Criminal Law and Enforcement

From the start of any domestic or international investigation or prosecution, we provide immediate assistance and guidance to our corporate clients and their executives.

Dedicated to handling complex criminal matters, our expert team provides assistance in matters relating to fraud, money-laundering, corruption, environmental criminal law, industrial accidents, market abuse and many other criminal offences. Our specialists combine in-depth legal knowledge with a pragmatic approach.

Business meeting man woman
BE Law

Stibbe advises PAG-ASA

Over the past years, Stibbe has collaborated with PAG-ASA by providing pro bono legal aid to victims and representing them before the criminal courts.

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Cropped close-up of two people having a seated meeting where the woman is taking notes
NL Law

Pro Bono Collaborative for Refugees in the Netherlands

Stibbe participated in the Pro Bono Collaborative for Refugees in the Netherlands of The Dutch Council for Refugees (Stichting Vluchtelingenwerk) in 2022 and 2023.

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Amsterdam gracht fiets
NL Law

Stibbe advises former CEO NS

On November 21 2017, the Public Prosecutor demanded a year of unconditional prison sentence against the former president Timo Huges of the Dutch Railways (NS) for his role in alleged fraud concerning the tender for regional public transport in Limburg. On

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NL Law

Stibbe advises companies with regard to investigations of the Social Affairs and Employment (SAE) Inspectorate

Providing legal assistance to several companies with regard to investigations of the Social Affairs and Employment Inspectorate (SAE, in Dutch: Inspectie Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid) and imposed fines under the Foreign Nationals (Employment) Act. 

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We provide assistance right from the start of any investigation. We assist corporate clients, their management and other executives during raids and interrogations by investigative authorities. We defend them during the entire procedure before the District Court, Court of Appeal, Dutch and Belgium Supreme Court (Hoge Raad / Hof van Cassatie / Cour de cassation) and European Court of Human Rights. In addition, we have extensive experience in conducting out-of-court settlement negotiations with prosecuting authorities.

Our clients include corporates from the financial, banking, accounting, industrial, construction and real estate sectors. Thanks to our long experience in the field of corporate criminal law, we combine in-depth legal knowledge with practical knowledge of sector-specific interests. For years in a row, the team has been listed in the league tables as a top tier firm in the field of corporate criminal law and enforcement.

Working in close partnership with our Public Law, Tax Law and EU and Competition Law practice groups, we ensure that our clients enjoy all the benefits that our full-service firm can offer.

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Recognition & Awards

"The firm stands out for the outstanding knowledge and expertise of the Stibbe partners and associates in the field of fraud and white-collar crime, their people-oriented client service delivery mindset, and their ability and drive to deliver in time high quality legal advice."

The Legal 500
Fraud and White-Collar Crime

"They are experts with in-depth knowledge across the full range of environmental legislation and they are available to provide practical advice at short notice."

The Legal 500
Fraud and White-Collar Crime

"This team is the best of the best. All team members are fully dedicated, they provide excellent quality, and they always respond swiftly."

The Legal 500
Fraud and White-Collar Crime

"Service-oriented, expertise and availability."

The Legal 500
Fraud and White-Collar Crime

"Experienced and professional team. Multi-disciplinary and expert legal services. Internal follow-up is well organised."

The Legal 500
Fraud and White-Collar Crime

"Highly structured, pragmatic and well-connected all over Europe."

The Legal 500
Fraud and White-Collar Crime

"To the point approach, managing expectations and giving clear and concise advice."

The Legal 500
Fraud and White-Collar Crime

"Always a sure and secure stop, without a doubt the team I love to work with on any matter. Exceptional technical skills combined with solid case management, strategic views and utmost easy to work with."

The Legal 500
Fraud and White-Collar Crime