Unified Patent Court and Unitary Patent On the 1st of June 2023, the European patent landscape has undergone a substantial change with the launch of the Unified Patent Court (‘UPC’) and the Unitary Patent.
International Comparative Legal Guide - Patents Law & Regulations - Belgium Chapter The ICLG to Patents Law & Regulations covers common issues in patent laws and regulations – including enforcement, amendment, licensing, term extension, and prosecution.
Keeping up with Belgian patent litigation: Year case law review 2022 Stibbe's IP team recapped last year's patent case law in Belgium for the IPKat Blog. IPKat regularly publishes on European patent law and is one of the most popular blogs dedicated to IP law.
Stibbe named ‘Belgium Patent Disputes Firm of the Year' by Managing IP We are delighted to have been named ‘Belgium Patent Disputes Firm of the Year’ for the second year in a row at the annual Managing IP Awards ceremony held on 21 June 2023.
Webinar: The contraversial Bayer judgment and its potential impact on patent litigation in Europe Philippe Campolini, IP partner at Stibbe in Brussels, acts as panelist in a webinar organised by EPLAW (the European Patent Lawyers Association) on the contraversial Bayer judgment and its potential impact on patent litigation in Europe.
Overview of the most important decisions rendered in Belgian patent litigation cases in 2020 Stibbe's IP team recapped last year's patent case law in Belgium for the IPKat Blog. IPKat regularly publishes on European patent law and is one of the most popular blogs dedicated to IP law.
Stibbe named ‘Belgium Patent Contentious Firm of the Year' by Managing IP We are delighted to have been named ‘Belgium Patent Contentious Firm of the Year’ at the annual Managing IP Awards ceremony on 15 June 2022.