Christof Swaak
Christof represents multi-national companies in competition related matters before the European Commission, the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg, national competition authorities including the Dutch Authority for Consumers & Markets and the relevant national courts.

Christof Swaak
Christof represents multi-national companies in competition related matters before the European Commission, the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg, national competition authorities including the Dutch Authority for Consumers & Markets and the relevant national courts.
Christof Swaak
He is a recognized expert in complex multi-jurisdictional matters, leniency and compliance issues and related litigation.
Christof received a PhD in European law and was a senior lecturer at the European Institute of Leiden University. He has published many articles in legal journals, co-authored several books and participated in panels at programs sponsored by organisations such as the American Bar Association and the International Bar Association.
Christof has been active as ad-hoc professor at various law schools including Fordham Law School (New York, USA), Yale Law School (New Haven, USA), Erasmus University (Rotterdam, NL) and Curacao University (Dutch Antilles). For several years, he has been a non-governmental agent (NGA) for the European Commission and participated in panels at the European Competition Network (ECN) and International Competition Network (ICN).