Employment, Benefits and Pensions
Equal Pay
The European and Dutch legislatures have taken several legislative initiatives that aim to address the gender pay gap.
This website (in Dutch) enables employers to stay informed on their current and upcoming legal obligations on gender equal pay that follow from the Pay Transparency Directive and the Dutch equal pay bill.
New Dutch pension system (Nieuw pensioenstelsel)
Providing an up-to-date source of developments from parliament and elsewhere concerning the Pension Agreement (Pensioenakkoord) and its implementation. This website (in Dutch only) enables employers to easily follow the upcoming potential changes in the Dutch pension system; all changes will be reported here, as they happen.
Platform labour (Platformarbeid)
The rise in the number of digital work platforms, such as Uber and Helpling, inevitably increases labour law issues. Answers to questions on these issues are often unclear. The impact of platform work can be wide-ranging and influences not only platform workers and work platforms but also traditional labour relations. Through this website (in Dutch only) we share our knowledge and fascination on this new dimension in the context of labour law.
Temporary emergency bridging measure for work retention (NOW)
With the Temporary emergency bridging measure for work retention (known as the NOW), the Dutch government aims to soften the economic consequences of the corona crisis and preserve employment. The developments surrounding the NOW subsidy continue at a rapid pace.
On this special website (in Dutch) you will find literature, case law, regulations and news items about the NOW, parliamentary documentation and our short reads with legal explanations of NOW developments.
New Dutch Dismissal Law (Nieuw ontslagrecht)
Providing an up-to-date source of parliamentary developments regarding the new dismissal law in the Netherlands, this website (in Dutch) enables clients to easily follow the legislative process of the Work and Security Act (Wet werk en zekerheid – Wwz) and the Labour Market in Balance Act (Wet arbeidsmarkt in balans – Wab). As changes occur, they will be reported here.