting Kennis Gebiedsontwikkeling, is organising a webinar on the state of affairs regarding nitrogen regulation and the opportunities for area development. The webinar will he held on Wednesday 3 June Event 27.04.2020 LU Law Webinar on the new regime applicable to cross-border conversions, mergers and divisions 27/04 François Bernard, will conduct a webinar in Luxembourg on Tuesday 5 May (10:00 - 12:00) in collaboration with Legitech on Directive (EU) 2019/2121 amending Directive (EU) 2017/1132 as regards cross-border conversions, mergers and divisions. Event 20.04.2020 NL Law Webinar on restructuring of corporate finance and distressed M&A 20/04 The global COVID-19 crisis poses major challenges to many companies, their shareholders and financiers. On Thursday 23 April 2020 from 13.30 to 14.30 (CEST) Stibbe organizes a webinar on restructuring of corporate finance and distressed M&A. Stibbe partne Pagination Previous page Page 9 Current page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Next page
Event 01.10.2020 LU Law EU Law Séminaire sur la mobilité transfrontalière en UE animé par François Bernard 01/10 François Bernard (Stibbe Luxembourg) animera le séminaire au titre "L’aube d’une nouvelle ère de mobilité transfrontalière pour les entreprises au sein de l’Union européenne", organisé par Paperjam dans les locaux de la Chambre des Salariés du Luxembourg.
Event 18.09.2020 BE Law Stibbe hosts a webinar on dawn raids organised by IBJ/IJE 18/09 Several Stibbe lawyers explain the rights and obligations of companies when confronted with announced or unannounced raids. What do to when, for example, tax authorities, the competition authorities, police services or a bailiff are at your doorstep?
Event 07.09.2020 NL Law Anna Collignon speaks at study day of the VMA/Grotius advanced course in Environmental Law 07/09 On Tuesday 8 September, the Association of Environmental Lawyers (VMA) is organising a study day of the VMA/Grotius advanced course in Environmental Law. Anna Collignon will speak about the current legal framework for nitrogen deposition and jurisprudence
Event 04.09.2020 NL Law Ingmar de Groot en David Orobio de Castro geven studiemiddag over projectfinanciering 04/09 Op woensdag 30 september organiseert het Instituut voor Bouwrecht (IBR) een studiemiddag over projectfinanciering van bouwprojecten. Ingmar de Groot en David Orobio de Castro zijn beiden spreker tijdens deze middag.
Event 02.07.2020 NL Law Online roundtable meeting: Spotlight on the Renewed Sustainable Finance Strategy 02/07 Stibbe presents an online roundtable meeting on Thursday 2 July 2020 (11:00-12:00) focusing on the Renewed Sustainable Finance Strategy.
Event 30.06.2020 NL Law BE Law LU Law International webinar on cloud computing in the financial sector 30/06 Stibbe is organising an international webinar on cloud computing in the financial sector - What financial institutions need to know when considering a move to the Cloud. The webinar takes place on 30 June 2020 at 4:00 pm.
Event 09.06.2020 NL Law Real Estate Developments Webinar 09/06 On Thursday 18 June 2020 Maarten de Bruin, Jan van Oosten, Boris Cammelbeeck and Johan Vrolijk will present an hour-long webinar (in Dutch) concerning recent developments in the field of lease law, environmental law and taxation.
Event 02.06.2020 BE Law Webinar : Vers une coupure de l’eau et/ou de l’électricité? 02/06 Plans d'urgence et responsabilités en cas de délestage divers médias ont rapporté ces derniers jours que la Belgique fera face à une vague de sécheresse ces prochains mois.
Event 02.06.2020 BE Law Webinar: Wordt u straks afgeschakeld van water en/of elektriciteit? 02/06 Noodplannen & aansprakelijkheden bij afschakeling Er wordt gerapporteerd over droogteplannen en afschakelplannen. Het risico op onderbrekingen van de water- en elektriciteitsvoorziening (centrales hebben water voor koeling nodig) wordt reëel.
Event 15.05.2020 NL Law Webinar: Nitrogen regulation and area development 15/05 Stibbe’s Amsterdam office, in cooperation with the Stichting Kennis Gebiedsontwikkeling, is organising a webinar on the state of affairs regarding nitrogen regulation and the opportunities for area development. The webinar will he held on Wednesday 3 June
Event 27.04.2020 LU Law Webinar on the new regime applicable to cross-border conversions, mergers and divisions 27/04 François Bernard, will conduct a webinar in Luxembourg on Tuesday 5 May (10:00 - 12:00) in collaboration with Legitech on Directive (EU) 2019/2121 amending Directive (EU) 2017/1132 as regards cross-border conversions, mergers and divisions.
Event 20.04.2020 NL Law Webinar on restructuring of corporate finance and distressed M&A 20/04 The global COVID-19 crisis poses major challenges to many companies, their shareholders and financiers. On Thursday 23 April 2020 from 13.30 to 14.30 (CEST) Stibbe organizes a webinar on restructuring of corporate finance and distressed M&A. Stibbe partne