Wim Panis
Wim specialises in Belgian and international tax law, including corporate tax, legal entities tax, and indirect tax.

Wim specialises in Belgian and international tax law, including corporate tax, legal entities tax, and indirect tax.
Wim has particular expertise in indirect taxation (VAT, registration duties, etc.), real estate taxation, the tax status of real estate investment funds (REITs, etc.), taxability of public authorities, and public-private partnerships (PPPs). His experience also encompasses sector-specific tax issues, including taxation in the e-commerce industry, tax shelter regimes for the audio-visual sector, and specific taxes applicable in the energy and utilities sector. Clients come to Wim for tax advice, transaction structuring, ruling applications and tax litigation (before Belgian courts and the European Court of Justice).
He is a board member of the Belgian branch of the International Fiscal Association. He is also a member of the editorial board of the leading tax journal Tijdschrift voor Fiscaal Recht. Furthermore, he is the author of various publications on his areas of expertise and a regular guest speaker at seminars and conferences. As guest lecturer at Fiscale Hogeschool in Brussels, Wim gives a course on VAT litigation rules.
Wim graduated in Law from KU Leuven in 2002. He also obtained a degree in Tax Law from Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management in 2004.
Wim joined the Brussels office of Stibbe in 2002.